The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 42: Update XXXIX - Featuring: Birds, cats, and high explosives

Update XXXIX - Featuring: Birds, cats, and high explosives

Music: A Place to Come Home

Thanks to that Rabi hunting, I have 11 bags of Cat Food on hand. I turn it into 3,300 SP to give Team 3 a boost.

Meow-nager Ai: We can't handle the cat-astrophic influx that would come from using Fancy Cat Food right now...

Worth it.

Up next...

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Is heading back to the Underground.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

I'll warn you right now, I'm not gonna do a damn thing for this one. There's probably some kinda marking on your map. Go look for it on your own.

I'd like to remind you all that these quests were open before we went to Eden.

So if you did everything as soon as possible, you'd go through the Underground for the Intermission, then turn around and head right back.

There's absolutely nothing in the first area.

Or in the second.

But there's a quest marker in the third area.

You can barely see a dragon before a cutscene kicks in.

...Blaster Raven?

That funny—looking guy... I feel like I've seen him around Nodens.

*pant* *pant* This isn't... This isn't over yet...! Take this! Blaster Final Atta— Nrghhh!

Boy... Hurry... and run...

Lost Boy: G-Get up, Mister... The d-dragon is...

Alright, let's go bail him out.

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

We got a reskinned Megamouth.

I try to go for a Moon Stance -> Jinka React play with Inoue.

Except it goes for Valerie on turn 1.

Who then proceeds to paralyze him on turn 2.

Making him lose both actions.


The poor thing only got two attacks in four turns.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

He's not getting up, but he still reacts to the pain... Hey, Unit 13. We need to ensure his airway doesn't collapse. Get that weird outfit off of him.


Boy... I'm glad you're safe...

I was able to fend off five dragons while protecting him, but... I seem to have embarrassed myself in front of you. You have my gratitude, Unit 13! Now, I must return to my mission! Please bring this child back to the safety of Nodens.


Blaster Raven soloed five dragons?

The guy who does cosplay from a retro game series?

That Blaster Raven?

Is no one going to bring that up?

What the hell was that...? Whatever. Go tell Julietta that guy was the cause of all the dragon disappearances.

We still need to find those cats.

Thankfully they're like 10 feet away.

Hmm? Uhhh, Unit 13... There's a dragon behind you. You must've missed it. You should probably get into position... if you have time.

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

Well that's some halfassed quest design. It didn't even get a field model.

And yes, it is a forced ambush.

The Scar Viper hits far harder than the Megaearth.

But Forest Poetry neuters it for one main reason:

Next turn it uses Tyrant's Roar, a buff that increases ATK while decreasing DEF.

And that's it. The Viper runs on a strict AI pattern where most of the time it only gets one move per turn.

And since the ambush counts as a full turn, the only way you won't be able to break the buff is if you intentionally don't have any 1 turn support classes in the backrow.

To make it even worse, Buddy skills only breaks buffs, not debuffs, meaning the DEF debuff sticks around making Tyrant's Roar a net benefit to our side.

The follow up attack hurts.

But it still only has the one action. After this, the pattern will repeat with two normal attacks, then Tyrant's Roar, then Great Horn.

While this is going on, Team 3 is proving to be a great Support setup. Samurai gives ATK, Mage gives MAT, and Banisher gives DEF. Combined, they become a way to make everyone hit harder while taking less damage on a 2 turn cooldown.

Unfortunately, the Scar Viper just can't keep up. It has the bulk and the damage to be an honest threat, but the limited AI means I have more than enough time to keep myself patched up.

Of course they're gonna run away if there's a loud fight going on right next to them. Eh, too bad. Let's go back and report to your client.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Music: The Daily Grind

Lets go report to the cat lady.

Researcher Marie: Wait! That means those adorable kitties are like, in big danger! You gotta save them and bring 'em back to the cat cafe~!

But they're so cautious...

Researcher Marie: Ohhh, that's no problem! There's a simple trick I know that can solve that~! Wait, I don't have the time to be telling Unit 13 how to play with cats...


