The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 51: July 29 Part 3: Closing the Case

-New Days-

Well, I guess this means our work is done...
He did it all to draw attention...I can't get my head around that. It's just wrong. I mean, not that it would've been okay if he'd had a better reason...
I know...Don't worry.
It's finally over...Let's leave the rest to the police.
My world will be peaceful again now.
Yeah. I'm happy for you. We really went through a lot...
Like scoring with guys!
Oh, come on...! Will you ever let it go?
What...? Scoring with guys?
Y-You don't need to know the details. I'm sure you'd like us to forget the sauna incident too...right Kanji-kun?
That's not fair...I wanted to see everyone else's too!
That's right. We three are the only ones who saw everyone's secret.
Hey, so what was Yosuke's like? C'mon, it's about time you told us.
I don't remember much.
C-C'mon, let's leave it at that!
Speaking of which, nothing really happened in your case, huh?
Really...Wait, really? Is there something special about Senpai after all?
Sensei is da man!
But now that the case is solved, we won't be calling you "Leader" anymore, will we...?
Oh yeah...It's kinda sad.

-Like A Dream Come True-

Hey, why don't we have a celebration? We always have a wrap party after we're done shooting. It's fun, and it'll help give us some closure.
Oooh, a party! That sounds great! Let's go all out!
Ooh, ooh! I wanna go to Yuki-chan's house! Gorgeous dinner, hot springs, table tennis, yukata! Geisha, Fujiyama, full wootness!
You're right, Yukiko-senpai's family runs a hot springs inn...A-A hot spring that...Yukiko-senpai bathes in too...?
Hey, keep it to yourself...You're sounding like a creep.
W-Well, it sounds like fun, but I don't think it's possible today...
Yeah, it's summer vacation. All the rooms must be occupied.
We can't do a sleepover...?
Maybe next time. I promise.
Hey, why don't we hit your place instead?
Oh, but will your uncle get suspicious? Like, "Why are you all celebrating?"
Alright, let's do this!
Great! Let's head over right away!
Oh yeah, if your uncle's a detective, he might not come home tonight...
Nanako-chan might be getting hungry.
Hey, then why don't we make dinner together?
Wow...Are you good at cooking, Senpai?
W-Well...sort of?
What are you saying...?
Did you already forget the tragedy of the school campout!?
W-We already told you that was an accident!
She's right! We just got a couple of the ingredients wrong!
Guys, please don't do this, I'm begging you...I don't need another trauma to deal with...
Hey, I'm a good cook too! I'll make something for you, Senpai.
Tadaaaah! Teddie has a great idea! Let's have a cooking battle! The winner will be crowned Iron Cook Inaba!
A cooking battle? Now I'm even more worried...
S-Sure, that sounds like fun.
Aww, but I'll win hands-down. You sure you want to make it that easy?
Dude, listen to me. For the sake of our stomachs, you have to cook something too. Help us, Sanzo Genjo! You're our only hope...
Then you can represent the guys' team. Nanako-chan will be our judge!
I can be a taster too!
Teddie can be a tester too! At the end, you're supposed to say, "That was delicious!" right?
Woo! I'm getting all fired up! Alright! Let us advance forth into the grocery section downstairs! Chaaarge!

> Junes, Grocery department...You decided to call Nanako to tell her about the cooking competition.

-New Days-

Yeah, he said he's gonna be late today.
Huh...? Dinner? You're all going to cook?
Ask Nanako-chan what she wants for dinner!
What do I want...?
Um...Anything's fine.
She's just being modest! Ask her again.
Well, umm...An omelette.
I wanna eat omelette with fried rice. Okay, I'll be waiting!

> You ended the phone call. Nanako seems to be looking forward to it.

Fried rice omelette...An excellent choice, Nanako-chan. With a dish that simple, I doubt we'll get a second helping of Mystery Food X.
...Huh? What's wrong?
...N-Nothing. Alright, let's go get our ingredients.

Looks like you'll need all the help I can give you...Hey, what kind of omelette are you making? I'll go get the ingredients for ya.

> What kind of omelette should you make...?

(Asian American, soy flavored)

> You gave Yosuke a list of ingredients you'll need...Everyone brought their basic ingredients to the cart.

Quite an eye you got there, Senpai. It's a must-have for my special omelette!
Don't worry, I'll let you have a taste. Ooh, or maybe I could spoon feed you. *chuckle*
I heard last time you choked down something so awful that words couldn't describe it...
It was horrible...
You poor dears...Who would do such a horrible thing...?
Rise-san? This is going to be the only chance you get to gloat, is that clear?
...I'll crush you with one strike.
Whoa...You guys look like you're ready to enter the Ultimate Frying Championship.

Huh...? Oh, uh...Hahaha...
By the way, where's Teddie?
Miss? Am I allowed to eat this?

