Part 47: Operating room

[Music: Septenary Game]
Alright, so our penultimate door... Let's get to it!

There's quite a fair bit to this room, so we'll do our usual routine of going clockwise through everything.

There's probably something to the mannequin itself. I highly doubt it's gonna be Kim Cattrall but you never know!

...Okay, maybe it will turn out to be a robotic version of Pygmalion or something after all. Why else would it be named before Junpei can give it a name of his own?

Nothing else left over there, though, so let's start to look around the room. This desk right here has a lot on it; something useful should be here.

Are... those forceps?

Let's grab those, while we can!

As you might've guessed, these really exist. Apparently they're named after a Swiss surgeon.

Much more importantly, there's this thing just behind it!

Hmm, that's a shame... but we can also use it to our advantage.

I'm sure you know where this is going.


But, alas, we can't do anything else with this potential early escape avenue so we'll look under the very conscpicuous white sheet now.

Sounds like a plan. This gives us some form of a goal to work towards in here; it's worth a shot.

Speaking of shots...

That is rather unfortunate, but it also makes sense. Even if there were laxatives here that Zero didn't remove, for some bizarre reason, he would at least make it obscure what they are. Really, leaving them here wouldn't make sense in the first place.

Ah well, you probably noticed this thing over here. It does kinda stand out.

Nothing else left over there, so let's look over at the last part of this room. This table also looks like it has a lot of things on it.

A scalpel that looks new, huh?

Well, that could come in handy. It's certainly reminiscent of a different room we've seen at least...

This thing stands out, so its got to be useful in some form. It doesn't have anything about it that appears immediately useful though.

Something that fit into a small hole and pull this thing out?
Nope, no idea.

There's nothing else left in this part of the room so let's take a look around the other side of the partition.

There's two doors here, so let's try them both. The one on the right stands out a bit more so be worth looking at first.

Well, that one was a bust.

So let's try this one instead then.

So, there's nothing over on the right we can do. Well, there was a turn to the left so let's go look over there and see what's over there.

...Of course, it's another locked door.
I guess we're stuck in this part of the room trying to find the key or something.

Well, this is the only thing we've seen so far that would maybe make sense.

We might already have the lung from the miniature mannequin, but we should probably check it again.

Now that we know it's orgone, we should probably look at the organ itself again. We need to find a way to open it, and we do have a scalpel...

Hmm, well we have a key now and there's two locked doors.

It's worth a shot if nothing else.

Looks like there's quite a lot of things in here. We'll start over on the left, and work our way around the room.

Sodium chloride, better known as...

So, there's a bottle of salt in here. Seems like an odd thing to keep right below...

The stuff on this shelf.

I must admit, I wouldn't have expected a chemistry area to be adjacent to an operating theatre.

Though there might be a reason for that.

...Okay, ammonia wasn't quite what I was expecting. That seems like a bad thing to keep here.

It's not the worst thing, true, but it's still quite risky.

There's something about this I don't quite get but we'll cover that in a minute.

Right, okay. I'm sure someone will explain why it's written as C2H5OH; I'm presuming that it's due to the molecule's layout or something. But it just sticks out as a bit odd here. I'd have expected C2H6O or something along those lines at least.

Well, no matter right now. I'm sure there'll be something else over here.

...Okay, maybe this could be bad. You might remember this stuff from a while back, when there was something of a general scare involving it. It's amazing, what you can do when science proves that 100% of people who consume this stuff end up dying.
That's because this is just a far less common name for the Most Dangerous Substance:

...Yeah. The whole thing was predicated on just deceiving people. I'm sure most people know about it by now, since it was in like 1997.

So right under all that water, I wonder what there could possibly be.

So that's all the science stuff in the room, I suppose. Let's take a look then at the thing in the center.

A passcode, huh? We do get a shot to input the code here but there's nothing interesting that happens if you get it wrong or haven't seen the hint for it, so let's just skip over it for now.

Instead, let's take a look at this note right next to the box.

It's not particularly complicated or difficult; even I figured out what it was asking me for right away.

I just, uh, got it wrong the first time because I didn't know the stuff on that note was peppered around the room.

As a result, I kinda... sorta didn't know how many atoms were in ammonia or ethanol.
That's what the passcode is: number of atoms in carbon dioxide (3), ammonia (4), ethanol (9) in that order.
Nothing too complicated, and the iron/salt/water stuff gives you a decent enough hint to figure it out with.

With it solved, the box opens and we can take the spoils from within! This, uh, is actually kinda weird.

Well, looks ike we've got three of Lucy's parts now. Since her left arm and head were already on the table, it looks like we're just missing the rest of her torso and her legs.

But before we go find those, let's grab these bottles. Could come in handy, I guess.

Well, no matter what it is, we're done in here so let's head on out.

Clover nodded, and left.
Junpei was about to follow her when he realized that Seven wasn't following suit.

He looked up at Junpei distractedly, and then back down at the brown bottle he held cupped in his large hands.

In response, Seven tossed the bottle gently to Junpei.
He caught it, and twisted it around to read the label.

...Ethy-what now?

Oh, of course how silly of me now I understand perfectly.

Junpei looked up from the bottle.