Part 13: Prudens Nemus
Pramidi 8-14
Feeling dissatisfied with your performance yesterday, you decide to spend some time hidden away in Longshade with Emilia, who is taking Incantation.

In the middle of Emilias explanation, you spot something out of the corner of your eye. Holding your finger up for Emilia to keep quiet, you go to take a closer look and spot a ghost dressed like a student. Shes peering down a long line of bookshelves, evidently looking for something.

Glancing back, you notice that Emilia froze up completely upon seeing the ghost. You know that ghosts only haunt because of unfinished business. What do you do?

Whats this, a Persuasion option? Hooray, Ilianas got metric tons of the stuff!

She thanks you again, then fades away.
You return to the desk you were working at with Emilia, who has calmed down significantly since the ghost left.

Sneaking into the Imperial Reserve has become almost routine at this point. You and Oan return to the magical circle and step through once more, immediately spying the giant praying mantises among the trees. While youve assured Oan you know what youre doing this time, the both of you stay well away from the grove, your backs to the circle just in case you need a quick escape route.

Same options as before, but this time this time will be different!
Time to summon a little noise again. Oan concentrates on the mantises while you concentrate on the spellcasting. Calm: its all about the calm.
You begin to cast the spell, and already you can feel the difference. The magic flows through you, out through your wand, and pours into the sky. As you watch, the sky slowly darkens and a low rumble cracks out over the Reserve. The insects skitter about in fear, and as the cloud gets blacker and blacker, they begin to hurry around, clacking their mandibles and shrieking at each other. Finally, there is a huge KABOOM of thunder, and as you work to disperse the cloud, you notice that all the mantises have gone.
The grove is safe! Well, for you, that is.
Oan hurries into the glade. Oh, Im so excited. Were here, were actually here! Listen, cant you hear them humming? The books say theyll keep humming and whispering like that forever! She grins. Or at least until we cast my spell! Youve been so much help, how about you have a break while I get everything ready?
You are more than willing to agree, and settle down underneath one of the magic trees to wait. You seem to wait for a long time. In the distance, you hear muttered magic words, the odd curse, and the sounds of someone getting steadily more and more exasperated. What could be going on? Just as youre about ready to go look for yourself, Oan walks over to you, red in the face and near tears.
Theres something wrong with the spell, she blurts out. I dont know what it is and Ive tried everything to get it to work! I just CANT! Please Oan sits down and looks at you, her bottom lip trembling. Please give it a try! These are my notes, and Ive left the ingredients at the base of the tree.
You nod. Of course youll give it a try.

Uh oh. You sure the spell has to be Incantation, Oan? Couldnt be Glamour, or Revision, or something Ilianas actually good at?
You go over the three ingredients that form the base of the spell. Theres dried mud root, flaked dragons scales, and the tiniest bit of unicorn horn. You search through her notes and go over every item. Each one seems to be correct. In fact, you cant figure out for the life of you whats wrong.
Thats enough for now. You should look at this again when youre both fresh.

Its on your way back to the Aranaz campus that you get ambushed. You spot Joana Lio y Rossollo coming from a ways off, but even at a distance you can tell that theres murder in her eyes. Of course, with her, thats not so unusual, but you start getting worried when she continues to stare (and walk) straight at you.
You try and make a run for it, but far too late. Joana easily catches up to you and grabs you by the collar, completely ignoring your attempts to worm free, your cries for help unheard on the empty evening grounds.
It doesnt take long to find out what Joana has in store for you. A marshy pond comes into view as the two of you cross a ridge, and in spite of your renewed efforts to break free, Joanas iron grip drags you to the edge of the pond, at which point she picks you up and heaves you face-first into the lily pads.
You sputter and gasp at the shock of hitting the water and try desperately to get your feet underneath you. As soon as she sees that youre aware enough to hear her, Joana points at you and shouts, Thats for spreading LIES about me and Philippe! Joana then stomps off, leaving you to wade back to shore, muddy, cold, and miserable.
Well, shes got you on that count. You suppose you really shouldnt have made up that rumor for Grainne, or at least not made the school bullies the subject. It must have taken her a couple weeks to work up the grapevine. Youre a bit curious as to what the rumor sounded like when it finally reached Joana herself, but youre mostly feeling bitter hatred towards the world at large as you consider how long youll have to spend in the bath searching for parasites and cleaning your robes. You really wish the professors would get to the more practical spells sooner so you wouldnt have to be so miserable for so long.

