The Let's Play Archive

Mega Man Zero 1

by Simply Simon

Part 14: Protect Factory: Hidden Phantom

Extra Stage Thoughts

Man, the beginning of this is so amazing. Ciel keeps it short, the watches are indeed missing and the ominous music plays, then suddenly kukri out of nowhere! And you're thrown right into a bossfight. It's just cool. Phantom is cool, he's a stoic ninja stereotype but who cares. I really like his design and his fight. Also, he's smart. Zero is the priority target, it's very clear now that Neo Arcadia has noticed that he keeps fucking their shit up and sent an assassin. It's to be assumed that the entire attack on the factory was just meant to draw our protagonist out, because Phantom knew exactly that a) Zero is the only competent member of the Resistance, and if something happens, he will show up to fix it and b) he will attempt to fix it no matter what, hence the bombs. Neo Arcadia really couldn't care less about their already abandoned factory - that makes the blowing it up part non-stupid - and it serves a dual purpose: Without an energy supply, as Ciel keeps stressing, the Resistance is finished anyway, and without Zero, they can't even attempt to recover. I think it's really, really interesting how Phantom is gaming the system, too: He knows that Zero is a Hero with a capital Haitch, taunts him with a reminder that his glory days lie way in the past, and assumes correctly that Zero will still throw caution to the wind and try to disarm the bombs.
The bossfight is also intense and even with the prolonging ninja moves really fast-paced (and I love that he immediately charges at you to set the tone), so up until it ends, this mission is really great.

Then you have to revisit the factory with a screen too small for what it requires of you and what was a stupid idea in the first place, and asshole bats added to the mix. Seriously - if you don't take the two bats waiting for you around the Elf enclosure immediately upon seeing them, they at least quintuple the danger of you falling to your doom. Just too much to keep track of while transferring the worker bots, it's an incredibly dickish placement. Nothing much else is a problem - and the time limit is a slap in the face. As you're on rails for most of the mission anyway, it'll never come into place...unless you miss a bomb somewhere. And then it's definitely not enough time to go back and search, because the setup is far too linear to easily reach one specific bomb. Bad, bad level, shame after such a strong start.

Boss Comments


Again, I really like his design. The multipurpose oversized ninja star he uses is sheer brilliance.
Key to fighting him is knowing which attack can follow which, as all of them are pretty easy to deal with. For that reason, I put emphasis on which can follow which. As it's very methodical and each attack just requires a pretty specific, yet generously doable approach, I never have problems fighting him. You shouldn't either, once you understand each of those approaches! Though I do think a major part of me not having any trouble is that I do really get better with much practice, and as he's right at the start of the mission, you get a pretty unbroken chain of attempts, compared to any other both which you can only try and get better on after an entire stage, and then only for how many lifes you have. They should have gone all the way and gotten rid of those, too...

Ranking High

Doing Phantom well is 90%. With "well", I mean "as quickly as possible". Not that big of a deal in Normal, but Hard Mode requires that you don't miss shots and it's also luck-based. If he EX Skill-s too often, you're fucked, time-wise. Not cool. Major offender is also the enemy score, don't know what they were thinking with that, you have to farm, no questions asked, under a strict timer, and I don't mean the one displayed. Still, as the mission is short as hell, this is really not that big of a deal. Just, can't stress this enough, get good at Phantom.