The Let's Play Archive

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

by kethryveris

Part 106: Best Frenemies

Everyone takes off to the Foreigner's Cemetery in Yokohama, but then Yuri stops them.

After they leave, Yuri finds a familiar figure among the tombstones.

So you're alive, huh?

You, too.
...And Ouka?

Kato just shakes his head without saying anything.

I'm sorry.
...It's the second time I've lost her.

Kato kneels in front of a small marker next to Yoshiko's grave.

Love lasts for such a short time. But misery goes on and on.

Now my path is an empty one. I have no love dreams.
...Kamiyashiki. In Azabu. That's where you'll find Minister Ishimura. Now no one will get in your way. You should go and talk to him.

And you? What will you do?

Instead of answering, Kato hands something to Yuri.

Oh, my...

The...Émigré Manuscript?!
Yes. I give it back to you.
Hey, wait-

Don't you want to see Alice again?
If you follow the instructions in that book CAN be with her again.

Wait a minute; I don't know how to USE magic.
Roger should be able to help you. He can bring her back to life, exactly the way I did.
Y-yeah, but isn't that...

Yuri. From now on, I'm your enemy.

This is the last time we'll ever speak as friends.
...What do you mean?
The world as you know it will end...

By MY hand!
If you really think that you can stop me, my old friend, bring everything you have!

Unlike Nicolai and Rasputin, I won't depend upon the power of some evil god. I'll do it with my own hands!
C'mon! Enough with the joking!
This is no joke.

If you want to know what my plans are, look inside that book.

There isn't much time left.


Farewell, my friend.
