Part 1: Mission 1 Operation Umbrella, September 19th, 2004
Sitting DuckAce Combat 04: Shattered Skies Attract Movie
Mission 1: Operation Umbrella September 19th, 2004
Ace Combat 04 begins just over five years after the Ulysses 1994XF04 asteroid fell to Earth. Though cataclysmic damage had been averted thanks to the various spaceguard installations of the world, such as the Stonehenge Turret Network, it still left an unimaginable trail of destruction across the planet from Usea to Anea and all points in between along the Northern Hemisphere. Among those nations hardest hit by the asteroid fragments was the western Usean nation of Erusea. The scars of Ulysses and a refugee crisis years earlier spurred the already militaristic Erusean government to sever all diplomatic ties with the rest of Usea and begin a massive military buildup.
And in mid-2004, the fragile peace bought by Phoenix and Scarface Squadron at the end of the Continental War of 1998 was shattered when the Erusean military stormed out of its borders and with lightning speed occupied the nation Delarus, seizing control of the Stonehenge Turret Network from the Federation of Central Usea, and turning it against the FCU and its Independent States Allied Forces, or ISAF, as a weapon of mass destruction.
With Stonehenge under their command, the Eruseans were able to dominate the continent, pouring into San Salvacion in the north, Ugellas in the south, and all the way across the FCU states to Expo City and Saint Ark. Unable to defend against Stonehenges onslaught, ISAF was forced to retreat farther and farther east, until at last they were pushed off the mainland entirely, falling back to North Point across the Gulf of Saint Ark.
Meanwhile, in San Salvacion, a young boys world is shattered forever as the Eruseans press into his home town in force. His family is killed when an ISAF fighter falls from the sky and crashes into his home, shot down by an Erusean plane bearing a yellow number 13 on its nose.
It is here, on opposite ends of Usea, that our two stories begin.
Overview: ISAFs provisional general headquarters in North Point City is under threat by a flight of approaching Erusean bombers. If the Eruseans make it to North Point, ISAF is finished. A flight of ISAF Navy F-4E Phantom IIs takes off from the carrier Fort Grays to intercept the bombers above Newfield Island, south of North Point. Among their numbers is a rookie pilot known by the TAC name Mobius 1.

Independent States Allied Forces Naval Air Force, 118th Tactical Air Wing, 1st Tactical Fighter Squadron
- Mobius 1 [REDACTED] Ribbon [REDACTED]
Squadron Composition: Player Determined
One of only a limited number of ISAF fighter squadrons remaining following the Erusean blitz that forced them off the mainland of Usea over the summer of 2004. Mobius is quite literally a squadron of one, most likely due to combat losses suffered during the opening days of the Second Continental War and the Eursian assault and ISAF retreat. ISAFs emergency force restructuring saw the young rookie of the squadron, the lone survivor to make it North Point, thrust into the number 1 position by default, with the promise of additional pilots to fill out his roster eventually a hollow gesture at best.
Regardless, ISAF made the bold decision to sortie Mobius Squadron as is, most likely due to crippling manpower issues and desperation in the face of annihilation. No one knows it quite yet, but Mobius 1 is about to become the tip of the spear for ISAFs counterattack efforts against the Eruseans.

Real Name: Unknown
Callsign(s): Mobius 1, Ribbon, Grim Reaper
Age: Early 20s
Sex: Male
Nationality: FCU (unverified)
Signature Plane: Player choice (F/A-22 Raptor in all promotional material)
Voice Actor: None
As weve already glimpsed in the Gauntlet mission of Ace Combat Zero, Mobius 1s reputation precedes him across the Ace Combat franchise. This is the story of how and why he becomes such a legendarily terrifying figure to anyone who flies against him in combat.
As our third new protagonist character (both in release order and chronological order), Mobius 1 is actually something or a rarity in the franchise, in that he is implied to actually be a navy pilot, rather than an air force one. He begins the game very pointedly taking off from an aircraft carrier, many of the planes on Shattered Skiess roster are navy planes, and several, like the F/A-18 Super Hornet, sport ISAF Navy iconography on them. Its never officially confirmed, but its just one of the many pieces of conjecture that fans have run wild with because people (like me) have had a field day just making shit up in order to fill in all the various blanks to connect Shattered Skies to the larger Strangereal canon, which only became a thing in Ace Combat 5.
Mobius 1 is also unique, up till this point, anyway, in that he is the first actual military pilot we get to play as in the series. Cipher and Phoenix were mercenaries, and Nemo was an AI, but from Mobius 1 onward, every Ace Combat protagonist will have an actual military and homeland that they serve as a soldier for. He is also, along with Ace Combat Xs Gryphus 1, one of the few Ace Combat protagonists not to have an actual TAC name. Hes given several nicknames by enemy forces over the course of the game, such as Ribbon, after his Mobius strip emblem, but everyone on the ISAF side simply refers to him as Mobius 1.
He has also, in effect, become the series mascot as much as his signature plane, the F/A-22 Raptor has as well. Every post-04 Ace Combat game features and appearance by if not Mobius 1 himself, then his plane colors as an alternate skin for the Raptor. Weve already caught a glimpse of this in the bonus video for Zero, and I will be sure to show off all the other times the Mobius 1 Raptor appears across the series from here on out as well, including the paid DLC for Ace Combat 6.
Beyond that, there is little else to say about him at the outset of Ace Combat 04, as he is just as much of a cipher as well, Cipher (and Pheonix and Nemo).