Tuesday sees you back in Longshade, going over some basic Incantation concepts with Emilias help. While you are, if anything, feeling worse about the Incident last night, you do your best to hide your troubles from Emilia. No sense in bringing down her mood as well, not when there isnt much to do about it.

That evening, as you sit quietly, reading a book by a fire, you find yourself surprised when Carmine Sturzo of all people decides to walk over and chat with you.

You both continue to gossip about your friends for some time.

Another day, another study session in Incantation Methods. While youd normally be opposed to learning about a class youre not even attending, you did come to Academagia to learn magic, after all, and some of the things involved in Incantation are downright cool.
Towards the end of your study session, you leave Emilia to go wandering while she works out a particularly tricky pheme on her own. Browsing through the bookshelves, you find a small, out-of-place pamphlet wedged between two heavy history tomes. Pulling it out, you note the title: The Importance of Practice When Invoking Spells of the School of Gates.
How old is this library, again? Clearly it predates the ban on Gates (and possibly Mastery) spells. Hmm

Professor Ringraeyer has stepped out of the classroom for the moment, giving the students some time to read up on the Glamour assignment she just handed out. Twirling your pencil between your fingers, you look over the assigned pages of the thick, age-worn leather-bound books.
Midway through a particularly dense paragraph, you frown and pause. You flip back a few pages, trying to pinpoint exactly why you feel as though something is amiss.
Glancing down at your scrawled paragraph, you feel a pair of eyes on you, and you turn around to find Olivia Solari looking your wayand perhaps a little too intently.
Somethings up, youre sure of it. Maybe shes misbehaving, or maybe shes seen something strange, but either way you need to be alert.

Its a bit hard to pick out the gateway choices when theyre all about inspection. Still, Confidence is green, so why not?
You cast a quizzical look at Olivia, who sheepishly apologizes immediately.

Shes not the most subtle of copycats, but at least shes honest. You offer to lend a hand with the assignment, and she gratefully accepts.

You are about to send a note to Oan to let her know youre ready to try again, but before you do, a thought crosses your mind. Say you and Oan both meet these Trees of Knowledge. What if theres one final test to prove your worthiness? You decide to put off the final push for a little bit; first, youd like to try and get better at getting friendly.
As such, you spend yet another evening quietly examining the books in Longshade, looking for tips on making friends and influencing people. One particularly helpful book explains that keeping friends can require putting up with a lot, and that to change these unfortunate habits requires wording your argument just right so that no one is offended while the point is still made.

Still feeling worn down from your encounter with Joana, you decide to spend Friday evening on a relaxing walk through the Academagia gardens. Nothing cheers you up like a fresh breeze and looking at the wildlife.
As you round a corner, you see a tree fallen across the path, evidently uprooted by a recent storm. Its blocking the path, and if you want to continue, youre going to have to do something about it.
Why does something like this always seem to happen when youre trying to relax?

Im not liking those odds, and theres nothing to gain from trying and failing by the look of things.
Forget it. Its too dangerous to move or to try to jump over that giant trunk. You should just leave.
On your way out, you inform two gardeners that a trunk has fallen across a path. They say theyll get to it, but theyre swamped right now.
You return to your dorm.

On Saturday, you find an interesting book in the Library of Longshade with many tips and anecdotes on how to make friends and influence people, and you spend the rest of the day putting the suggestions to use.
During lunch, you wind up helping your friend Rui de Casga in an argument with Raoul Leconte.

