The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 134: Soviet Turn 6

Soviet Turn 6

This next turn starts off familiarly enough - a BTR gets destroyed by a hidden B-10 team.

However, there is a lot more retaliatory fire now that the center has stabilised. The B-10s are in a lot of trouble now just from attacking.

However, one of the Mech Sections is under worryingly heavy fire from the Reserve Platoon.

An Assault pushes the northern village, and removes the attached B-10s (the one remaining in the south will later get sniped by a terribly lucky shot from a T-64).

Things also improve in the center (the B-10 remaining here is actually routing). I have a feeling the line will be moved up a bit in the next turn.

More Soviet Flags, and Less Albanian units. I like this map.

Also, the J-6 comes in for another run, but only hits one of our fleeing tank crews. Haha, loser.