Real Name: Unknown
Callsign(s): SkyEye
Age: Mid 40s
Sex: Male
Nationality: FCU
Signature Plane: E-767
Voice Actor: Neil Howard
Our AWACS operator for Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies, andas a nice piece of direct continuityfor the Operation Katina arcade mode included in Ace Combat 5, which we will be looking at near the end of the LP as a bonus update for 04.
While Assault Horizon Legacy followed the later-series trend of personalizing your AWACS with a face and name, SkyEye in Shattered Skies, like Eagle Eye before him in Zero, is a nameless, faceless voice on the radio again. The only definitive characterizing thing we learn about him over the course of 04 is that his birthday is September 19th, the day the game starts.

Real Name: Unknown
Callsign(s): None
Age: Mid 40s
Sex: Male
Nationality: North Point
Signature Plane: None
Voice Actor: Uncredited
While Keynote pulled double duty in Assault Horizon Legacy as our briefing officer and AWACS operator, Shattered Skies once again splits these roles back in to two characters. While SkyEye will be relaying mission critical updates and information to us while out on sortie, Intel is in charge of laying out the situation before we disembark. And, as per usual with these mid-era Ace Combats, there is next to nothing really worth saying about Intel other than the fact that hes there.

Real Name: Unknown
Callsign(s): None
Age: 12 (Early 30s to Mid 40s, frame narrative)
Sex: Male
Nationality: San Salvacion
Signature Plane: None
Voice Actor: Jeff Gedert
A man looking back on the formative days of his youth during the Second Usean Continental War. Like Brett Thompson in The Belkan War and Albert Genette in The Unsung War and Skies of Deception, a whole cast of losers in Fire of Liberation, and Avril Meade in Skies Unknown, the unnamed narrator of Shattered Skies (also referred to as the Storyteller Boy by fans) relays the frame narrative to us. Shattered Skies has sort of a Heart of Darkness narrative within narrative going on at times, as theres three narrative layers playing out simultaneously. Theres the Narrators real-time narrative, which is taking place probably in the 2010s or 2020s (between Ace Combats 5, 6 & 7), his story about Yellow 13, which is taking place concurrent with the game itself, and then the gameplay story about Mobius 1, which is the action were seeing in-game.
In there here and now that Shattered Skies concerns itself with (the late summer of 2004), the Narrator is a young boy living with his family on the outskirts of San Salvacion City. As the Second Continental War erupts in the summer of 2004 and the Eruseans sweep across Usea after seizing Stonehenge, the boys life is upended as San Salvacion comes under Erusean occupation.
After his family is killed in the crossfire of a dogfight between an ill-fated ISAF pilot and the Erusean Ace henceforth known as Yellow 13, the boy becomes obsessed with finding 13, for what purpose, not even hes sure of, in his grief. Much of his story is about the ways he and the people around him find ways to survive over the course of the war and the occupation, while giving the player a window into the world of the enemy they will be fighting over the course of Shattered Skies and their views on things and why they are fighting this war too, and, eventually, our window into the world of Yellow 13.
But were getting ahead of ourselves. Well find out much more about the Narrator as the game progresses.
And for the record, yes, that that is the voice actor for the delightfully batshit evil Vice President Richard Hawk from Metal Wolf Chaos (which ArclightBorealis just wrapped up an LP of) playing the games sorrowful, subdued narratora piece of casting minutia that I am still to this day utterly stupefied by. Mainly because Gederts performance as RICHAAAAAAAAAARD!!! Hawk is one of the many things that elevate MWC from goofball cheese to something truly magical in its self-contained insanity.

