The Let's Play Archive

Silent Steel

by Magnetic North

Part 52: Info #31

Arglebargle III posted:

Danny posted:

2 hours ago. We got dipping sonar, Mk48 torpedos, Sonabouys...

Mk48 torpedoes? More like Mk46!

There is actually a big difference, I'm not sure where a chopper crew would even find a Mk48 torpedo, much less wrestle all 1.8 tons of it onto their helicopter.

The Mk48 is a submarine-launched "heavyweight" torpedo. Helicopters, for obvious reasons, use the Mk46 "lightweight" torpedo. The reason being that the Mk48 weighs as much as a car, and the Mk46, well, doesn't.

Oh and 1 despite the fact that this is completely silly and almost identical to our previous insta-death in almost the same timeline.