As you are moving along back to Aranaz, you happen to notice that one of the larger animal pens is wide open.
Despite your current preoccupations, you realize that if the gate is left as it is, it could mean disaster for anyone nearby, as well as for the creatures who inhabit the area.
You decide it wouldnt be a bad idea to look around the pen to see if its inhabited before deciding what to do. If there arent any creatures inside, you can stop worrying about the gate and go on your way. You tiptoe past the gate and into the pen, trying not to make a sound. The pen appears empty, so you turn to leave.
As you do so, you see the most beautiful creature standing before you. Long silver hair flows down its back, deep violet eyes regard you quietly, and its pale blue skin seems to sparkle under your gaze. Its gentle voice sweeps around you like a wayward wind, tickling your skin and sending a sense of euphoria across your body.
Youll have to decide whether to act on this or not.

Guess we could give Observation a shot.
You decide it wouldnt be a bad idea to look around the pen to see if its inhabited before deciding what to do. If there arent any creatures inside, you can stop worrying about the gate and go on your way.
You peer inside, but the pen is poorly lit, and you are unable to make out whether there are any animals inside.
Great job with the editing there, guys. Well, doesnt seem too safe around here, so off we go.
Although you know something bad might happen if the problem isnt rectified quickly, you decide to walk on by. After all, it isnt your responsibility, and its possible the gate is open for a reason. And given how carefully the pens are managed, youre fairly certain the pen master or a stablehand will be by any minute.
You start walking away and, sure enough, a stablehand appears. He stops to talk to you. You mention the open gate and he nods, closing it himself. Its lucky you found him, he tells you, as the ursulas are prone to possessiveness, and having a stranger in their midst might have triggered an unfortunate response.
Looks like you made the right call.

After one last intense bit of Incantation study at Longshade, you send a note to Oan to let her know youre ready to try again.
Giving it another try on her own, Oan doesnt see any more success than before, and she returns to where you are waiting, her frustration obvious on her face. Maybe you can figure out something she overlooked this time.

Ah, excellent, Incantation Methods has turned black. Good to see all that study was worthwhile.
You go over the three base ingredients once more: theres the dried mud root, flaked dragons scales, and the tiniest bit of unicorn horn. You search Oans notes and go over every item, but there seems to be something missing. Wait! It mentions the dark brown soil of home three times. She needs to add soil!

The spell is fixed. You find yourself incredibly tempted to just try it out for yourself and see what happens, but you know that Oan will want to be the caster on this occasion. She brightens up as she sees you approach her, and hops up from the ground.
You fixed it! she states more than asks.
You nod, and she hurries with you to the main tree, shaking her head over the mistakes in the spell and muttering to herself. She asks that she be allowed to perform the spell, and of course you cant refuse her. With the most commanding gesture youve ever seen from her, Oan straightens up, casts the spell with a flick of her wand, and the phemes devour the ingredients and burst into a spray of silvery light over the glade. There is a short moment of silence, and then you hear a beautiful chorus of leafy voices.
Mortals. What would you have from us?
You and Oan exchange glances. In all this excitement you realize that you hadnt figure out what you wanted to do once you reached the glade!

From what Ive seen, you only have the one shot at this, so I hope you either dropped a save or trained up Befriend. It doesnt need to be all that high, at least.
You remember reading about a great leader once who asked for wisdom. It might not be in your best interests to ask to know all things, for even you know that there are some things about life that are better kept in ignorance. But wisdom is not so much the knowledge of facts as the ability to discern how to use what knowledge one has. You step forwards and make a bow before the trees.

Oan stares at you, and you try to look noble and worthy and hope that shes the only one present who realizes youre just repeating Lord Esmouths speech from an ancient poem you read in class. It seems to be working, because all the trees are rustling together and a strange, watery blue light is forming between them. Before you even know quite what is happening, the light washes over you and you feel a strange, peaceful coolness settle about your shoulders.
It is granted.
Then the glade is gone, just as though it had never been there, leaving you and Oan staring at each other. You dont say much on the way back to the Academagia, but as she shakes your hand goodbye, outside your dorm, you know that you have made a friend for life.