Real Name: Unknown
Callsign(s): None
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Nationality: San Salvacion (Belkan ex-pat ?)
Signature Plane: None
Voice Actor: None
The daughter of the owner and barkeep of the Sky Kid bar and restaurant in the San Salvacion Old Towne district. She catches the eye of the Storyteller Boy when he begins playing music at the bar to earn money to support his uncle, a former taxi driver whom the Eruseans have put out of work thanks to their gasoline rationing. She is described as being a little older than he is, but we never learn by how much, though its implied to be about only a year or two.
Her and her father are looked down upon by the other residents of San Salvacion, given how freely they commiserate with the occupying Erusean soldiers, giving them all the food and alcohol they can consume in a warm and welcoming environment.
Again, as with the case of the Narrator and our still mysterious Yellow 13, we will be learning a lot more about the Barkeeps Daughter the further we go into the game. Beyond that, theres only one other thing to note about her and thats her possiblybut unlikelyconnection back to Ace Combat Zero.
You may remember that one of the Belkan Aces from Zeros Assault Records, #041 Robert Spieler Gloden, was noted to have emigrated to San Salvacion after retiring from the Belkan Air Force at the end of the Belkan War, where he went on to set up and run a hotel. This could just be Project Aces fucking with longtime fans of the series by sprinkling loosely connected breadcrumbs around, but the Sky Kid bar is implied to be in the lobby of a hotel.
While its somewhat unlikely that the Barkeep mentioned in Shattered Skies is Gloden, and that this girl is his daughter, its never stated that she isnt either. Because its only been nine years since Belka ratfucked itself into oblivion in the Belkan War, so the Barkeeps daughter (and the Storyteller Boy, for that matter) were toddlers when the Seven Pillars attack occurred, so if Gloden really is the Sky Kid Barkeep, then he moved from Belka to San Salvacion with his infant daughter (and possibly his wife, though shes never mentioned anywhere in-game) after things went to pot in Belka.
Just something to think about. Though it does definitely cast certain events coming up in the game in a new light if the barkeep is in fact Gloden, and the girl is indeed an ex-military brat.

ISAF is our protagonist faction for Ace Combat 04, and is a rarity in the series as instead of being the military of a single nation, it is instead an intergovernmental military alliance akin to NATO representing Usea as a whole.
Formally the Independent States Allied Forces. ISAF (pronounced Eye-Saph) is the joint continental military alliance created in the wake of the first Continental War after tensions between the Federation of Central Usean states and the independent Usean nations cooled. ISAF was founded to be a multinational military organization sworn to fight on behalf of and defend all the nations of Usea and would not be beholden to any national politics or ideologies, which proved to be the undoing of the original Usean Allied Forces during the first Continental War. The core tenant of the ISAF alliance was that an attack on one member state was an attack on all its member states.
Comprised of personnel hailing from every Usean nation, ISAF isor rather was, prior to the Erusean invasiona truly unified fighting force that was the envy of the world, thought to be rivaled only by the Osean and Yuktobanian militaries in terms of manpower, discipline, and technological capabilities. The lone Usean nation not to be a signatory of the ISAF treaty was the Federal Republic of Erusea. The Continental War of 1998 had exacerbated Eruseas already tense relationship with the eastern nations of Usea, and following both Ulysses Day and the Erusean Refugee Crisis, Erusea ultimately suspended all diplomatic relations with both the FCU and ISAF. ISAF even employs a volunteer foreign legion for mercenary forces or extra-national co-operation forces. For example, at the time of the outbreak of the war, a contingent from the Nordennavic Royal Air Force, the Grendel Covert Operations Squadron, was assisting with ISAF operations and found itself caught up in the general evacuation of Usea at the start of the war.
In a strange bit of life imitates art trivia, there was at one point an actual military alliance known by the acronym ISAF here in the real world too. The Afghanistan-based and NATO-overseen International Security Assistance Force was established in December 2001 (three months after Ace Combat 04s initial release) to assist in training the new Afghan National Security Forces, help rebuilding the civil and governmental infrastructure of Afghanistan, and aid in suppressing the Taliban following the US invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 in response to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, DC. ISAF was disbanded in 2014 as US-led Coalition troops began to pull out of Afghanistan.

To the relief of the entire world, the Ulysses 1994XF04 asteroid came and went, and while it might have smacked Earth across the face something fierce, it was not the planet-killer many once feared it to be. As predicted by astronomers years earlier, the asteroid crossed Earth Roche Limit on July 3rd, 1999henceforth known as Ulysses Dayshattering into millions of pieces under the pull of Earths gravity.
The vast majority of the fragments either burnt up upon entry into the planets atmosphere, or settled into a Trojan orbit with Earth. Many of the larger fragments went on to rain down upon the Earth across the northern hemisphere. Many fragments were destroyed prior to impact by the Usean spaceguard installations of the Stonehenge Turret Network, and the Megalith ballistic missile launch platform, but they ultimately werent enough to completely prevent surface damage from the asteroid fragments.
While the majority of impacts occurred in unpopulated areas, several Usean cities suffered direct hits from Ulysses fragments, including Farbanti, Saint Ark, and Newfield Island. Hardest hit by the asteroid fragments, however, was the Anean nation of Estovakia, which suffered catastrophic damage across its territory after its own spaceguard installation, the largely incomplete Chandelier railgun platform, failed during its startup procedures on Ulysses Day.
Both the Osean Federation and the Union of Yuktobanian Republics were largely spared from damaged by the Ulysses planetfall.

