The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 108: Wrap-Up: The Uncharted Isle

... why does Sir Vincent like us more than Gonk or Sylvia? Why does he like us at all?

yeah okay whatever

So! Let's go find stuff.

The Sleepy Sophie figure can be mined out of the mining wall. Sophie is another one of those DS-only characters; her personality is 'sleepy'. That's pretty deep.

The Ninja Gino figure pops out on the fourth weed in a weeding chain, should we get lucky.

Fishing drags up the Helm of Brilliance!

Also, if we go into the now-opened cage where Bobaboo and Girl--er, Sylvia--were being held prisoner, we can find this toothy fellow...

Violet will love it.

There's also a chest in the cage, full of nothing but Coconuts and Mana.

Next, we'll finish some Scrolls.

The Uncharted Isle is our sole source of Kaiserium, so we can finally finish off this Throne Room Scroll that we've been carrying around forever.

: Great! You've collected all the Essences needed for the Royal Throne Room Scroll!

Sam gets a purely-decorative Crown, a Royal Banner, a Wall Shield and a Throne, oooh. We're nearly ready to overthrow the uhhhh never mind.

Another spate of Kaiserium mining--and a quick stop by Spookane to bully Goth Boy into dropping Sad Essences--because it seemed appropriate--finishes off Vincent's Scroll.

: Oh, this stuff looks so cool!

Sam gets a wall-mounted Trophy Dino Head and Tail, a Dino Skull, a Dragon Statue, and some Marble Paint.

Finally, a quick Angler stop and some more Bone digging finishes off the last Scroll currently in our inventory!

: Oh, this stuff looks so cool!

Sam gets Vases in Egyptian and Greek flavors, a wall-mounted Chinese Mask, some Southwest Bricks Paint, and some Slate Brick Paint.

Also, Bobaboo will follow Sam all over the Island, aww.

Let's go turn in our collectibles! First, to Rocket Reef.

: I never went to my Prom... my guild had a raid that night and they needed my buffing support. I guess I can live vicariously through your Gonk Figurine, huh? Haha...

Vic breaks out in nervous nerd laughter and Simoleons.


: Is she asleep or something? Maybe she's a narcoleptic...

Vic throws out more Simoleons, and... wait...

That's right, we have now found every action figure in the game and thereby completed Vic's collection quest! Our reward is... nothing! Well, okay, we have a bunch of cool action figures and the satisfaction of a job completely done. I guess that's... actually, that sucks. Oh, well. To Cutopia!

Poppy gives us Mana and celebrates the completion of her collection quest!

Awwww, I love you too, Poppy. Gonna give us anything? No? Oh, well, bye.

Actually, I may be lying. This Hawaiian shirt outfit showed up in Sam's inventory with no fanfare; either Vic or Poppy may have given it to us. I... have no idea.

What we're seeing here is, unfortunately, Spencer glitching the heck out and refusing to admit that we just gave him the Helm of Brilliance. Here's what we should have seen:

: Wow, Sam! The Helm of Brilliance will totally smart my buffness. I mean, buff my smartness.

Fortunately, I was able to force the quest into completing by leaving the island and coming back.

Although the glitch means that we did not get a reward announcement, this particular quest actually does have a reward: the very set of armor we spent so long collecting!

To Capital Island!

Barney gives us Simoleons.

A shower of Mana marks the end of our first and longest collection quest.


It's magnificent. And, more to the point, all of our collection quests are now complete! We must be near the end of the game!

... so what's that one last hidden island in the upper left-hand corner? I guess we may never know.