What a good day its been.
Gains of the Week
Revision Methods increased by 1.
--Attack pheme learned.
--Weakness pheme learned.
Ethics increased by 1.
--Truth pheme learned.
Forms (Calligraphy) increased by 1.
--Enrich pheme learned.
The Middle Empire increased by 1.
Successful Adventure!
--Bravery pheme learned.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
--Stress increased by 1.
Successful Event!
--Logic increased by 1 step.
Joana Lio y Rossollo used Bully; Stress increased by 3.
High Stress! You now feel Bitter: -1 to Charm, Society, Befriend, Gossip.
High Stress! You now feel Anxiety: -1 to Concentration and Composure.
History of Magic increased by 1.
--Wizards Aid spell learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
----Ice pheme learned.
--Lie increased by 1 step.
----Obfuscate pheme learned.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Basia used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 84.
Carmine Sturzo used Hang Out Inside the College on you.
--Relationship with Carmine Sturzo increased to 1.
High Stress! You now feel Embarrassment: All Social Actions and Abilities -2.
High Stress! You now feel Alarm: Danger Sense increased by 2, Stress Minimum increased by 1.
Theory of Revision increased by 1.
--Enrich pheme learned.
Glamour Spells increased by 1.
--Little Delirium spell learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
The Calamities increased by 1.
--Clue pheme learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Temperance increased by 1 step.
----Befriend increased by 1.
------Speak pheme learned.
--Syntax increased by 1 step.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Successful Event!
--Relationship with Olivia Solari increased to 1.
Basia used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 87.
Revision Methods increased by 1.
--Movement pheme learned.
--Tangible pheme learned.
Glamour Methods increased by 1.
--Learned about the Air Fountain of Gineza Gano.
Confidence (or Character) increased by 1.
--Relationship with Evdokseia Valenta increased to 1.
The History of Magic increased by 1.
--Projection pheme learned.
----History increased by 1.
------Window to the Past spell learned.
Vitality and Stress reset.
Aveline used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 90.
Evaded event.
--Confidence decreased by 1 step.
--Danger Sense increased by 1 step.
Studied at Longshade.
--Temperance increased by 1 step.
----Befriend increased by 1.
------Anecdote ability learned.
--Worldliness increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Merilien (Language).
----Learned about Etiquette (kinda).
----Recite Lineage action learned.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Listen increased by 1 step.
--Relationship with Raoul Leconte increased to 2.
Temperance increased by 1 step.
--Relationship with Rui de Casga increased to 4.
--Befriend increased by 1.
----Friendship pheme learned.
Aymeri and Malacresta used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 96.
Evaded event.
--Willpower increased by 1 step.
----Lead pheme learned.
--Stress increased by 1.
Studied at Longshade.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
----Machinery pheme learned.
--Theory of Revision increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Sabinus Grotto.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Concluded adventure!
--Incantation Methods increased by 2 steps.
----Bad Spout spell learned.
--Intelligence increased by 1.

--Insight increased by 1.

--Gained ability: Hang Out with Oan.
Told an Anecdote.
--Relationship with Honors Plafox increased to 1.
--Relationship with Gwendy Zuyder increased to 1.
--Relationship with Vincent Eins increased to 1.
Basia used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 99.
Vernin College wins again.
Carmine Sturzo used Hang Out Inside the College on you.
--Relationship with Carmine Sturzo increased to 2.
New Abilities
Wizards Aid (Spell): Insight/Enspell v4; +2 to Spell rolls for 4 days.
Little Delirium (Spell): Insight/Glamour Methods v4; +3 Playfulness, +10% Chance of Discovery, +1 Stress.
Window to the Past (Spell): No roll; +2 to choice of History subskill, +1 to Library Knowledge.
Anecdote: 1/week, +1 to three random student relationships.
Recite Lineage: Intelligence/Memorizaiton v5; random effect, including +1 to relationship with instructor or student, -1 to relationship with student, and +10 parental approval.
Visit Sabinus Grotto: +1 step to Confidence, random Revision subskill, and random Enspell subskill.
Bad Spout (Spell): Finesse/Incantation v5; +1 Stress, -2 Composure for 1 day.
Hang Out with Oan: -1 Stress, +2 steps to random School Survival subskill.