The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 140: March 20 Part 3: Coffee Breaks (the game in half)

Margaret might rule over power or whatever, but that doesn't mean anything. You know why? Because no power in all of creation can match the strength of the human spirit.

More specifically, the human spirit's capacity for cheating.

-The Ultimate-

I think I should have kept Revolution instead of Debilitate. It lasts longer here.

Four Power Charge/Heat Riser/Hassou Tobis were enough to cut Margaret's health in half.

Margaret's Megidolaons are still a credible threat if you used Hassou Tobi right beforehand, but that's the only worry.

Also, Rise runs around like a headless chicken when you try to go solo here. She seriously threw down a Matarukaja after every other pair of Margaret's turns.

Should've settled for a handshake like Sanzo said.

All in all, this win took about as long as the first one.