Part 6: 1st class cabin

[Music: Binary Game]

This room's deceptively large. It looks really small, and like there's not much in it but it's packed with stuff to see and do. We didn't get a good look at whatever it is that's locking us in, so we should probably do that.

So, uh, this is super nitpicky and it's probably expecting a specific pitch but we were just talking right in front of the microphone. I'm pretty sure that would generate some kind of response from it. Anything sound activated will usually generate a ton of false positives (along with not working when you expect it would) making it not particularly safe or useful. I guess Zero managed to somehow fix that.
Ah, well. We know what we need to do in the end to get out of here. Let's see if we can find stuff that'd help with that.

Looking at this bed conveniently next to the door seems like the perfect way to achieve that.

That was odd. I can't help but think we were just threatened, either.

Oh well, doesn't look like there's anything else there so let's move around and see what's sitting in this area.
Normally, you can only examine certain items from one camera angle and trying to do it from another pans the camera. In this case, we can examine the desk and seat from either this one or the previous one and we get different dialogue for it. We want to do it from here, because it's less generic "it's a desk" stuff that way.

That's... quite an impressive talent. It also reminds me a lot of this for some reason.
Oh well, let's look at that chair instead.

I dunno, what's the worst that could happen? Let's poke it again!

That was certainly... different. Speaking of different, one thing that usually results in a dud is examining the lights around a room.

Just like this one above the desk.

Yeah, see. What a waste of time. And that's why we don't examine the pointless things.

Speaking of which, we can examine the bed from here too. We don't get an inexplicable zoom this time, though.

For the first... about four times or so we examine it, we get this. There's no reason to assume the fifth would be any different but it is. It's very different.

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to dislike Snake. This just helps show exactly why.
Let's do the next logical thing and look at a mirror!

Yeah, it does. Kinda rude too, so I wouldn't say it around anyone else!
...Okay, fine, now we'll look at the obvious point of interest. I guess the piano could prove useful on account of that whole "needing sound" thing.

Y'know, we know we need sound and this is a piano... There's no reason we couldn't just press a bunch of keys and hope we get it right!

[Sound Bite: Piano]
Rare though it might be, there could be times when a sound effect is worth listening to because it's mentioned in the dialogue or the like but there's nothing else that warrants a full video. In these cases, I'll just post the audio as is (even though it's only a couple of seconds long).

Hmm, so it might be best to find the actual score we need to play before we can continue then. Shame that there's something in the way. Let's see what that is.

So, now we can see a map of the ship whenever we're in what the game calls "novel sections." We can't use it during the actual puzzle bits because... we just can't, okay? There's a minor control overlap, but there's no logical reason why we can't look at a map here.
Functionally, it just helps pick what other rooms we'll be going to later since you can see every potential room on whatever floor you're on. Even if you can't go there this playthrough now. I'll keep a version of it in the second post, but it'll just include places we've been to.

Well, it looks like we've finally exhausted this first room so let's head to the double doors. We'll check out the one on the right first, which gives us a small closet of some kind. There's probably something in that cupboard, so let's give it a look at shall we?

I... what's that?

Though if we head through the door on the left instead, we come out into a hallway. If we examine it there, we get something a bit different.

There's not many items that give different dialogue depending on where you actually look at them, but there's a few. Usually it's because there's different characters in the area so from this, and how every piece of dialogue so far has been exclusively between Junpei and Snake, we can deduce that Seven's been searching the second half of the room.
Anyway, we have a glass plate with some sheet music on it now. Might as well hold onto this until we find the rest (which should be A, B, D, E, F and G if they follow this one and have one note on each), before worrying about it.
There's also one other thing in the closet you probably noticed. Let's take a look at that before continuing on.

I... I think we should head on out and help Seven now. Seems like he could use our help more at this point.

So, back in that hallway we can head to three possible rooms; the bedroom or one the two doors we can see. There's a fourth door around the corner, but we can't get to it from here because we just can't. We'll take a look at the door closest to us first.

It's a... rather small bathroom. There's probably something here we can use, even if it's hidden just out of sight right now.
Clearly, therefore, the shower head is our most important clue!

I would, but I think it's a little dear.

I think I can see... half... a mirror on the left there. Let's give it a look, shall we?

If we examine it twice more, we get to generic "it's a mirror" messages. If we examine it after that though?

The only other thing there is to look at is the bath.

Incidentally, that is some fucking nasty looking water.

Well, so much for that idea then. Let's just get rid of that water because... seriously, it's awful.

That's pretty gross, but whatever. I guess he saw something where it might come in handy.
If we head out into the hallway again and look in the other room?

We're in the second half of the room now. From here we can finish up when we come back, but first I think I'm missing something...

Right back here; in the bedroom, under that pillow.

Blind or not, Snake was clearly attempting to do something.
At last, Junpei could no longer contain his curiosity.

Snake waited a moment before answering.

Junpei was somewhat taken aback by this revelation. He stared at Snake, skeptical.

Snake's official art.