The Let's Play Archive

Master of Orion II

by nweismuller

Part 22: Economic Technologies, Institutions, and Methodologies of the Known Galactic Region, YE 600

Economic Technologies, Institutions, and Methodologies of the Known Galactic Region, YE 600

A combination of independent discoveries and diffusion of knowledge generated by different civilisations has led to strong development from conditions extant as of the dawn of the FTL era in the region. Members of Narestan civilisation have reliable information on a total of seven different civilisations, and vague reports on an eighth, which is believed to be generally more backwards than the first seven. The civilisations with the strongest overall technological position are, overall, those with the longest contact and association with Narestan civilisation.

The most productive economy overall in the region is that of Narestan civilisation, which also maintains profitable trade relations with the other six civilisations it is in contact with. Entrepreneurship and economic flexibility is excellent, which is only augmented by the unparalleled economic freedom of Narestan civilisation. Narestan aptitude at the sciences and systematic rational inquiry has made it the most scientifically and technologically innovative civilisation in known space. Productivity in commerce, heavy industry, research, and agriculture has been significantly bolstered by developments over the past two centuries, while waste processing technology has begun to cut down on the worst side-effects of industrial development. Most recently a series of process and equipment innovations in multiple sectors of the economy has bolstered productivity in a few of the more established worlds of the civilisation, with advanced methodologies and education spreading over time. Narestan civilisation is one of only two known that is not limited to communications probes for FTL communications, and is one of only three with modern genetic microbes. The antimatter energy storage techniques recently acquired from the Bulrathi have become universal amongst all known civilisations, while Narestan FTL drive technology for its shipping lies in the middle tier of known civilisations. It is believed that the modern commercial organisational methods now widespread amongst many civilisations were solely invented by the Narestans, and were not independently discovered elsewhere.

The Great Commonwealth of Gnol is, in many ways, the closest commercial peer to Narestan civilisation, although it lags noticeably in technological development. Basic precision industry and industrial robotics have been developed here, although the advanced industrial robotics developed in Narestan civilisation have not spread here. High-tech consumer computing has spread to the Great Commonwealth of Gnol, although domestic technology industries to support business and research applications have lagged. Agricultural technology is woefully inadequete, although there has been recent adoption of various advanced methodologies from Narestan space, yet to be fully implemented anywhere in the Great Commonwealth of Gnol. Industrial concentration is notably higher than in Narestan space, and the efficiency of Gnolam mass production of consumer and basic industrial goods is unsurpassed- the profits of Gnolam firms on large volumes helps make up for other weaknesses. Although the Gnolam economy is highly efficient and productive, it is nonetheless somewhat less free than the Narestan economy, and suffers certain inefficiencies thereby. Its trade and shipping is also hampered by the lack of effective cargo mass drivers and orbital port facilities, which leaves it dependent on the old heavy lift vehicle interface between planetary surfaces and orbit. Large-scale ecological engineering techniques have been adopted here, as they have been across all of known space. Gnolam drive technologies have greater power output and higher FTL speeds than Narestan drives, allowing for shorter voyages for freighters.

The Autarchy has enjoyed very extensive contact with the Narestan civilisation, and nearly matches it in technical advances. Although its economy is significantly less dynamic and efficient than either the Narestan or Gnolam economy, Meklar prowess at industrial tasks makes the output of Autarchy factories unmatched. Recent productivity improvements innovated in Narestan space have yet to spread here, and computing applications and instrumentation for research lag the Narestan standard. Otherwise, overall technological state essentially matches the Narestan standard, to the benefit of the Autarchy's citizens. Modern genetic medicine has helped to treat the rampant health issues inherent to the Meklar species, making it the second of three with access to this technology. Meklar drive technologies are comparable to Gnolam drives, and superior to Narestan drives.

The Interstellar Union of the Mrrshan has likewise had long and profitable contact with Narestan civilisation, and is nearly as technologically advanced in its civilian economy as the Autarchy, although the Mrrshan lack both Meklar cybernetics that bolster their industrial output and the most modern industrial robotics. The Interstellar Union's military logistics are incredibly efficient, and it can easily support sizeable military forces. Mrrshan FTL communications rely on tachyon communications installations, giving them higher bandwidth than any other civilisation than Narestan civilisation, and they are the last known civilisation with advanced microbiotic medicine. Mrrshan drive technologies are comparable to Narestan drives.

The New Orion Empire has relatively advanced agriculture, highly advanced waste processing technology, and basic industrial robotics, but otherwise is relatively backward and lagging in economic development. Its communications, medicine, and drive technologies are all crude by Narestan standards.

The United Empire of Bulra is relatively economically primitive, lacking many of the widespread technologies that have bolstered the region's prosperity, including modern commercial methods. Its basic industry is well-established, however, it has highly productive agriculture, and its port infrastructure to support interplanetary and interstellar shipping is up to modern standards. Its freighter shipping relies on low-power drives, slower than the Narestan standard.

The Coalition of Nations has a very poor institutional environment for research and economic development, and its economic technologies lag behind any other known civilisation. Its agriculture is relatively technically efficient, and the productivity of its agricultural labor force boosts yields further. Otherwise, it simply has access to basic industrial and waste processing technology, and crude and slow FTL drives for its shipping.