The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 65: November Cod Crisis: Scandanavian Turn 6

Paladin5 posted:

Wow, (with the exception of the amphibious landing) things are going very well for us. I don't think Sam. was expecting an airborne assault.

Now that I think about it, was that kind of a dick move? Because this was supposed to be primarily an amphibious assault (However, if we picked all or mostly amphibious units, this match would be long over).

In any case, this has been a very good turn, even though we didn't even have control of it.

November Cod Crisis: Scandanavian Turn 6

The Danish MG teams are viciously punished for their attacks this round. I assume they are very, very pinned as of this moment. Also, we killed a few of the MG Team members, even though it doesn't show up on the sprite.

Sam's usual fire as much as possible tactic doesn't serve him well at all this turn, especially on the eastern front, where he loses a turret and two more HQ members to retaliatory fire.

As far as bad/strange news goes, I have no idea where this shot came from. It only serves as a stark reminder that we aren't the only people sneaking around (Sam. included a message in his email wondering where the hell the eastern force came from, implying he had no idea there were troops that far north).

A breakthrough on the east seems very possible even next (this) turn thanks to our recent fortune. So for the eleventeenth time, what should the eastern force do once they have eliminated their current targets?

As far as the western portion of the map goes, a couple of sections can be attacked by our scouts, and our main force is in a good position for a general advance.

Our northern force is in the place and condition we left it in. If it weren't for the fact that they engaged a turret up there, I would wonder if Sam. even knew they were up there.

This was a very good stroke of luck. The point value of the units destroyed this turn combined with the point value of the units that can be destroyed next turn could very well equal 10% of his total force. The question is: How do we properly capitalise on these gains?