The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 53: Update L - Featuring: The bar

Update L - Featuring: The bar

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

Understandable, now that Valerie is hitting her stride.

Ryo: Thank you so much! Seeing you fight made me fall in love with Unit 13 all over again! I'll make sure “7th Demon III Code: BFD” passes the project proposal meeting! Here, this is a small token of my thanks!

You obtained 5,000 Az!

You obtained Super Upper x1.

The Super Upper is an accessory that gives a 1.2x bonus to EXP and SP.

Ryo: I'm still getting more ideas, even now... I gotta hurry back and finish up the project proposal~!

Just... make sure you put some money into gameplay balancing.

Trust me on that one.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Now we never have to go back to Atlantica ever again.

Music: UE77 In Ariake

And since heading back shoves us into the Portal room, we get forced into a cutscene.

Hmph, there is no need for your concern! We are not some luggage to be toted around as you please!

*chuckle* It appears as though she hates me.

Don't worry, Mr. Yuma. Jil's just naturally hot-blooded~.

However, this is an issue affecting our homeland. Therefore, it's only right that we see it through to the end~.

I see... I suppose if you truly have such great determination, you may join.

Welp, you guys should seriously get—

You brat...! What are you doing here!? This isn't a playground!

I-I know, but... I came up with a plan...

There's no way a plan made by a brat is gonna be of use to us!

That's kinda rude considering the entire reason she got hired was because she's that good of a navigator.

Just listen...! I'm sure... it well [sic] help you!


IMG][/IMG] *nods*

Grrrr! You're way too soft on her, Unit 13! Well, spit it out! What's this plan of yours?

W-Well, I'd like you all to take a look at this.

Yeah, I tried to make a mock-up of the layout using whatever info I could get my hands on. I can guarantee at least 84% accuracy, though.

This is incredible... They weren't kidding about those skills of yours...

S-So, as you can probably tell from looking at the map... The blue Dragonsbane has affected the Preloma terrain quite a bit. Getting through will be tricky.

What can we do?

I'm just getting to that. The plan is—

Oh, so we're doing the 'explain the plan to everyone but the actual player' thing, are we?

Well, there are a few flaws here and there, but I think that'll do for now.


Yup. This is gonna be a real test of your navigator skills, though. You alright with that?


Yeah... I want to do it. I will make this work!

You're like a new person.

I'm going to change... I don't want to keep regretting my mistakes!


I'm in love~!

...! Valerie... You shouldn't joke about that kind of stuff... Y-You were serious!? I-I see...


OK! *giggle* I'm going to work really hard!

Nagamimi and I will be your navigator team! We'll explain everything once you get there!

Unit 13 nods.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

With that, Preloma is finally unlocked.

It has... a lot of dragons.

But we have two things to do before we can head over there.

You obtained Large Scallop Bento x1.

System Message: Also, I heard that in this world, you exchange your “number” with those you care about. Here.

System Message: You can now invite Ulania to the Skylounge!

First is getting Ulania's ID.

And second is calling everyone up.

Music: A Place to Come Home

I wonder if it's OK for someone like me to be in here...

You might not be mature enough.

Th-That's what I thought...! This isn't somewhere for a child like me... I wish I was an adult... I wish I was mature enough to come to a place like this alone with you, Opal...


You fit in really well.

R—Really...!? I wonder if I'm more mature now... *giggle*


U—Um, I know! You're supposed to order drinks in these kinds of places, right? What do you want, Opal?

Gimme a stylish cocktail.

Wow, you're so cool! I hope I can get interesting drinks like that when I'm an adult... But for now... I guess I'll get some orange juice. Excuse meee!


Let's share the Big Soda Special.

Wow, look at that picture! There's ice cream in it, and even fruit! *giggle* But our foreheads might bump together if we drink it at the same time... Excuse meee!

Are you sure you're OK with paying for everything...?


Thanks for the drink, then! I had a lot of fun today. Let's do this again, Opal!

I don't have much time. We will have to have our conversation standing here.

He said I should learn how to live like a normal young adult.

Leave it to me!

You have my thanks!


I'm not sure I can help...

Maybe some slang words, or popular songs...


Hm, what should we cover first...? Ah, I know. Could you tell me how young people spend their free time?

Have fun all over town!

I see... I usually go into the city for my missions. I suppose this thing you call fun is the key to acting like a young person. What do you do when you have fun? And... what is fun in the first place?


Sleep all day long.

You sleep... all day? How could you be that physically exhausted!?

*shakes head*

There must be some sort of terrible disease going around...

*shakes head*

So that means... even though you are perfectly healthy, you choose to sleep... for the whole day? That sounds like a waste of twenty four hours that you could be working.


Please teach me more next time.

It felt as though you were summoning me, so I came here. This device can contact others, even from afar... How useful!

I wonder how long it took to create such a grand civilization without the aid of a Star Crystal. It is imperative that those of us from Atlantis learn as much as we can from your village of Tokyo. I wish to learn more about the strength of your civilization... Please, teach me more in the future.


*giggle* I am pleased. I will be looking forward to it.

