The Let's Play Archive

Ys: Ancient Ys Vanished

by Oyster

Part 8: Arbitrary puzzles galore!

Chapter 8: Arbitrary puzzles galore!

When we last left our hero, he had recovered his 2nd book of Ys from Sara's corpse. So sad, but he is not a necrophile. But now what to do?

The fairy with the forgettable name said she lost her rod somewhere in the city. Why, here it is.

Time to raid the equipment shops for all the sub-standard shit they have. Why? well, you'll see.

This is the first time I've seen this guy. He actually gives clues to pick up the ring from Pim in the beginning. How did I miss this? Sheesh.

Anyway, time to bring this rod back to furryfairyville.

....Okay. Uh....where is this?

Hey, this place is surrounded by trees.

So is this place!

EVERYWHERE IS SURROUNDED BY GODDAMN TREES this is why you never trust a fairy.

Ohhh, this place looks conspicious.


You heard it here first, folks. Flutes of light make trees move and talk to you. Or something.

Now that it's recharged, should we return it?


I am the new Moses! I make lakes dry up completely!

But I can't enter simple caves.

Whatever, go in the other one!

Original, Arrange

Sure is dark in here.....

I really wish I could see more than 2 feet in any given direction.....

Yo! finally found something!

.....uh, okay! Note that this entire puzzle is only present in the famicom version. Hell, this entire dungeon is only present in the famicom version. The others get a mine-like dungeon without the reduced vision and none of this puzzle crap to open it up.

Back in Minea, well, if it isn't a decayed door! It doesn't have a handle, after all.

Naturally, the only way to attack is from east to west, so defending would be the opposite...

And by following the same logic, the west door would be the attacking gate...seriously, how the hell did they expect anyone to figure this out?

Don't ask what this means. I don't know. And it's not in any other versions. This is the stupidest inane bullshit puzzle I have seen in any of the early Ys games.

Anyway, the voice said this place is unsealed.

Time for the shittiest dungeon in all versions of Ys.