Part 64: 2

We've seen the first bit of this scene before, but one part of it changes now that Clover isn't going to become an axe-murderer in a few moments. Our new stuff is when we double back to check on her, in fact.

As Junpei watched, she closed it, gently and quietly.

Truth might be gone, but I think we just found it again.

But Junpei wasn't going to get to see it.
From the other end of the hall, he heard Ace's voice.

Clover shrugged.

Before Junpei could protest, she was gone. Around the corner, and off down the long stem of the L.

From here, we proceed like we did when we got axed. We end up back on B deck, reconvene with everyone else, get told by June that they found Door 9, and decide to head over to it.
Unlike before, though, Clover doesn't stop us partway there to eventually murder Santa, June, Seven and Junpei.
[Music: Foreboding]

It looked familiar.
There was a metal grate between the 2 elevators.
Seven grabbed hold of it and began to talk.

With 4, they'd been able to open the door and keep going.
As usual, they'd faced a locked door, but had been forced to complete 2 different areas before they could unlock it.
Once they were through that door, there was another hallway that went in the other direction, towards the stern.

With that settled, Junpei looked around.

Seven began walking, down the hallway that lead toward the stern.
Junpei and the others broke into a jog to keep up with him.
They had been walking for a while, June in silent step with Junpei, when she spoke.

Perhaps June had sensed Junpei's concern.

Junpei was about to respond when--
[Music: Silence]
Seven suddenly stopped.
In front of them stood a door.

Junpei couldn't see Seven's face, but he could see him nod.

At the end of the hallway was a thick, iron wall.
To the left and right, other hallways led to the port and starboard sides of the ship, but they were both closed off by thick metal grates.
It looked as though Seven was right.
The door in front of them was their only choice.

He pulled open the door, and walked in.
Junpei took a deep breath and followed.
[Video: "2"]

[Music: Eternitybox]

Like all the others, it was a rough thing, made of red paint.
The door it decorated sat on the back wall of a rectangular room.
Junpei ran up to it.

Junpei grabbed the handle and shook. It didn't budge, but then, he hadn't really expected it to.
The RED was bolted to the wall next to the door. Its display read "VACANT".
Finally, they'd arrived. Junpei felt a flood of emotion wash over him.
He felt a chill down his back, and his chest tightened even as his blood began to boil.
He was about to speak, when--

He turned around.
Junpei could scarcely believe what he saw. A door...and a [9].
There was...
...Another one...

His words came slowly, and his brain struggled to understand what he'd seen.
On shaky legs, he made his way to the second [9].
It was a small door, set parallel to the door they'd come through, but in the other corner of the room.

He grabbed the handle and shook the door, not because he expected it to open, but because he had to make sure it was real.

It was Ace who spoke first.

Lotus was skeptical.

I dunno why it says "seek the door" here, because that very definitely implies just the one. And you can read that it says "seek a door" on the note too, so I think Junpei just misremembers it here for some reason. That or it's a translation goof. I could believe either.
Junpei began to mutter to himself.

Junpei blinked, and looked up at Clover.
She held out her hand.

Slightly confused, he pulled them out and handed them to her.

Clover opened the notebook to a blank page, and set it down on the desk.
Everyone else gathered around her and watched as she wrote down a series of numbers.

Clover nodded, almost as if she were pleased with herself for solving a difficult math problem.
The room went very quiet. Silence lay across everyone like a thick, heavy blanket. No one spoke.
Their faces were blank.
Desperate for something else to look at, Junpei turned his eyes to the room around him.
As he did, he began to wonder... What was it?

The wavering flame made the shadows of Junpei and his companions look as though they were dancing.
2 rows of wooden pews filled most of the room. Between them was a strip of rich, red carpet.
The carpet ran straight through the room, ending at the door that pointed to the stern of the boat.
At the other end of the carpet...

It was a recessed space set into the wall between the 2 other doors.
Sitting on a raised section of the altar was...a coffin.

But if it wasn't... Then whose body occupied it?
That was as far as Junpei wanted to pursue that line of thought.
He decided not to think about the coffin, for the time being.
[Music: Silence]
At that moment, Seven spoke.
There was an edge of humor to his voice, but it was forced.

Junpei didn't understand, and he wasn't the only one.

Seven snatched up the notebook and began to write in it.
Everyone else clustered around him, desperate for a look.

Lotus was the first to speak.
That in itself was a little strange. She'd reacted much differently when Ace had volunteered.

The rest of them began to speak, all at once.