While were a ways off yet from an actual Superweapons entry for Stonehenge, I feel the need to address it right off the bat seeing as how its going to be the proverbial Sword of Damocles dangling over at least the front half of the game.
The basic non-spoiler facts about Stonehenge are as follows: the installation is a network of eight independently targeting rapid-reaction gunpowder/magnetic hybrid railguns designed to shoot down fragments falling to earth from the Ulysses 1994XF04 asteroid. Capable of accelerating 120cm ferrous slugs to a speed of 6 km/sec (21,600 km/hjust under Mach 25 and skirting the boundaries of re-entry speed, FYI) and with an operational rage of 1,200 km (spanning nearly the entire width of Usea from the Farbanti coast to Faith Park), the Stonehenge Turret Network is in fact the ultimate land-based non-nuclear weapon of mass destructionsomething its designers never even considered in light of its rushed construction to protect against Ulysses' extinction event-level threat. Following Ulysses Day, the Stonehenge facility was decommissioned and shuttered by the FCU government and ISAF to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. It was guarded by several squadrons of ISAF defense fighters led by Capt. John Harvardthe former Scarface Two, and now head of the Stonehenge Defense Squadron.
With Stonehenge under their control, the Eruseans managed to push ISAF clean off of Usea using just the cannons themselves long before their military forces even pushed into FCU territory. After an initial airstrike on the facility at the outbreak of the war failed, ISAF abandoned any further planned direct actions against Stonehenge itself indefinitely. It was judged that in direct combat, the combination of the facilitys cannons, and its post-facto fortifications by the Erusean militaryincluding installed anti-air defenses, a radar jamming facility, and the dreaded Yellow Squadron stationed within intercept range of the facility for rapid top cover defenseany further airstrikes on Stonehenge would be doomed to failure.
As of the commencement of Operation Umbrella, ISAF is working on a strategy to counteract Stonehenge and defend against its attacks. Given its massive operational range and incredible firing speed, the majority of combat action by ISAF from this point forward as it works to retake the mainland will unfortunately fall within Stonehenges operational radius, giving ISAF forces a window of only 1 minute and 48 seconds for evasive action before shells fired from Stonehenge reach the combat zone. This window will diminish the further into occupied territory ISAF presses and the closer it comes to Stonehenge itself.

Featured in the attract video and the first mission, Newfield Island is our wakeup call for post-Ulysses Strangereal.
The city of Newfield Island was one of the largest off-island cities in North Point situated just off the North Point coast in the Gulf of Saint Ark. The island is largely abandoned now, as it suffered a direct hit from one of the larger fragments of Ulysses 1994XF04, which destroyed over half the city, killing an uncountable number of people and leaving behind the formation that would later be named Anderson Crater. While Newfields location outside of Stonehenges operational radius left it vulnerable to Ulysses, it now makes it a perfect staging area for ISAF now that Erusea has turned the cannon facility against the rest of Usea.
At present, Newfield Island is only sparsely populated, with the majority of the survivors of the asteroid impact moving elsewhere on Usea or around the world rather than stay and try to rebuild. The island is now inhabited mainly by ISAF military personnel serving at Allenfort Air Force Base on the northern tip of the island and their families.
A motion to begin rebuilding the islands city center around the rim of Anderson Crater has been vehemently opposed and boycotted by the Usean Geological Survey Society.