It'll be tough to get all three...

Researcher Marie: Hmmm... That is a problem...


Researcher Marie: Oh! You just gotta catch 'em all while they have their gathering! You could use, like... a net? What about some kinda big throw net? Y'know, like they use for fishing. I wonder if anyone in the Atlantis Evac Ward knows about that stuff.

Alright, so that quest isn't done yet. Let's finish up with Julietta before we head back to the Underground.

Still, the fact that he was able to destroy all those dragons means he's more than just some weirdo. I better look into it! But first... it's time for your reward. Do you want an item? Or do you perhaps want... me?

You obtained 600 Az!

You obtained SP Up 300 x3.

I'll give you a call if I find out anything else about that strange man in the hero costume. Anyways, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for new quests.

Now we can go get a net.

Fisherman Todd: Of course I have one! I look forward to the day when I can fish again. Are you lads going fishing?

Yes, we are.

Fisherman Todd: What are you looking to net?



We're trying to catch cats.

This just skips the question.


Fisherman Todd: Cats? Ahhh... So in this world there are fish called cats... I get it now. It'll be a while till I can go out fishing again. Here, you can take it. Just make sure you share that delicious cat meat with me, alright?

That man is going to be so confused in the near future.

Talking to him after this gets:

Fisherman Todd: How's the cat fishing going? Try and catch a big one!

Back underground we go.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

This makes three times you have to come down here in a row, if I didn't hold off on doing these quests.

So far Team 3 is about half the level of the others.

Music: Battlefield - UE77

But I'm sure they can take on a few random encounters!

Thanks, Vivian.

Now, the Banisher works a bit like the Duelist, and have a secondary resource to go with MN. Unlike the Duelist who starts with a few cards and constantly draws more, the Banisher starts every fight with a full stock of bombs and has to spend turns using the Reload skill when they run out. Their Bomb Bonus passive increases how many bombs they can hold at once, up to a max of nine.

The Mage, meanwhile, is 2020's Psychic, as I've said before.

And Samurai hits things like always.

Power Bolt Drop trades the potential weakness hits of Aerial Slash and Maple Tear for increased base damage and Bleed.

Clap Trap is your standard random-targeting move, but each hit has a chance of inflicting Burn.

And Volcano is your standard AoE move.

There is a small quirk about it compared to Mage's other elemental AoE moves, but I'll get into that later.

GEORGE!'s AUTO skill kicks in on the next fight. War Cry is a 3 turn ATK/DEF buff.

As mentioned, Sheathed Stance will eventually pick up a DEF/MDF debuff at higher levels, but for now it just deals a bit of damage.

Flame is, well, a standard attack.

While Burst Attack is 3 hits compared to Clap Trap, and it deals slightly less damage overall, but every hit is focused on a single target.

Destructive Sweep has some impressive synergy with this team, considering Mage has access to all three elements.

In the event your Banisher runs out of bombs and you don't want to Reload, you have to use Javelin.

Do not use Javelin.

That's it for fights on this trip, they can get more time in the spotlight once they're strong enough for the Ladyin Ruins.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

The cats are in the same place as before.

System Message: Do you want to cast the Throw Net?

Not yet.

C'mon, this is your only chance! Quit dicking around! Hurry up and do it!

The other choice just cuts right to here.

We get a meow from each cat.


At long last, we're free from the Tokyo Underground.

For now.

Music: The Daily Grind

As a small little detail, the Banisher's armor isn't just for show, they actually clank when they walk!

Researcher Marie: I wonder if they're gonna keep having gatherings in the cat cafe! I'm so excited! Ohmigod, it's almost time for my meeting! Here, this is a thank you gift!

You obtained 3,000 Az!

You obtained SP Up 200 x3.

I wonder if that milestone notice means...

Meow-nager Ai: This is a thank you gift for all your help! I look fur-ward to working with you some more!

It does!

Next time: Going from reused dungeons to reused dungeons.