The Let's Play Archive

Red Faction 1

by Lazyfire

Part 10: Episode 10: Space

Episode 10: Space

I'm not going to let a thing like Christmas get in the way of updates. This time around Parker is in space and is required to shut down a laser defense system and blow up a space station. I've alluded to this level before, and I show off the unique situations you can get into up in space, namely jumping even higher than you can on Mars and hitting terminal velocity in what I think was supposed to be zero G.

We also get to observe something that I'll mention in the next episode, the fact that you can be killed by doing this level wrong, even if you beat it. No armor at the end of the mission means a near assured death due to a lack of oxygen on Mars. I totally died to this on the test run and lucked out that I didn't save after hitting the ground because that probably would have ended the test run for me right there. Only two episodes of this game left after tonight, by the way, so things are going to wrap up quickly.