The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 50: Behind the 8-Ball

: She HAS to have all this stuff or else she won't go on stage!

So we've got to go through and discard all the brown M&Ms. Got it.

Buddy rounds on Lyndsay.

Sam's all 'I do not know these people'.

: Quit?! Never! I'll help Sam 'til the very end, pal!!

: Well, alright, then.

: Anyway, she sent me this, like, scroll thing. Maybe it will help you build this house thing!!

Sapphire hands Lyndsay a Scroll.

Digging on Candypalooza nets us Mana, Electrobits, Sapphires, and 8-Balls. Sure, why not. In a startling coincidence, 8-Balls are also what we need to finish the last Scroll from Rocket Reef!

: Hey, Sam! Did you finish a Scroll?

: Is... is that a monkey I see? These new wand powers are crazy!

It is a monkey! A stuffed Monkey, to be precise. (One of Marlon's Collectible Kingdom Pals, to be even more precise.) Also some Cereal Boxes, a wall-mounted Tool Set, and some Brains Paint. That is all very random. I guess Dr. F likes cereal. And brains.

Anyway, Sam digs up more 8-Balls and shakes down a bunch of Pears. Voila!

: Hey, Sam! Did you finish a Scroll?

: I was kinda hoping we could keep the Sapphires for ourselves. They're so pretty!

Sam gets decorative Cabin Logs, a Log Cabin Door, a Wooden Platform, a Log Cabin Covered Window, a Wooden Column, a Pyramid Roof, and Candy's Natural House Paints. I guess Candy is a rustic lady at heart.

Anyway, let's build DJ Candy the log cabin of her dreams, more or less. Candy wants her cabin to be very Natural and a little Fun; Sam is pretty sure that cabins are not multi-story affairs.

And windows are good, as are wooden columns.

And some smoke. Er, decorative Cabin Logs elements plopped down very fast, one right after the other.

Finally, we convert the whole thing to straw, plop a campfire in front, and put pretty butterflies all over the thatched roof. For extra nature.


I totally did! Oooh, present. The game informs me that it contains rad headgear. I need to see this. Not least because I have finally realized that Sam's current ensemble makes him look like Astro Boy.

... huh. You know what, I'm going to put on that red visor. It adds such a terrible je ne sais quoi to Sam's current look.

Let's go check out the inside of the cabin!

Straightforward. Big room, small room, musical-note wallpaper.

: Here's a Scroll that shows some of her favorite stuff. Think that might help?

Fishing time!

There's only one fishing spot on Candypalooza. (And, like Renee's Nature Preserve, there are no mining spots at all.)

We can catch Bettas here!

And Squid (and the occasional Electric Eel)!

And Action Figures!


Next time on MySims Kingdom: So, what kinds of clean and natural fun things does DJ Candy like?