Finally, they quieted down. Junpei looked at Seven.

Seven made some noise that was somewhere between a derisive snort and a cough.

He was doing his best to pretend they were making a foolish decision, but Junpei could see the twinkling of water at the corners of Seven's eyes.
That was when Santa spoke.

Something in his voice made Junpei uncomfortable.

Santa shook his head.

Santa was so fast, Junpei could barely see him.
When he moved, it was almost like watching a dance.
His feet moving like lightning.
He spun, and--

[Music: Tinderbox]

His lips curled into a cruel, mocking smile.

Santa had grabbed June from behind, and pressed what Junpei's shaken brain identified as a revolver roughly against her temple.

Seven spoke, almost as though he had sensed Junpei's confusion.

A mixture of fury and frustration twisted Seven's face, and he glared at Santa.
Santa, for his part, didn't so much as flinch. The corner of his lip twitched into a slightly wider smile.
Then the smile faded, and he began to move.
He walked backward, dragging June with him.

3 + 6 + 1 + 8 = 18
That was what Santa had meant when he said he needed 2 more...

No sooner were the words out of Santa's mouth than his hand twitched--
[Sound Bite: Gunshot]
And the gun roared.

Clover's voice spoke of betrayal and disbelief.

Flecks of spit flew from Santa's mouth, his face twisted with rage.
Clover recoiled, her eyes wide. When she spoke, her voice was very small.

He snorted, then shook his head vigorously and turned to face Ace and Lotus.

Ace and Lotus still didn't move. It almost seemed as if they couldn't move.
June's face was pale behind Santa's arm.
Her eyes were wild and her chest heaved with every quick breath, like an animal cornered by a predator.
Junpei's mind worked furiously. What were they going to do? Then he realized something...
There was nothing they needed to do. There was nothing to debate.

There was only one thing for Junpei to do.
He turned to Ace and Lotus.

June was almost crying.
Junpei walked around behind Ace and Lotus.
Without a word, he laid a hand on each of their backs, and gently pushed them forward.

After what seemed like an eternity, they stopped, in front of the door marked [9].
Santa smiled.

He shoved the revolver harder against June's head, and she winced.

Ace sighed, defeated, and placed his hand on the scanner panel.

Lotus went next.
Lotus glared at Santa and slammed her hand onto the scanner panel.

The 4th asterisk blinked on.

Junpei could almost hear Lotus's teeth grind.

Lotus and Ace walked through the door, their eyes furious but defeated.
Santa waited until they were all the way inside, then hauled himself and June across the threshold as well.
6... 7... 8...

[Music: Silence]

The room fell silent.
Junpei, Clover, and Seven had been left behind.

Desperate for something, anything, to occupy his mind, Junpei walked to the larger of the 2 [9] doors.
He stood in front of it, and looked at the RED. It read "ENGAGED".
He moved to the smaller door...

The RED read "VACANT".
The digital root of the remaining people was (7). There was no possible way for them to open a door with [9] on it.

That was what Junpei prayed for.
Seven came up next to him.
He pulled off his hat, scratched his head, and sighed.

Seven opened his mouth to respond, when--
[Sound Bite: The Coffin]

Junpei and Seven looked at one another.

Clover motioned to Seven to be quiet.
She put one finger to her lips, and closed her eyes in concentration.
[Sound Bite: The Coffin]

The 3 of them listened, trying to determine where the sound was coming from...
Where... Where was it coming from...
Could it be...
[Music: Chill and Rigor]

Junpei and Seven grabbed hold of the coffin.
They tried to get a good grip with what little purchase they could find, and pulled with all their strength.

[Sound Bite: The Coffin]
The noise wasn't stopping.
In fact, it was getting louder.
They had no idea who was in the coffin, but they wanted out, and they wanted out now.
They had no idea what they were supposed to do.
Without a passcode, it didn't seem like there was a lot they could do.
They couldn't even tell how many numbers the passcode needed to be.

Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be anything near the coffin.
Clover ran to examine the pews, and Seven investigated the desk, but they turned up nothing.
[Sound Bite: The Coffin]
The sound still wouldn't stop.
It wasn't a noise that belonged in that room.

[Sound Bite: The Coffin]

[Sound Bite: The Coffin]
[Music: Silence]

A lot of people really hate this ending. I think you can easily tell why!

Personally, I like that they had the balls to do it. But I dislike the execution of it. We'll get to that very soon, though.
As for how to avoid it? Well, if you do get it it gives you a very big clue:
[Video: Preview B]
very definitely watch this