The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

by Really Pants

Part 82: Well, this is quite the turn of events!

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Norche: I promised I'd teach my husband how to fish. Looks might be deceiving, but I'm a member of the Fisherman's Guild! Heehee! Let's just say I'm pretty confident in my rod work!

Helmuth: But at some point, my wife got hooked on it. And now she's actually a BETTER fisherman than I am! I've got ground to make up, even if I have to steal some tricks from her.

Lenard: We've been getting a lot of customers coming in to fish lately. We even have a married couple in! The fishing community's getting bigger and bigger all the time...


Roast Fish

[To-Go/HP600/Cures Faint/Sleep/Petrify]
Eastern style grilled fish. Lavishly salted.


Rampage Fish

[To-Go/HP3400/SPD +20%]
Campfire grilled fish on a stick. Simple and satisfying.

-Tetracyclic Tower-

Hey, a free gift.

In the end I managed to take out four of those six.

These don't seem all that great. I'll keep them in the closet.

-Obstructive Existence-

It's time to slam, now.

Don't call her 'doll.'

-Tetracyclic Tower-

Still, though. Didn't they seem kind of odd?

Hmm. Yes, their behavior was unusual, to say the least. Some bared their fangs at us in fury, others were ready to flee from us like scared children...
I kinda noticed that too.
In light of the smackdown that was just perpetrated, I see nothing at all odd about the monsters freaking out. Obviously word is starting to get around about the pink-skinned devil warlords and their ocher-maned queen.
It was kinda scary...
Agate? Something up?
Eh...Just thinkin' this might be a warning about somethin'.
A warning...You mean to something Ouroboros is doing?!
I can't say for sure, but...somethin' like this has happened before. Day after day, the monsters were all riled up. And then, bam, right after that...
Right after...?
Enough 'bout that.
Point is, animals have better instincts about this sorta stuff than us humans do. We'd better keep our eyes open for anything.
Yeah...good point. Back to the guildhouse for us, then, right?
Sounds like a plan.

-Commercial City of Bose-

That's three more monsters for the trophy room.
Oho! Good work, kids!
Here, let me pay out for that before you report.


Received payment for [Wanted Monsters Bounty].
Payment in mira: 15000 (+0)
Gained BP: 6 (+3)
Hm, sounds like they were pretty violent, but you kids seemed to handle them okay.
Well, about that.
Something's been bothering us.
Hm? What is it?
It's like this...

Jacob: Are you on your way to services at the church?
I'm afraid not. I've got to check in at the market first. I'll be sure to give Aidios her full due afterwards, though!
Milady...You claimed the exact same thing the other day but ultimately did not attend.
Lila...How DO you remember such trivial things?
I absolutely will visit today. I promise.
Jacob: Ho ho! Well, remember, child, hard work is good for the soul, but so is finding time for yourself. And that goes double for people in positions of responsibility, like yourself!
I know, I know...I'll find some time to go today. I promise, really.
But for now, I must ask for your pardon. Have a good day, Mr. Jacob.
Pardon us.

Jacob: But now...look at her. The real face of a mayor. He'd sure be proud. She could serve to learn to relax a little, but--

Aye, that does bother me.
Yeah, it seemed kinda creepy.
Oh, yeah, Agate. You said something like this happened here in Bose before, right?
Mmm? Really?
Yeah...sort of.
It was before your time here, Lugran.
Huh? Wait, Lugran, you haven't always been here?
No, no, I settled here after the Hundred Days War.
Before the war, there was just the one guildhouse in Grancel, you see. The other branches were set up after we kicked the Erebonians back across the Krone.
Back then, I was the receptionist and coordinator over at the Grancel house.
Oh, right, I think Dad mentioned something like this once.
It was right before that damn war. That's when the monsters were acting so strangely.
Wait, d'you mean to--



Wh-Wh-What was THAT?!
Outside...Come on!

-Those Who Guard What Matters Most-


It's gigantic!
That's a DRAGON!
That's the ancient dragon! The one which legends say has dwelt in Liberl since antiquity...
Well, this is quite the turn of events!
This is the society's doing, isn't it?
Man's Voice: No denying it at this point.

Aren't you 2nd Lieutenant Lorence Belgar?
Ha, 'Lorence Belgar' was simply an alias.

You may address me as such from now on.
Leonhardt the Bladelord...?
Ahhhh, now I understand. Leonhardt the 'lion-hearted,' hmm?
Is that why so many call you 'Loewe,' or 'lion'?
For real, how many lion names does one jerk need?
So you're Loewe...
I never chose that name for myself, but many of my comrades do call me that.
Call me whatever you like. It doesn't matter in the end.
Think you're so much better...


Do you intend to burn the whole city?!
What a headache.

Wait a minute, you!
Our experiment this time is somewhat irregular. I'll be frank: You could never hope to handle this.
Leave it to the Royal Army. Back down for your own sakes.

I'm going after the lizard.
You guys check on the damage while you wait for the army to get here.
I'll be in touch!

Paul: Thank Aidios, you're here!

Paul: There are people who couldn't get out in time! They're trapped under the rubble!
Let's go help!

Wait, wait...We've gotta figure out how we're gonna do this. QUICKLY, but we've gotta.
Okay! Schera, take Kloe and Tita and help evacuate any civilians who are still in the area!
Kloe, Tita, let's get to the west exit!

We'll help clear that rubble!
Heh. Let us get lifting!

Buck: Ergh...No good!
Trayton: Can't...move it with just us!

Trayton: You guys...!
E-Estelle! Oh, Estelle!
We're here to help! Is someone under there?!
Lila pushed me out of the way and was, was...!
Oh, no!
...I think I can move this on my own. You there! Step back a bit!
Buck: S-Sure...
Trayton: It's, uh, in your hands!

Buck: She's alive!
Oh, Lila! LILA!
Olivier! Help me carry Lila!
Leave the fair maiden to me.

-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

I've gotten word that a Royal Army detachment is heading here from the Haken Gate. You can leave the market to them.
To think they'd bring out a monster like that...And Lorence...
The second Enforcer. Leonhardt the Bladelord.
So he's our 'Loewe,' huh?
Heh...At last, our masked villain is revealed to the audience in full.
He never seemed like the kind of man to do something so heinous when we encountered him in the castle, but...
M-Mr. Lugran? Have we heard from Agate?
Unfortunately not, little missy.
That hotheaded fool...What in Aidios' name does he think he's doing?


Hey, could that be--

Ah, you. What...
(Wh-What happened?)
(Nothing good, from the sound of it...)
Yes, I understand. I'll send the others at once.
Right, right, keep it together, man. Help is coming. *click*

The dragon...just attacked Ravennue moments ago.
Oh, no!
The dragon torched their orchards and then flew away, from the sound of it.
Agate showed up afterward and helped with the firefighting, bu--
Right! We're off!
E-Estelle! Let me come with you, please!
My cannon would probably help against a flying target like, um, a dragon, and...And...And...
Right, I get it, I get it. first, okay? If there's trouble...