The CV-04 Fort Grays serves as our temporary home for the start of Ace Combat 04. The Kitty Hawk-class Fort Grays is the flagship of the FCU Allied Navys 6th fleet, and was later relinquished to the ISAF Navy following the signing of the ISAF Treaty following the end of the Continental War.
The Fort Grace miraculously missed the majority of the Continental War, as the 6th fleet was deployed on assignment in the south Pacific at the time of the wars outbreak. Following the end of the Continental War, it and all other FCU naval ships currently overseas were recalled to Usea by FCU President Robert Sinclair to aid in preparation for the Ulysses 1994XF04 planetfall.
As of the outbreak of the Second Continental War, the Fort Grays stands as one of ISAFs few remaining operational aircraft carriers and is the base of operations for the last remnant of Mobius Squadron, comprised solely of Mobius 1 at present. It will also serve as our seaborne resupply base in lieu of an airbase for certain missions across the span of the game (prodivded you're flying a plane capable of preforming a carrier landing such as the F-4E or the F/A-18, otherwise you'll default back to the airbase).
The Fort Grays's fleet number, 04, is of course one giant reference to Ace Combat 04's title number. It also serves as one a scattered few callbacks to Electrosphere, which featured the General Resource Ltd.-controlled Fort Grays Airport in several missions.
Just dont get too used to this whole Electrosphere actually being a thing that we acknowledge thing, however. Any further references to Ace Combat 3 are going to be few and far between from here on out.

Aircraft featured in Mission 1: Operation Umbrella

Tu-95 Bear
Manufacturer: Tupolev
Role: Strategic bomber, missile carrier, surveillance
Manufactured: 19521994
Status: In service
Primary Operators: Russia
Quick Facts:
- Appears in Ace Combats 04, Assault Horizon, and Infinity.
- Built to be the Soviet counterpart to the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, serving as the USSRs airborne third of its nuclear triad.
- Still in service in the Russian Air Force to this day, just like the B-52 is in the USAF.
- One of the largest propeller-driven aircraft still in operation, and one of the few prop planes made with a swept wing design.
- Its four contra-rotating propellers turn in speeds excess of the speed of sound, making the Tu-95 one of the single loudest aircraft in existence.
- Known by the NATO reporting name Bear.
- A modified Tu-95 was responsible for dropping the Tsar Bomba, the largest thermonuclear weapon ever detonated on Earth.
- The Tu-95 flew its first combat sortie in 2015, 63 years after its initial deployment in the Russian Air Force when it conducted bombing raids on ISIS and other targets as part of Russias military involvement in the Syrian Civil War.
- Has several production variants including the Tu-114 (a civilian airliner model), the Tu-142 (a naval reconnaissance plane), and the Tu-95LAL (an experimental nuclear-powered prototypeone of the few nuclear-powered aircraft in existence).
- F-4E Phantom II
- MiG-21

Thanks to doing Ace Combat 2 first, I dont have to set up Usea as a Place for Shattered Skies, yet theres a lot of catching up we need to do as weve skipped like 5 years worth of history and a near-apocalypse, which kind of shuffled the board around quite a bit. You should be passingly familiar with it by now after damn near 30 missions-worth of lore from the last game, and from Electrosphere to boot. The big thing to note in the updated map seen above is that big giant circle that blankets nearly the entire continent.
Thats Stonehenges operational radius. The Eruseans are capable striking targets anywhere within that radius with devastating firepower. Stonehenge is the looming threat over the game, and any missions that were gonna be going on that happen to take place within that circle run the risk of an unwelcome interruption from the Erusean weapon of mass destruction.

Full Name: The Federation of Central Usea
Capital: Expo City
Continent: Usea
Head of State: President Robert Sinclair
Government: Multinational Democratic Federation
Real World Analog: Japan, South Korea, European Union
Since the end of the Continental War in late 1998 and the impact of the Ulysses 1994XF04 fragments in mid-1999, the Federation of Central Usea has been in the process of steadily rebuilding and returning to normalcy for the last five years. Thanks to their preparation, however, Usea escaped the wrath of Ulysses more or less intact, and was slowly climbing its way back up to being the world leader it was in the realms of science, technology, medicine, and culture it was before its lost half-decade.
While the FCU was able to rebuild its diplomatic relationship with the Osean Federation after the Continental War, both nations have since mutually agreed to no longer interfere in each others national affairs. Unfortunately, this also meant that when the Eruseans seized Stonehenge, neither the FCU asked for international aid from Osea, nor did Osea offer, despite the very public misgivings by the newly elected Osean President, Vincent Harling, over leaving Usea at the mercy of the Eruseans.
With the majority of FCU territory being considered a contested warzone (AGAIN!), our only direct interaction with the Usean government will be through our ISAF briefing guy. While the FCU makes up the majority of forces of the Independent States Allied Forces and a controlling interest in ISAF, one shouldnt make the mistaken assumption that ISAF=FCU.
Much like in Ace Combat 2/Assault Horizon Legacy, the FCU as a governmental entity is just going to be in the background for the most part in-game itself.

