Part 33: Kitchen 3

June, relieved, collapsed onto the floor.

Santa shoved past Junpei and ran straight to the grill, which he immediately grabbed.

He proceeded to kick the grill in a futile but amusing fit of rage.
But...where was Lotus?
It took Junpei only a moment to find her... She was sitting on the counter, idly scratching her chest.

[Music: Who is Zero?]
With a great yawn, Lotus lowered herself off of the counter.
Junpei clenched his teeth and walked toward her.

It was true that there wasn't much she could have done, but something about her tone...
Junpei gritted his teeth.

She was right, and Junpei knew it. Without them, she'd be in very serious trouble.
It seemed that an accident was the only explanation for the door's closure.

please disregard how laziness, or negligence, can be attempted murder - junpei doesn't know that apparently
Junpei swallowed his anger, and did his best to apologize.
[Music: Silence]

Lotus looked away and twirled her hair between her fingertips.
His vengeance against the grill complete, Santa swaggered back toward Junpei and Lotus.

[Music: Ternary Game]
Well, that was a fairly lengthy side-segment. It appears to have not been planned by Lotus, at least, but if you hadn't noticed that pork we grabbed seemed to be somewhat optional. I wonder, then, if we skipped it... could we go back and get it?

Let's go and find out.

Doesn't look like it, but then again we do have that pork already. This may be why; I guess we'll find out when we get a chance to at some later date.
For now, Lotus should look at our hard meat.

I think I know just the guy. We already know exactly where to find the grill too so let's just skip right there.

This should work perfectly.

Guess we should actually get the pork out. That might help!


Well, rather conveniently I know just the thing.

I didn't expect this to come in handy, but here we are.

The knife seemed important, Junpei thought, but it wasn't going to be much use the way it was.
[Music: Silence]

She wasn't making much sense...
Junpei tried rephrasing his question.

At last, she answered.

[Music: Riddle and Puzzle]

Actually, uh,

Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan is a real book (so naturally this is another theory that people did believe). I own a copy, but, uh, I've never actually read it. I should get around to that sometime. I can't say whether or not it's a good read, but apparently it does involve the main character getting into a fight with a polar bear.

There's a reason for this, which I would hope would be obvious. Of course, that's the real book. Whether or not the same applies for the version June's talking about?

...Well, this is awkward. Fortunately, June's going to mention stuff about Stead that is different to the mummy from before. That helps at least.

This is also true. On 22 March 1886, Stead had a small article published called "How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid-Atlantic." In it, the unnamed boat collided with another leading to a large amount of victims due to a lack of boats. The 1892 one ("From the Old World to the New") is a bit different to June's very short glossing over the facts, as it involves a boat called the Majestic, a clairvoyant on board and avoiding the disaster. By the psychic "sensing" that a different ship hit an iceberg instead. So it's kinda right, but not.

Yup, as you might remember he also died. His body was never recovered, so he's still down there. Well, as much as he can be at this point.

[Music: Silence]

Junpei smiled uncomfortably.

Her voice trailed off, and she glanced at the floor, troubled.
*Tap* *Tap*
Junpei tapped June gently on the shoulder and awkwardly reached around her to pick up the knife from the box.
[Music: Ternary Game]
Well, that was...kind of out of nowhere. Let's just get the hell out of here now that we can.

Cut things, you say? I wonder what Santa and Lotus think about this.

Eh, I'm sure it's fine as is. That meat is probably super soft by now, and it's not like we were planning on eating it afterwards anyway.

This'll work out alright.

Alright, alright. I'll find something to remove the rust from this knife. Somehow.

There's not much left in the room, but there is this thing. It could be useful. I guess.

I can't think of anything that'd need sharpening. Nope. What makes you think I wo- oh, I know. Maybe we could sharpen June's nails and have her cut the pork like that.

A... knife...?

The blade of the knife is getting sharper by the second. I should be able to cut something pretty good with this.
Of course! I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.

Something... soft? I can't think of much that matches that description. Except maybe Santa and Lotus.
....Er, I mean maybe they have ideas for what we could use it on.

Y'know, I appreciate that they can't just come out and tell you the answer but these vague hints are giving me all the wrong ideas.

Might help if I could stop putting things away again after randomly shoving them in people's faces.

I have an idea, but first I wanna see what June thinks. Best to get everyone's input for something like this.

...Right, well never mind then. The way I see it, this is clearly a code of some kind. The issue, of course, being that the C and the F are the clues we need to decipher it. So, let's head on over to the one spot where we can dash out a numerical value for this thing.

Lotus gives us a bit of a tutorial here on how to use the keypad (namely the C and E buttons), but we've done one of these before so I'll skip here.

"C + 10 + F," right? Well, the 10 is self-explanatory but the C and F are bit more complicated. I would assume either the freezing or boiling point of water in both Celsius and Fahrenheit but I appear to have put the freezing and... condensation (okay, yeah, it's a stretch but shush) points instead with both in fahrenheit.

Unsurprisingly, my goof did not accidentally solve the puzzle.

What voucher? There was no voucher. Let's just try the numerical values of those letters. And maybe the 10 is an I and an O. So maybe, 3 + (9*15) + 6. So, 144.
Spoilers: this doesn't work either.

...Alright, fine. I guess we should go and at least look.

This is probably it.

Good thing Junpei does, because I sure as hell don't. Maybe a second explanation will help!

Oh, okay. I've got it now.

This is totally the right answer!

Okay, let's try this again and... fuck, this is harder than it sounds!

Oh, I see! In that case, it's 12 + 10 + 15 which is 37. I am so pro at this!
...Wait, dammit that's wrong to.

Oh! That's where I went wrong. I got C and 10 wrong. It's 31 + C and C is, uh, 3! It's 34!
...Damn, that's not working either? I think Zero's puzzle is busted or somethimg.

This last one just loops ad infinitum, so I guess we should probably get it right now.

C + 10 + F = 12 + 16 + 15 = 43.

And, of course, that is actually correct.

Since we got it right, it stands to reason that we can open the door now!

The only thing of interest in here is sitting on a tray. Let's give that a quick once over.

It sounds like a reasonable idea, but we should give the inside of the oven a quick check. If solving the puzzle turned the oven off as well as opened the door, it should still be warm. And, of course, the card would be completely useless.

Seems like it'll work fine, though.

But while we're here, let's give the pork one last check. Maybe take it with us.

Sadly we can't take the food with us to eat. How disappointing.

So, instead, we solved All The Puzzles. We can just leave now, right?

Okay, apparently the door itself was a dumb idea. Let's try opening it with the door handle instead.

I think we're meant to do something with this? I dunno. Lotus just said that we have to solve all of the puzzles. Never said anything about using the card reader!

I mean, c'mon Santa. It's pretty obvious!

We just swipe the card and the light turns green, duh!