The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 94: Operation Chocolate Spain: Spanish Turn 5

In a bizarre way, I'm kind of proud of the fact that tinypic has accidentally turned part of my LP into a Dadaist masterpiece (I think the part that gets to me is that people's responses to the posts are completely normal, as if they are pictures of a video game).

I switched to LPix recently, so such problems should be a thing of the past soon. In any case, MT refuses to dishonour Franco by surrendering, so we have to teach him a lesson in humility.

Operation Chocolate Spain: Spanish Turn 5

One of our Greyhounds takes some light buttoning fire from a Mechanised Squad. I don't know what MT hopes to accomplish. His offensive has already lost the momentum needed to break through to the center.

Some light suppressive fire is unleashed upon the infantry to the south. All in all, not a lot gets done this turn by either side. Our turn will have to be different. We must launch an offensive so furious that even a truly stubborn opponent will realise that all hope is lost.

We face roughly 14 Squads of infantry, 4 of which are already suppressed by our armour, so it shouldn't take that long for us to finish this mission.

On another note, we should begin discussing the next match. Maybe we could move back to something more modern for this one?