The Let's Play Archive

Myth II: Chimera

by Sevron

Part 12: The Chimera

The Chimera

And now for a snow level! Will we find Santa Claus? And blow him up? OK no, but you should still watch this episode. It has my favorite grand finale in all of Myth-dom, and that’s saying something. I don’t want to tip my hand, so go watch it now!

Let's Play! Myth 2: Chimera 07- The Chimera | YouTube |

Let’s talk grammar for a moment. Although I suppose one could use the hitherto-to-my-public-school-educated-self-unknown definition of “chimera” to mean “a fanciful mental illusion or fabrication”, I didn’t find a usage of it that way while casually googling and not paying much attention to the results. Kyrilla’s life wasn’t a “chimera” in that sense either though- she was straight up deceived by Cartucke, either by him directly lying to her or aiding and abetting the falsehood she believed in. As I’m just a humble engineer, I imagine one of you may be able to better grammar-nazi this.

Speaking of grammar-nazi-ing, this is the penultimate episode of Let’s Play! Myth 2: Chimera. “Penultimate” means “second to last”, and that’s all. Don’t try to be fancy and whip it out at a dinner party, as in “I’d say the 2003 Flaming Lips tour was their ultimate, nay PENultimate tour! I really loved that album they were supporting.” This will not get you any points.

Let's look at the scoreboard:
Kills Over Time
Total Kills by Unit

We met Skeletons this time, which blow up excellent well. Brigands appear at the end, but we don’t’ get to fight them.