Full Name: The Federal Republic of Erusea
Capital: Farbanti
Continent: Usea
Head of State: Supreme Commander
Government: Military Dictatorship
Real World Analog: China, Russia, North Korea, Fascist Italy, Nationalist Spain
Already a military dictatorship before the Ulysses Crisis, the aftermath of the July 3rd, 1999 asteroid impact on the planet radically altered the Federal Republic of Erusea, and by extension the fate of the Usean Continent.
Erusea was perhaps the hardest hit of all the nations on Earth by Ulysses 1994XF04, second only to the Anean Republic of Estovakia, which took multiple direct hits from the larger asteroid fragments, devastating its farmlands, industrial sectors, and even its capital of Pythiopolis. The Erusean capital city of Farbanti also suffered a glancing blow from an asteroid fragment impacting just off the coast of its downtown core, the Municipal District. Tens of thousands of people were displaced as the impact left a quarter of the city permanently flooded and damaged beyond any hope of recovery, including the capitals major financial centers. The image on the cover of the Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Original Soundtrack, as seen below, actually depicts the flooded quarter of Farbanti from the air and Larker Crater, left behind by the asteroid impact.
Erusea ultimately set the Usean continent back on the road to war with his mishandling of what became known as the Erusean Refugee Crisis. The damage Ulysses had inflicted across Usea was extensive, ultimately displacing millions of civilians from nations all across the continent as cities, towns, and other vital infrastructure installations were damaged or destroyed by the asteroid impacts. While all the nations of Usea initially agreed to take in refugees from affected areas and work together to rebuild after the crisis had subsided, in early April of 2000, just under a year after the impact of Ulysses, the Federal Republic of Erusea, citing economic strife and a heavy nationalist uprising within its borders, unilaterally declared it would not be accepting any more refugees, and sealed its borders to all transit.
Given Eruseas available resources, it was expected to have the capacity to take in 900,000 refugees, yet halted its immigration and aid efforts at just over 200,000. The Erusean government announced it would be impossible for them to handle the intake of any more refugees while also devoting its resources to rebuilding its infrastructure and economy. Nearly 600,000 people were left stranded on the Erusea-Delarus boarder. Many were forcibly placed into refugee camps by the Erusean Army, while others still were forcibly deported and flown back to FCU member states on Erusean Air Force transports.
Tensions continued to rise between Erusea and the FCU as Assembly of Nations human rights inspectors in conjunction with the Federation of Central Usea began investigating these refugee camps, uncovering horrid conditions, including inadequate supplies for basic survival needs, deplorable living conditions, and found many of the refugees clustered in these camp to be sick or malnourished. The outrage from the international community lead to a further increase in sanctions on the Erusean government and global condemnation for its human rights abuses.
The AN and FCU sanctions crippled the already struggling Erusean economy, and its already strained relationship with the rest of Usea following the chaos of the Continental War effectively ended any and all diplomatic relations with the rest of the world. To compensate for these loses, the Eruseans began a steep military buildup in an effort to jumpstart their economy, and to defend against what their leaders railed against as Usean and Osean aggression at home. The rising climate of nationalism boiled over into full blown fascism as the military leadership seized control over the remaining sectors of the government and private sector it had yet to claim hold of.
While the FCU was troubled by Eruseas diplomatic silence and obvious military buildup, seeing the same ominous signs of war witnessed in Belka nearly a decade earlier, the rebuilding efforts across the continent left them unable to properly respond to the growing threat, consigning responsibility to keeping Erusea in check to the still woefully underfunded and suppled ISAF.
It was a perfect storm for yet another continent spanning war, and in August of 2003, Erusea launched a surprise attack on their neighboring nation of Delarus with a single objective in mind: gain control over the Stonehenge Turret Network in preparation for a full-scale assault on the Federation of Central Usea.
After a year of strife, the Eruseans now stand poised to claim complete victory over ISAF and the FCU, brining all of Usea under Erusean military rule.

Full Name: The Republic of North Point
Capital: North Point City
Continent: Usea
Head of State: Prime Minister (conjecture)
Government: Democratic Republic
Real World Analog: Switzerland, Belgium
While briefly glimpsed at the end of Ace Combat 2/Assault Horizon Legacy, the opening missions of Ace Combat 04 catapult North Point into the spotlight in a very dramatic way. With ISAF being driven off the mainland by the onslaught of the Erusean military and the Stonehenge Turret Network, the military alliances command structure has fallen back to North Point to establish a provisional General Headquarters in North Point City, well outside of Stonehenges operational radius, and has been in constant contact with the scattered forces holding out on the mainland in Saint Ark and Expo City.
North Point is ISAFs last refuge on Usea, though with the island nations lack of operational military bases after its post-Cold War disarmament, and the loss of Fortress Intolerance at the end of the Continental War, the country is practically a sitting duck before the Eruseans.

