The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

by Really Pants

Part 56: I must be really good at this! Either that, or you're just that dumb.

Yes, we did. It's wholly inoperable.

Kanone, you've lost. Come on. It's time to accept it and surrender.
DON'T YOU DARE! A little setback like this WILL NOT stop me from rescuing the colonel and fulfilling his vision!

-The Fate of the Fairies-

Julia! Bracer scum! This is the end! I'll beat you into the mud myself if I have to! COME!
Big words from someone who brought a tank to a sword fight...
But all right! Let's do it!
The time has come to bring an end to this!
Here I come, Kanone!

Kanone will hop around spastically and plant explosives on the field.

This move has almost no delay, so sometimes she can do it three or four times in a row and eat all the turn bonuses before actually making an attack.

She can also eat party members' CP...

...or just fucking execute them.

That is not how special attack shouts work, Kanone. You can't just literally state what you're doing. You have to be poetic. Also you have to include the word 'Final' or 'Buster.'

She has arts too but whatever

Justice must always prevail.

-Under the Moonlight-

Colonel...forgive me...
*pant*...*pant* the end of it.
I think my legs're gonna fall off...
W-Well...*pant* we did fight her and a TANK back to back, y'know...
Haah...Well, that's victory, at least...
Man's Voice: I-Is it over...?

Oh, hey! They threw you in the tank, huh?
Erm, well, yes! For once, brigand, it seems I actually need to be thankful for your violent, lawless ways!
As proof of my gratitude, I shall bestow upon you a magnificent work of art from my private collection!
I, uh, think I'll pass, thanks.
Still, never thought I'd hear gratitude fro--
Wait! RENNE! Is Renne safe?!
What is this now...Who or what is a 'Renne'?
A girl! Wearing a white dress! Isn't she in the tank?!
I...was the only one inside...

Where are you keeping her?! TELL ME!
W-What...? What are you...?
You REALLY think you can play dumb at this point?! THE GIRL! The one you kidnapped from the guildhouse! TELL. ME. WHERE. SHE. IS!
Kidnapped? Girl...?
I see...So that was the plan all along.
Hm hm hm...Ha ha ha...


What in the-
Kanone! What's wrong with you?
What's wrong? EVERYTHING! How can I not laugh at myself?!
I! Kanone Amalthea! Captain of the Intelligence Division! I, the author of this plan to restore the colonel to glory!
I...was played like a FIDDLE by a little girl!
Girl's Voice: Heehee. How rude of you to call me a 'little girl.'

-Release from the Spell, And...-


Did everyone enjoy the tea party? I thought the explosions and screams were best myself.
...Oh. Oh, crap.
A child?
...Renne? Wh...What are you doing, Renne? Climbing all the way up there.
It's dangerous up there, you know!
Oh, Renne, you really are like a cat. Okay, I'll climb up to help you down, so just wait a--
Heehee...There's no need. After all, this is the best seat. Only fitting for the master of the tea party, right?

That is me. And Renne.
What? No...No.
This is insane! A small child like that is a member of Ouroboros?!
Heheh! Silly lady. There are no 'children' or 'adults' in the Grandmaster's sight. Just useful people...and useless people.
And I, Lady Renne, am very useful. Just like the Black Fang used to be.
So then...Hang on! You're the one who sent me that letter, right?
Mmm-hmm! That was me.
Nine threatening letters. One letter to the churchman. One to the traitor lady. And one to Estelle.
Twelve letters in all! Heehee, feels like all I did was write, write, write! I bet even Loewe would compliment my handwriting now!
So you staged all of this? Impossible...
Well, I'm the one who organized the tea party, you know. I couldn't let my guests be bored, could I? I worked really hard to make this fun!
What about your papa? Your mama? Renne, where are your parents?!
Ooooooh, wait. You never, ever realized.
Heehee. I must be really good at this! Either that, or you're just that dumb.
Wait a minute, who're you callin' dumb?
Heehee! Don't be angry, Estelle. You meant these, right?

These aren't my papa and mama, silly.
I'm actually done with them anyway, so...let's BREAK them!

Calm down, Estelle! They...aren't bleeding!
You...You're right. How...?
Society-manufactured orbal puppets...and they look just like humans.
How are they even...

I'm pretty sure I'm at least as good as Pedro from The Doll Knight.
Oh, but this time I got kidnapped, and had to be the master of a tea party...So I'm more like Princess Tia, huh? 'Princess Renne' has a nice ring to it.
Of all the things to joke about...
Oh, but you asked about Mama and Papa, right? Let's call Princess Renne's real mama and papa now.


From above! Look out!

It's enormous! What--
The heck is THAT?!

The Gospel...!

As big as any papa, as kind as any mama! I don't need any other papa or mama.
Man's Voice: There! Ahead!
Girl's Voice: WHOA! What the heck is THAT THING?!

Come on, Cid, pull yourself together.

What the heck is...?

Just like Joshua taught me a long time ago.
Joshua?! How do you--
You know, I was just gonna gut you like a fish and rip your heart out at the end of this, Estelle. After all, the professor says YOU'RE the reason Joshua won't come back. It's YOUR fault.
But I really, really had a lot of fun, so I think I can forgive you for now. But only this once, okay? Heehee!
W-Wait! Renne!
Reeeeenne! What's going on?!
Heheh! Bye-bye, Tita. I did have fun with you...Maybe we can share ice cream again someday.
Well, everyone...Thank you for attending the tea party. Ciao!