Now, you might think that we can go to Preloma now.

But wait, there's more!

Turns out that the level 2 Skylounge also opens up a second date scene for everyone.

Which is really god damn weird, considering that the Skylounge upgrade unlocks during the Intermission, but we can't get our first ID until Chapter 4.

She can make us work as hard as she wants. Labor unions are a thing of the past.

I appreciate the work you do.

Of course! You'd be a fool not to be grateful for the Almighty Nagamimi! Though I guess being a corporate slave at Nodens isn't so bad.


Why are you still working here?

...? I've gotta work to live. Aren't you humans the same way?


...Excuse me??? :stare:

That's a hell of a fact to tuck away in an optional conversation!

It'd be a pain in the ass to try and live on my own.

I thought you were a rabbit...


I'm a mega-cute Nagamimi-type alien life form! How many times do I have to tell you before it finally gets through your thick skull!?

So, like, is Nagamimi possessing a stuffed doll? Do they just naturally look like that and F!Hacker's doll is a complete coincidence? Is there any relation to the Hypnos sisters? Can Nagamimi turn into a True Dragon if they get sufficiently pissed? What's the deal here?


It's weird to hear you say it.

Eeheehee... I'm a super rare Nagamimi-type alien life form. You'd better treat me well.

I'm gonna go. You can just stay here and sit on your fat ass for as long as you want. But... next time, let's meet somewhere we won't get interrupted.

I actually brought some allowance money with me today. I'm kinda like an adult, right? *giggle*

Allowance? Are you not getting paid for your work here, Mio?

Order anything you want!

You choose, Mio!

H-Huh? I have to choose...? U-Um, well... Orange juice: 1,000 Az... Iced coffee: 1,500 Az... Wh-Wh-What!? Are in stores for adults this expensive...!?


Let's get the fruit platter.

Alright! Umm, so the fruit platter is... H-Huh...? This has to be some kind of mistake. It says it costs 10,000 Az...


I'm sorry, Opal... I only have 1,500 Az with me... Even though I'm trying to act like an adult, I'm still just a little kid...

There's no need to rush.

You're wrong...! I want to be an adult as fast as I can, or else I...


You're good how you are now.

You're wrong... I'm not good. I want to reach your level as fast as I can. I...


But I also know how weak my body is... No matter how much medicine I take, I keep getting worse...

I'm sad now... :smith:

I'll save up so I can try and act like an adult when I'm with you, Opal... Will you... wait for me?


*giggle* I'll see you later!

I told the admiral I'd be with you, so we have as much time as we need. That seat appears to have a good view. Let us sit.

It was a very educational experience, learning about how young people live. I was given the day off yesterday, so I tried to practice, but I could only manage thirty minutes. It seems that I am most relaxed while working on a mission.

Was Yuma's ID originally meant to show up before Chapter 5 or something? Because this is one hell of a 180 from Mr. "Emotions will cause you to lose sight of your objective."

I believe that spending time in such a useless way is completely unnecessary for me...

Maybe uselessness is important?

Both time and the activity of a human brain are finite. It would be a waste to use them on that which has no use. Rather than sleep, I would prefer to spend my time absorbing new information, like in our talks.


You have to rest sometime.

Rest... Speaking to you like this is enough of a rest for me.


I suppose I can understand the admiral's intentions. Experience is everything. Oh, that's correct... There is one more thing I wish to ask of you, Opal.

It hangs here for a second.

Around 70% of my research led me back to the idea of romance. I cannot begin to comprehend the reason why.

You do have a point...

I knew you would understand!


You know nothing, Yuma.

Hmph... That is exactly why I asked you the question.


Opal... Accompany me on a date.

I cannot perform such a test on my own. Furthermore, there is nobody but you for me to ask...

I guess I'll do it.

Thank you! It will be of great assistance to my research!


I'd be glad to join you.

R-Really...? It makes me happy to hear you say that...


I'll be waiting...

Although, to be living in peace while crisis occurs outside...

It's a good thing.

However, I often wonder whether it is proper for me to be living such a peaceful life.


What's wrong...?

Nothing is wrong... It is simply that I often wonder whether it is proper for me to be living such a peaceful life.


The weary citizens of Atlantis need time to heal their damaged hearts. However, I should not share in that luxury. That is why I have made attempts to learn more about the culture of Tokyo. But...

I guess so.


I could never turn you down!

T-Thank you, Opal... You are always so kind...


Then it is a promise. I shall be awaiting your invitation.

Oh thank god we're nearly done.

You've gotta be tired. Let's sit down and rest.

All these battles are really wearing me out. You alright, Opal?

I'm doing great!

You really are tough...


I'd love a massage from someone.

S-Someone...? Does that mean anyone is OK...?


Even if I'm gassed, talking to you pumps me right back up again. You OK with doing this again sometime?

And with that, we're finally done with the Skylounge.

For now.

Meaning we can head out to Preloma.

I'm sure Emel won't be too mad we put her off for so long.

Next time: What has 100 power, 10 PP, and hits everything in double battles?