Part 45: Door 4

Okay, so... the third run and it's gonna be pretty short. Other than the stuff behind the new doors, I'll just be glossing over a large chunk of this. We've seen pretty much everything between the rooms before, so other than quickly recapping the main points so you have an idea roughly where we are I'll be skipping past them entirely.

I say "new doors" but it's also the first time we must re-enter one of the rooms we've already dealt with. If there weren't two choices here, it'd be quite simple but as is we need to make an actual decision here.
There's more stuff behind door 4 worth seeing, so that's where we're off.

Fun fact: holding down the Right button on the d-pad affects these little scenes, as well as the dialogue.
As for the rooms, well we've seen most of it so instead we're gonna bounce around a lot. Primarily we're just going to focus on anything new or that I just skipped over before.

Well, at least the stuff that warrants it anyway. The choice during the scene when we grabbed the matches, for example, isn't worth the hassle.

...I'd be perfectly okay with this. Hell, I'd actually get a ticket for it.

You might notice that neither of these choices are greyed out here. That's because by suggesting this was the Titanic itself we bypassed this option, and got railroaded into one of its choices. It's the same reason why Door 2 wasn't grey when presented with the 1/2/6 split.

Junpei scratched his temple.

...And we've seen it from here.
[Music: Binary Game]
You might've noticed that there was no mention of the RMS Olympic this time. Makes sense, since we posited it was a replica rather than the real thing.
Anyway, let's grab the dresser key and the matches and leave June on her own.

A completely minor thing, but we never did examine the tile from here.

Holstein in this case is not referencing a painter or a psychologist or anything. You're smart people; you probably know what it is.
...Moving on.

We don't have light in the bedroom yet, but we don't need it for this tile thankfully. Just gonna grab this real quick like and jet off to the painting that needs it and 2 others.

Okay, yeah, so to do that we need the candle. Because it's also the key for the display cabinet.
Of course, the game points out you goofed if you have the matches and the candle...and don't light it.

The only important thing in here is grabbing the curtain. That's the trigger for the candle becoming the candlestick key.

It's also important for the bathroom.

Eh, there's no need to actually hang it up. Of course, if we don't we can get this tile anyway.

Junpei just pulls it out by sheer chance.
Of course, with this now we can go hang up the curtain and peep through it anyway.

...Let's go get the last tile now.
[Music: Who Is Zero?]

But after doing so, Santa offers us his weird bookmark. We, uh, have no use for it so he can keep it.

Santa turned and headed off to the other room.

He walked into the next room, waving the bookmark...
Junpei turned back to his work...
[Music: Silence]
[Sound Bite: Karma (3)]

...And with that, there's just one last thing to deal with. We solved the puzzle, grabbed the Mars Key and now we have to choose something other than Funyarinpa for the Rorschach test. In fact, we're going to choose all the other answers that are still wrong - to Lotus - but worth looking at.
All two of them.
[Music: Riddle and Puzzle]

Several seconds of silence passed, as Lotus stared at Junpei.

Wait, wait, wait. We get a second chance!

Junpei pointed to what he was talking about.
After 3 seconds of silence, Lotus looked at Junpei.

And then she tells us all about some wacky experiment that she doesn't even think was real in the end and we leave.
[Music: Binary Game]

After looking at the two items we can have in the corridor with us, at least.

And on that note, we're done in the 2nd Class Cabin for the second time.

And so we head on through the hallway, and enter the Kitchen!

There's not much to do here, beyond grab the whetstone and a rusty knife...
[Music: Riddle and Puzzle]

Since the last time we had this conversation, I have read some of the book and... it's actually pretty okay. I can answer the one question that is probably on your mind, after I mentioned it last time.
John Rowland does indeed fight a polar bear. With a pocket knife.

And on this dialogue branch, Junpei feels fit to explain what the deal is with the real version of Futility.

Surprised by Junpei's response, June seemed rather taken aback.

For a moment, June looked very unhappy, more so than Junpei thought was normal for such a discussion.
...But it lasted only a moment.
With no apparent reason, she suddenly looked up at him, alarmed.

And from here it continues on as we saw it last time.

So the only thing to do here is step into the freezer and get locked in.
[Music: Tinderbox]

It's kinda hard to see, but you can grab the pork itself rather than examining the shelf. It's just a bit harder to do.

Nothing much else to do but collect everything we can and make our dry ice bomb.
[Music: Silence]

Here, though, we're going to do things a bit differently to what you'd expect. Once again we're going to want to get out of here ASAP.

And now here we're going to choose that this strange type of ice doesn't matter.

Their first concern needed to be leaving the freezer, or none of them would be around to ponder scientific quandaries for very long.

[Music: Tinderbox]
Before we actually leave, though, we do have a few things in here that we can examine now...

And, of course, we can always sharpen the rusty knife with the whetstone. Yes, even in the freezer.

And with that done, we can now leave the freezer.
And in fact the kitchen altogether. There's nothing else in it now, worth our time.

[Music: Extreme Extrication]
Now we're gonna skip a LONG way ahead. Past meeting back up with Ace, Snake, Clover and Lotus. Past searching for the missing bits of the DEAD. Past the realisation that Snake's MIA.

We're cutting right into the search itself. Most of it is optional; the only thing we need to do, is go back to the large hospital room.

They turned, and ran down the hallway to their right.
Once here we can choose to talk to Santa or ignore him. Again, we're gonna talk to him.

This time, we know about a strange old man with a 0 for a bracelet. Maybe he's our perp in this scenario.

...Okay, Junpei doesn't know about him but that's irrelevant.

Santa shoved his hands into his pockets and cracked his knuckles.

Junpei furrowed his brow.

Santa grinned.

...We know how it goes from here. Having gone back to the large hospital room is the only thing we need to do, so having done so we can end the search right here.
This leads to the same old rigamarole of Lotus suggesting we leave someone behind, Ace puts himself to sleep etc. etc.

Seems to me, though, that we only really have one option left...

Lotus concept art #2.