The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 18: Megumi Yakushiji 2.5

Chapter 18: Megumi Yakushiji 2.5

Music: BUDDIES (Azusa Chiba)

Oh, hey Fluffy. Who do we kill maim seal today?

Are you ignoring me because of yesterday?

Someone might overhear.

That’s why we’ve been leaving at different times. Meeting like this defeats the purpose.
Should we start going together then?
*sigh* You’re missing the point. Oh…

*yawn* Morning.
What are you listening to?
Just brushing up on my English conversations.
I’m obviously kidding. I’m jamming to rock, of course.

Man, this really is the ‘80s. Such dated turns of phrase.

Oh. Well, your grades are always so good. It seemed believable.
*laughs* Ya think so?
I was wondering. Can I come over today?
Sure, why not.
Oh, right. Gonna swing by the vending machines before class starts.
Okay. I’ll see you after school.

Was there something else we were supposed to do right now? …Nah, let’s just head inside.

Music: Bad Omen (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Iori runs over to the left and calls over Juro to follow her. I have no idea why she does this.

Oh yeah… I didn’t know you were into action movies. That one was a masterpiece. Pretty awesome…
Lucky you.
That series is really cool. It featured all kinds of different kaiju. If you love movies that much… You should check out this drama series.
What’s it about?
You’ve never seen it before? You’re so interesting, Fuyusaka-san.


I can’t believe Juro is cheating on Megumi! This will not stand! Go confront him!

Oh, Yakushiji.
So, you and that girl… Looks like you two are pretty close.
Wh-What are you talking about? More importantly, *why* are you talking to me? We’d get expelled if they knew we were living together. That’s why we decided not to talk to each other at school.

With that, Juro literally runs away. That boy ain’t right.

From the old building, you know? That place is freakin’ scary at night.
It’s all dark and totally deserted. I heard some shady people hang out there now.

Just walk right on by like you can’t see me.

And, oh, I don’t know, actually *tell* them what their plans are.

Oh, right. We were supposed to get our new mission from Fluffy today. Oops.


I’m going to be staking out the witch tomorrow. So when school is over, hurry your dumb human legs… And get to the passageway outside the old building.

…… When school is over, hurry to the old building passageway.
Oh yeah, and how about next time you address me… Show a little respect and use “sir”.

Piss off, cat!

Use Kitchen Knife on Kitchen

I’ll grill some mackerel. Oh, and simmer some taro!

It’s like you’re more cat than I am.

Ah, hell. He’s coming. All right, listen up. I’ll be waiting for you after school. You better not forget! *flees*

From there, the scene proceeds identically to the previous night.

Music: BUDDIES (Azusa Chiba)

Once Shu and Juro head inside after their conversation, we can talk to Fluffy and reconfirm our mission.

After school. Old building passageway. Got that?

I have to go. Fluffy’s waiting for me…

Here kitty, kitty…

Music: Between The Lines (Kikuchi Yukinori)

And is wearing a school uniform with no buttons.

Uh huh. Now, there *could* be one small hiccup…

That seems like a pretty big hiccup to me!
Well, in case you’ve never been shot before, it hurts. So…

How badly would it hurt… If I were to be shot? ……

Would Juro even cry for me?

Maybe he made a mistake…

Music: Cognitive Dissonance (Rikako Watanabe)

You’re not sneaking up on anyone that way.

You’re from Sector 3.
You’re from back then… So you’re the one. You’re one of Juro’s friends.
What are you doing here?
It doesn’t concern you.

Blatant lie!

I don’t think this was your idea. Who are you being used by?
I’m fine with being used.

I’ll do whatever I have to.

Megumi picks up the Magical Gun.

And Ei just… lets her leave.

The last place the Sentinel was seen… It should be somewhere nearby.

Music: Power Of Destruction (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

But where’s Juro? Juro, where are you? He couldn’t possibly… Still be in there?

The all-too-familiar teleportation aura fades in. Better get outta there before you get Timecop’d, Megumi.

*crying* I’m so glad… You’re still alive…
I’m sorry. I couldn’t protect your city.
Shh. It doesn’t matter… I was so worried about you.
Right! I’ll go find help.

They have to still be here somewhere… That’s what you said. I just have to find them.


Music: Self Sacrifice (Yoshimi Kudo)

Please, don’t go…

You’re hurt. We need to get help.
I need you… To stay… Please…

I can’t… See your face…
Why… Why did you get in that Sentinel? You knew this is what would happen.
I wanted to protect… What was important to you… I wanted to… Protect… you…


Hi, BJ! If that is BJ, of course. Could always just be an identical robit.


The moment you enter the Sentinel… You inflict irreversible damage to your brain. Your memory is destroyed, and worst case, you become a husk.

Just being inside for a few minutes can be fatal. Izumi endured that pain. He fought in there for over 2 hours. He displayed incredible strength. But… You understand, don’t you? It’s too late for him.

There was a time I fought alongside him.
So you’re one of his comrades. And yet, you won’t even try. Please, there must be something you can do…
Izumi was a dependable and true ally. I will mourn this loss as well.

So, Megumi is now locked. Well, sort of. We actually have exactly enough Mystery Points at the moment to unlock the files to make this scene available, I just haven’t done it yet. I’ll put her on the voting list as if there isn’t a lock here.

Anyway, if you don’t forget to talk to Fluffy after Juro and Shu’s conversation outside, here is what happens:

Instead of some crazy person… Who thinks cats give a crap about what she has to say.
Anyways… So?
I haven’t spotted the witch yet. I’ll keep a lookout. Meet me after school. In the passageway outside the old building.

That’s it.

Juro Kurabe
Iori Fuyusaka
Megumi Yakushiji
Natsuno Minami
Yuki Takamiya
Shu Amiguchi
Keitaro Miura

There's also:

Takatoshi Hijiyama (Locked behind Ogata)
Ei Sekigahara (Locked behind Natsuno)

As you’ll notice, I’ve stopped posting the completion percentages next to the options, because I realized it was probably just going to lead us to just keeping everyone about even in terms of progress. That’s a fine way to play, but I don’t want it to be the only consideration.

The poll is here.