Full Name: The Republic of San Salvacion
Capital: San Salvacion City
Continent: Usea
Head of State: President
Government: Democratic Republic
Real World Analog: Switzerland, France, Spain
San Salvacion takes center stage in the frame narrative of Ace Combat 04. The narrator character is a San Salvacion native, living in the capital citys suburbs initially, later moving to the Old Towne district of San Salvacion City after hes taken in by his uncle following the death of his family.
San Salvacion was the second nation invaded by Erusea after they had secured Stonehenge in Delarus. San Salvacion become a militarized bulwark between the contested FCU territory to the east and the Erusean homeland to the west and an important travel checkpoint for its military forces moving between Erusea and the rest of the continent.
San Salvacion City itself was converted into a giant ad hoc military base for the Erusean forces, and eventually the home base for its legendary Aquila Squadron, also known as Yellow Squadron, which turned a series of highway tunnels that were under construction on the outskirts of the city at the time of the invasion into their makeshift hangars.
Retaking San Salvacion is ISAFs secondary goal after destroying Stonehenge, as the collapse of their forces in the north will open a vital path into Erusea itself through the Amber Mountains Whiskey Corridor. There is a sizable resistance movement currently in operation inside San Salvacion attempting to lay the groundwork for a coordinated counterstrike once ISAF returns to the mainland. In the meantime, they are working to disrupt the Eruseans on a local level, focusing the bulk of their efforts on trying to sabotage Yellow Squadron.

Full Name: The Republic of Delarus
Capital: Unknown
Continent: Usea
Head of State: Prime Minister (conjecture)
Government: Democratic Republic
Real World Analog:
Sitting right on the Erusean boarder, Delarus was the first country to fall under Erusean control when their invasion of Usea commenced. Though Delarus was politically and militarily unimportant compared to the larger target of the FCU to the east, it possessed the key to Eruseas victory over the rest of Usea: Stonehenge.
The combined blows of the Continental War, the Allied Forces restructuring into ISAF, and the chaos left in the wake of Ulysses Day placed Delarus in unwitting danger thanks to its possession of Stonehenge. Having only a token military force of its own made the country almost entirely dependent on ISAF for its self-defense. And what once seemed to a politically prudent measure, constructing the Stonehenge Turret Network in the uninhabited desert of largely apolitical Delarus, ultimately proved a fatal error following the Erusean governments extreme rightward turn into fascism following the asteroid strike on Farbanti and the Erusean Refugee Crisis of 2000.
While the Stonehenge Turret Network had been shuttered following its mostly successful use in defending Usea and the rest of the planet from the larger fragments of Ulysses 1994XF04, the Eruseans quickly saw its potential as a weapon to be used against terrestrial targets, and seized the facility with lightning speed. From there, they were able to use it to rain destruction down upon the rest of Usea, and force the military alliance tasked with defending the continent, the Independent States Allied Forces, or ISAF, to retreat outside of its operational range.
With Delarus and Stonehenge under their control, the Eruseans made short work of bringing the rest of Usea under their control, pressing in San Salvacion, then Ugellas, then finally into the FCU itself.
The principle goal of ISAFs pending counterstrike operation against Erusea is ultimately to press into Delarus and destroy Stonehenge.

Full Name: The Independent State of Ugellas
Capital: Unknown
Continent: Usea
Head of State: Prime Minister (conjecture)
Government: Democratic Republic
Real World Analog:
Yep. Its still there.

Full Name: The Republic of Amber
Capital: Unknown
Continent: Usea
Head of State: Prime Minister (conjecture)
Government: Democratic Republic, government contested (conjecture)
Real World Analog:
The Republic of Amber is still just kind of theresomewhereon Usea. God help me if Ive figured out where yet.
I dont think anyone really gives a shit anyway.

Full Name: The Osean Federation
Capital: Oured
Continent: North Osea
Head of State: President Vincent Harling
Government: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Real World Analog: United States of America
Osea plays no role in the events of Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies (because it wasnt invented yet when 04 was made), but Im keeping this entry here just to make sure nobody forgets about Strangereals reigning superpower, now that were one game away from Osea taking center stage again in Ace Combat 5.
Following the international embarrassment Osea suffered by helping to spark the Usean Continental War with its botched effort to assimilate the southern FCU states into its territory via a peace treaty, the Osean Federation has become quite rightfully gunshy about playing the roughriding cowboy around the international community.
The calls for a smarter, less cavalier foreign policy ultimately propelled the newly elected Osean President Vincent Harling to victory in the November 2004 Osean Presidential Election. Though Harling took office right in the midst of the so-called Shattered Skies Crisis on Usea, he made the hard choice to honor his campaign pledge of non-interference in the domestic affairs of foreign powers, and declined to mobilize the Osean military to aid the FCU against Erusea.
That said, as the war on Usea rages, the Osean military is currently at DEFCON 3 in preparation for a potential (yet still unlikely) strike on Osean territory by the Eruseans.

