Part 3
Alright, when we last saw Gillian Seed, he had just met the chief of Junker HQ! That was a great conversation. Let's get the fuck out of here!EXIT Why don't you try some question marks, fucker? Okay, let's ASK... ABOUT JUNKERS! What ABOUT JUNKER AUTHORITY? That's just great! What ABOUT JUNKER DUTIES? Hmmm... as long as were going down the list, can you tell us all ABOUT JUNKER STAFF? The Chief wraps it up.
Chief: That should be enough to make your duties as a Junker quite clear. This is your Junker I.D. card. It will identify you as a Junker. [OP's Note: Thanks, Chief.] Carrying it allows you to exercise your special authority.
Gillian: I see... Sort of like a police officer's badge, huh?
Chief: And uh, here's some money. It's not much, but you'll need it to carry out your investigation.
Gillian: Cash?
Chief: Credit cards aren't accepted in some regions of the city. You'll need this sooner or later.
Gillian: Sounds like it's a rough place out there.
Chief: Go see Harry, the engineer. He's got your equipment ready for you.
Not yet, Chiefy. Let's LOOK at you. Oh yeah? Let's keep LOOKing at the Chief. LOOK > MONITOR LOOK > WINDOW LOOK > WINDOW (again) LOOK > PICTURE LOOK > SOFA Alright, screw LOOKing. Let's INVESTIGATE some of the stuff in the room.
INVESTIGATE > MONITOR INVESTIGATE > PICTURE Screw you, baby! INVESTIGATE > PICTURE Yeah, and I'm sure that's a really valuable picture of a fucking vase. Silly game. Okay, okay, enough mischief.
Just kidding!
INVESTIGATE > CHIEF I gotta give Kojima props for SO many reactions to things in the game. This must have taken forever to type.
INVESTIGATE > SOFA If we try ASK ABOUT, we'll find we unlocked more to talk about. ASK > ABOUT SNATCHERS ASK > ABOUT NAVIGATORS ASK > ABOUT JORDAN That about does it for the Chief. Let's go explore more! Where now, goon friends?