Part 10: Emergency Session 2: Earth
The fuck is wrong with you people?! How is this even a debate?! They're up there on the moon-our Moon!-and you spotted dick suckers are ARGUIN' ABOUT WHAT TA DO?!
We may never encounter their like again. This is an opportunity we may never get again.
And good fuckin' riddance, if ya ask me!
*Ahem* President Svensgaard, you may wish to explain the situation to the senators who have just arrived.
Huh? Oh, right. Well, you all probably know already the situation up on the Moon. Dug too deep, uncovered shit that should never have been found, that sorta nonsense. What you don't know is that these weasel wankers have come up with "solutions" that aren't just "nuke the site from orbit."
Now I know that killin' 'em off straight away is on the expensive side, but damn it, we can afford ta murder them off! This is Earth, goddamn it!
I suppose we could destroy them immediately if we went through several extremely expensive mobilization procedures, but we could also destroy them for a tiny fraction of the cost by following standard procedure. Many more would likely die, this is true, but we have to look at the big picture.
Seems to me yer just lookin' at yer pocketbook.
These machines run on incredibly advanced technology. If we were to capture some of them intact, our technical abilities would increase significantly. It would take much longer and several cities might fall in the attempt, but our advances in the fields of weaponry and armor would mean that more lives would be saved in the long run.
Now yer just bein' stupid. I'm leavin' until you dickwads get yer shit together and vote right.
Using nuclear weapons on the site of the excavation would cause irreparable damage to the Moon. I would prefer a ground attack.
I dislike war, but these machines cannot be reasoned with. I suggest we destroy them as quickly as possible.
The ground of Earth and her satellite is sacred, and should not be impugned upon by any alien, ancient or modern. Destroy them immediately!
Kill them all; I care not how long it takes.
It would be too hasty, I think, to annihilate such a hidden surprise as this. They seek to destroy us all with their mass drivers and beam weapons, but how would our enemies like it to see such weapons turned against them? Our people should be glad to sacrifice themselves for the greater good in this fashion.
As an aside, I'd like to mention two things: first, that "+8 technology" means that Earth will get a permanent +8 to its research ability, which is only around 20, and even late-game it'll only to around 40 or 50 on average. Additionally, if there's one planet where 200 million people can be called a drop in the bucket, it's Earth. The difference will be made up in a matter of weeks.