The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 102: Renya Gouto 3

Back to Gouto.

Chapter 102: Renya Gouto 3

Music: Go Sentinels, Go! (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

We did it…
They’ve changed targets. The next terminal is just over there.
They’re already on the move.

…… I haven’t hit my operating limit yet… But I’m going to dismount.
Whoa, hey—then who’s taking point…?

We don’t need orders to kick some ass!

I’m back in the fight.
I won’t be long. …It’s up to you.
Fine then… Let’s roll, Yuki-chan.

There’s our favorite precocious little murderer.

…Look at that sunset. Just like it was back then. It’s beautiful.

I have one locked onto you, yes. Their target’s changed. They’re coming back this way. It’s dangerous here. We need to get you to safety.

You already know how I feel. This is what I wanted.

Can you really afford to waste your time here? Or have you already given up? The invasion is still in its preliminary phase.
…I’ve got time. First, I need to get you somewhere safe…
There are no safe places left.
At least, none left for us. We’re not safe anywhere. But you know that well enough. You’re just losing precious time. Go focus on the job you’re supposed to be doing.
*sigh* Understood. I’ll go.

If, hypothetically, you wanted to know.

Music: Living in the Moment (Yoshimi Kudo)

There’s something I want to clear up.

Oh, snap! That’s… what’s the word? Oh, right. Weird.


But it was more about you being jealous, wasn’t it?

This may be our last chance to talk. Answer me.

That I… That I can’t think about anything else?
…And that’s why you brought back my memory, too. Isn’t it?
You never cared how you managed to do it. You just wanted her back.
…So much.

We could certainly unpack all the weird subtext inherent in trying to bring back the woman you love, who happened to be twice your age, in the body of herself as a kindergartner. But I’m not going to!

I’m glad… You really were a slave to your desires. That’s the Renya Gouto I remember. It means… I don’t have to like you after all. Thank you. I think that’s all I wanted to hear.


Although it looks like I’m about to win it.

Activate Sentinel

Music: To the Final Battle (Yoshimi Kudo)

Wait, that’s…

Hey, Miwako! ‘Sup, girl? Running for dear life? That’s cool.

Music: Staring Into The Void (Yoshimi Kudo)

Could you leave me alone?
Just come with me, okay?


If you can’t find your mommy… I can help you look.

Miwako… :unsmith:

We just have to run away right now. Okay?

I’m so glad you’re okay…
Geez, you’re so reckless. You shouldn’t have come this way…

I know already!
I’ll get back to the battle once Miwako’s safe.

O-Of course not. …Never mind. The evacuation route’s that way.
Can I bring her too?
…That’s fine. Just hurry up.

And that’s another Gouto chapter finished. Rather short, that one.

That line in this Mystery File about Gouto seeing a log between 2188!Ida and 2188!Gouto? I don’t think it’s actually in the game, both because I don’t remember it at all and also because it’d be pretty weird for them to recap it before we see it. My assumption is that it was probably a planned scene that didn’t make it into the final release, which is not uncommon in this game. There’s a couple entire characters that hit the cutting room floor and only get hinted at in the finished game.

Finally got Yuki’s Sentinel activation scene in this chapter.

We add a new pink romantic link between, ugh, Gouto and Ms. Morimura.

And that’s all for the board this time.