Since were still in the realm of Named Aces, the Assault Records heading remains an artifact title. The Named Aces in Ace Combat 04 follow the Assault Horizon Legacy pattern of only appearing in New Game+ (aka New SP Game) runs through the game.
There are a total of 20 Named Aces that appear in-game, and shooting them down will unlock their paint schemes for you to use in-game, though the very first and very last have special extra-game circumstances required to unlock them.
Also of note, all the Aces in Shattered Skies, barring the final one, are named after astronomers.
Furthermore, starting from this point forward, in lieu of in universe write ups, Kadorhal will be providing historical background blurbs for each astronomer that the various Aces in the game are named for.

- Plane: F-4E Phantom II
- Not In Game
- Spawn conditions: Does not exist in-game. This paint scheme becomes purchasable by beating the game once and loading an SP New Game.

- Plane: F-5E Tiger II
- Mission 1
- Spawn conditions: Spawns north of Newfield Island, past Allenfort AFB.
Kadorhal posted:
Ace Number Zero is Biela. Named for Baron Wilhelm von Biela, born March 19th, 1782. German-Austrian military officer, a grenadier Captain who also dabbled in astronomy. In that field, his specialization was observing and calculating the orbits of comets. He published articles, primarily in the Astronomische Nachrichten, discussing comets, theoretical considerations of comets hitting the sun, and occultations of stars by the moon. He was the first to identify a Jupiter-family comet, later named Biela's Comet, as periodic; the comet later split in two around 1852. Died February 18, 1856, at 73 years old.
As Crow mentioned, Biela is not actually present in the game; the name is simply printed on the tail of the Ace paint scheme for the F-4E Phantom II, which is unlocked for purchase at just shy of a hundred grand after completing the game once.
Ace Number One is Wang. Named for Wang Qi, Chinese astronomer (or possibly the ancient astronmer Wang Zhenyi). Little information is available about him, other than that he co-discovered a periodic comet named 142P/Ge-Wang. Presumably he's still alive, as the website for Michigan State University's Department of Physics and Astronomy lists him as a graduate student.
Wang Zhenyi, meanwhile, was a scientist from the Qing dynasty. She published papers explaining the function and movement of the equinoxes, the motion of the stars and the sun, and the orbits of Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn, and the relationship between solar and lunar eclipses. She was acclaimed as "An extraordinary woman of 18th century China." Died in 1797 at the age of 29.

Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Original Soundtrack
Composers: Tetsukazu Nakanishi, Keiki Kobayashi, Hiroshi Okubo, Katsuro Tajima, Agustin Barrios Mangore, Stephanie Cooke
Release: 2001
Discs: 2
Tracks: 24, 24
Tracks featured in Mission 1 & Intro:
- 1. Shattered Skies
- 2. ISAF
- 3. Gateway
- 4. Operation
- 5. Stardust
- 6. The Hangar
- 7. Scramble
- 8. Sitting Duck
- 16. Echo

Couple of little odds and sods before we wrap up this first post:

First up, a gallery of background flags, for lack of a better term. These mysterious unattributed flags, mostly variants on the San Salvacion flag, appear in the ACES AT WAR: A History artbook published by Project Aces in commemoration of the end of the Golden Trilogy with Ace Combat Zero. A couple of these flags appear very briefly in the flagpole shot showing off the ISAF flag flying over North Point. The weird doubled-over San Salvacion flag also appears prominently in a brief frame story shot in-game. It is largely assumed that these flags belong to several of the individual states that comprise the FCU, but thats probably putting too much thought into it already.
Also, here are some concept art pieces and beauty shots of Newfield Island and Anderson Crater:

And some artwork of the two sidestory characters weve met so far, the Storyteller Boy and the Barkeeps Daughter:

Storyboard sketches for the opening cutscenes:

The ISAF logo and various livery:

The Erusean military insignia:

The Shot, concept artwork related to the various impact craters left by Ulysses 1994XF04:

And lastly, heres something very interesting from a lore standpoint:

Now that looks awfully familiar, doesnt it?
Yes, this is the first unofficial appearance of the Strangereal world map. You can pick out Osea, Verusa, and Anea all more or less close to their finalized forms which would be revealed in Ace Combat 5. This prototype Strangereal appeared on the cover of the Ace Combat 04 Guidebook published in Japan. The map was heavily reworked from this initial design, but this is more or less it.
We are officially in Strangereal now.