The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 103: 8/25/09


What’s worse, being so bored you ask a dog to go to the movies or being turned down by a dog?

> Koromaru seems energetic. Would you like to invite him to the Film Festival?
> Koromaru is not in the mood to go out…

Junpei’s still rambling about… whatever he is always talking about. It’s too hot to think.

Is it the heat or something?
Kids are supposed to be outside in the yard, playing with the dog. Though there’s no backyard here…
Hey, we have a dog! I could be playing with him now!
> Junpei seems busy…
> He’s not able to go to the movies…

Yukari really enjoyed the movies yesterday.

Haha, I’m just kidding. I really had fun… I’m glad I went!
Thanks for inviting me.

I tried asking Ken but he really seriously is acting weird.

But I could never achieve it, because there was so much else in the way.
But I’ve made up my mind… the next chance I get, I’ll do it.
My mind is clear.
> Ken has a serious expression… He’s not in the mood to go to the movies…

In the end I was kind of surprised, Akihiko was free for once.

You look bored. Not that I can claim any different…
I actually want to switch up my workout plan, but the heat is killing me…
> Akihiko seems bored…
You look bored. Did you finish your homework?
…Well, you’re one up on Junpei.
Oh yeah, I didn’t know about this Film Festival ‘til Junpei told me.
It might be fun to go to the movies once in a while. Alright, let’s go.
> Akihiko seems happy.

They had a bunch of kung-fu movies, it was pretty fun.

There sure are a lot of guys here…
Oh well. Let’s give it a shot.
> ………
> You cheered for the main character, who pulled himself up every time he was knocked down…
Did you see that move!?
His hands were on fire…
And he must have jumped eight feet!
It looked like he was suspended from the ceiling.
I guess that’s why they call it “wire-fu,” huh?
They must have been on some kind of amazing training program…
But they never show those parts! Arrgh!
Tch… I gotta train even harder…!
I’m gonna do squats all the way back on the monorail!
> You decided to go back to the dorm with Akihiko.

And of course it’s a great way to beat the heat, being in the theater all day.

…It’s really hot out these days.
Please be careful that you don’t get heat exhaustion.

There’s not much summer left, need to make the most of it.

Once school starts, you won’t have much time for anything else.
So, if there’s something you want to do, you should do it while you’re still on break.