You're such a nice lady. Is this one cooked already?
Sample tray lady: *giggle* This one's ready too. Oh my, are you hungry for more? Here...I'll open this one too.
You're so beautiful...
Sample tray lady: Oh my, no! No, I mustn't! I've got a husband and a son!
But I really want this meat...And I want you to cook it, Miss.
Sample tray lady: Ohhh, I couldn't possibly. The manager would get so upset.
I'm gonna knock the stuffing outta that bear...

-Like A Dream Come True-

The case really has come to an end...
Wow! It's really Rise-chan!
I should go back over there soon...
Are you going somewhere?
Yep...The guys kept their promise.
A promise, huh...? What if you made a promise with me? Could you stay then?
A promise...with Nana-chan?
Um...A promise that you'll play with me. How about that?

So I should go back over there...
Don't worry about it.
B-But...a promise is a promise...It's not good to break them...
It'll be lonely without you.
S-Sensei...My promise with Nana-chan...I made a promise to play with her. Can I really stay here? It wasn't just my promise. Nana-chan made it with me. I'm really...really happy...Thank you...!

> Teddie's eyes are watering...

You don't need revive skills when you've got Mediarahan. I'm swimming in Revival Beads anyway.

S-So, I wanna stay here a little longer! Is that okay with you, Sir!?
Huh? What're you talking about? You're not going anywhere.
You can't just quit your job like that. In any case, if you left--
It's reeeeeaaaaadyyyy! Incoming food! Out of the way, Senpai!


Whoa! Ow!

W-Well, wait a sec. Asking Nanako-chan to jump in and try these for us is kinda...unethical.
D-Don't look at us like that!
Ohhh...So it's our job to taste it first, to make sure we can keep it down.
Hey! That's mean!
Then try mine first, Yosuke-senpai. It's guaranteed delicious!
You don't mind me going first? Actually, I've been looking forward to yours. I mean, Risette cooked it herself. Can you imagine how many guys would kill me if they found out? Well then, chow time!
I-I...can't give this to Nanako-chan...
Ooh! It's so delicious that you won't let anyone else have a bite!?

> In any case, you should try eating it too...It's spicy! The spiciness and heat are like lava in your mouth...! You can't taste or feel the foie gras at all. It's starting to taste like iron...For some reason, you sense a dull pain in your mouth as well. You can't give this to Nanako...

Here, try mine next.
I'll take this one.
K-Kanji...That's a lot...
H-Hey, say something.
Well...Uh...How do I put this...? It tastes really, um...boneless...?
What!? That's not a word you use to describe taste! Does it taste good or not!? Tell me!

> It doesn't seem to be dangerous. But you don't sense any flavors in particular...In fact--you don't taste anything at all! You can't even taste the ingredients...How could this be...?

Not good, that's for sure. It tastes like...Like I'm eating plain oatmeal. It's pretty impressive that you put so many ingredients into a dish and it came out tasting like nothing.
Y-Your palate just isn't refined enough!
...I think it tastes good.
O-Okay...Try mine next.
Urgh...I dunno about this...But I think it'll taste good! This time for sure!
I'll give it a whirl.
H-How is it...?
Wow, this tastes awful! You have to try this, Yosuke.
Dude, not after you say that...Ahhh...I see...

> ...It does taste awful.

Well, um...It's a huge improvement over the curry...
Yeah, thanks for the consolation...I feel soooo much better...
I think this tastes good too.
Oh yeah, they're right...
They're totally right! It tastes awful! Ahahahaha!
Then try Rise-chan's! I bet you anything mine tastes better than hers!

Sure enough...One strike.
Well, Yukiko and Chie's didn't taste good either...But at least theirs didn't cause any casualties...Haha...
I-It's a taste too subtle for kids! It's a mature flavor!
You guys are just kids...I, I...
*sniff* Waaaaaaah...
It's spicy, but it's still good.
I knew it! Nanako-chan's the most mature person in this room!
C-Crocodile tears!?
Oh yeah, didn't you make one too, Senpai?
You did!? Ooh...This is really good! I've never had an omelette with fried rice this good! It's amazing!

> The omelette seems to be a big success. She's eating it extremely cheerfully! Nanako finished your omelette...

We're still starving...
If you're so hungry, then help yourself to an awful-tasting omelette! Hmph!
U-Uh, I have a suggestion...
You guys know about the festival they're holding in the shopping district, right? Why don't we all go?
Oh, that sounds good!
Whoa! Does that mean the girls will be wearing yukata!?
A festival...
We'll bring Nanako-chan along too.
I can come?
Of course.
Really!? Yay!
That settles it, then.
Festival food always tastes great for some reason, even if it ain't anything fancy. Whew...We'll finally be able to get some edible food for once.
I hope they have fried Coke!

> You promised the others you'd go to the festival at the shopping district. The culprit has finally been caught. The rest is up to the police inquiry...The festival is on August 20th. You made sure not to forget this date.