The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 59: We Will Rock You

Sam hurries down to give Petal this news, mostly because he wants to see her reaction.

Petal subsides in confusion, but Leaf is already on the case.

Could not agree more, Leaf dude. Sam will get right on it. After a little, uh, 'creative acquisition'.

First we're going to jump up along these shelf mushrooms to acquire the hidden chest that Doggy Osbourne unwittingly revealed to us!

Organic and Mana. 'Woo'.

Rotating the camera while Sam is up here reveals another chest, currently unreachable. Also visible: a solar panel. Still eco-conscious, elves.

Fortunately Sam has tools at his disposal.

... hey, there's a neat view from up here.

Somehow the Sheriff Ginny figure springs out of the chest even before Sam opens it! That's Ginny for you.

The job done, Sam tidies away his impromptu staircase and cleans up the stone debris. Leaf wants a bunch of Nature, unsurprisingly, and also some Elegant. I guess we are trying to attract unicorns.

Elves like mushrooms, right?

Sam also puts up some of the flowers from the Zen-garden-y set that he found earlier.

A couple of fancy columns for Elegance and we have rocked this job.

: The last step remains. A powered guitar of legend, Sam!

Leaf heads up onto the stage.

Nooooo problem.

Sam brings the wire down as unobtrusively as he can, hiding it halfway behind this old pile of stones.



The audience assembles. Leaf poses, back to us.

When the time is right--when he's feeling it--Leaf snatches his guitar from its stand and most righteously shreds.

The power of the RAWK turns us all into dancing fools! Even Petal!

Look at us go!

Look at the frogs go!

And the tiny animals of the forest!

The RAWK takes him and Leaf wails out the lyrics, such as they are.

He's putting on the hardest show ever! And lo and behold...

The unicorns return!

Everybody together now! Big finish! Smoke pots go!!

Leaf is so proud of himself, you guys.

'Conventional' is for poops, Petal.

Sam waves off Petal's thanks.

He'll accept this Scroll, though.

Also this one.

Night falls on the Forest Of The Elves. We can try to rest, although our ears are ringing.

Or we can just hang out with our new unicorn buddies: Lance and Spike.

Where to next? The spooky Spookane, or the creepy Cutopia?


Video: The RAWK Concert
... yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say that you should probably watch this one. Because, you know, rock and all.