The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 235: Ken Amada

What the fuck SEES now you have a gradeschooler with a halberd shooting himself in the head.

Ken Amada

And his Persona, a crummy Star Trek film. A bit of a focus on magic and agility but otherwise balanced stats. Uses Pierce physicals, single-target Electric and Light magic, and healing magic. Resist Light, weak to Dark. Wears shorts in all situations and contexts.

Lv 36: Hama
Lv 36: Cruel Attack
Lv 36: Zionga
Lv 36: Diarama
Lv 37: Mediarama
Lv 41: Hamaon
Lv 42: Recarm
Lv 54: Spear Master
Lv 55: Ziodyne
Lv 59: Vile Assault
Lv 62: Diarahan
Lv 65: Primal Force
Lv 73: Samarecarm
Lv 78: Mediarahan

Remember how I said two characters get Mediarahan? Ken is the other one. While his list of healing magic is shorter than Yukari, he gets the important parts of healing - Diarahan and Mediarahan - with much less filler like Wind Break and Charmdi. His weakness is much less common than Yukari's and possibly less of a liability given he can still dodge a Mudo sometimes. Primal Force is mighty, though your healer spending a 5th of his HP to attack is a risky move. Vile Assault hits downed enemies hard, but all-out attacks are 9/10 a better plan. He only gets Hamaon and no boost so he'll never be that useful with Light, and his Electric is just Ziodyne without any boosts. Ken has no multi-target options, but he's still pretty useful if only because Mediarahan. He doesn't have Yukari's giant SP pool which is a limiting factor in how much Mediarahan he can use.

So is Ken worth it? I think so - I used him in my final team my first time through after all. His using electric magic causes overlap with Akihiko, the best party member, which will put more strain on the MC to carry a lot of elemental magic. If you don't mind compensating for that, Ken is useful if only for Mediarahan and a nice Primal Force.

Seriously he and Yukari are useable just on the back of Mediarahan. It's that good.