Part 4: Mission 4 - Operations Gelnikos, Round Hammer, and Costner - April 24th, 1995
JuggernautMission 4: Offensive Campaign No. 4101
Overview: The Allied advance into Belkan-held territory commences with an attempt to retake the strategic shipping lane through Sapins Futuro Canal. Galm Team is tasked with three missions on this assignment: eliminate Belkas anti-air defenses at the mouth of the canal, cripple Belkas naval fleet and supply ports, and protect the Osean aircraft carrier OFS Kestrel as her fleet pushes through the canal.

Guest Commentator: I am joined for all three videos by Kadorhal. Much like Lunethex, Kadorhal knows probably waaaaaay more about the series than even I do, so once again Im spoiled for opening guest commentators.
Kadorhal has also done LPs of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Postal 2: A Week In Paradise, and of SWAT 3.
FYI: Im trying instigate a One of you LP Electrosphere so I dont have to feud between him and Lunethex. It doesnt appear to be working
Video Note: Unlike the boss fights in Mission 3, which were all in one video, this one is three full videos. Thats because Mission 4 is actually three completely different missions of which you have to choose one. And because all three missions have unique elements to them that are worth showing off in their own right, we will once again be employing Schrödingers Demon Lord and going yeah, sure, all thee missions happened. Whatever.
This happens three times in Zero, so when the other two come up, expect a similar presentation to this one. Be sure to watch all three videos. Ill know if you dont

This is going to be one of the thankfully sparser posts because despite it being a three-in-one mission, there is little really to talk about that Kadorhal or I dont already touch on in-video.
This is the second and final time the Ace Combat series visits Sapin (barring anything that might happen in the upcoming Ace Combat 7). Futuro Canal is the coastal boundary between the Kingdom of Sapin and the Osean Federation. Coming into the mission right at the start, Osean territory is on the left, and Sapish territory is on the right.
I was wrong last time. This is probably gonna be the quickest gloss in the LP. Futuro=Future in Spanish. Because Sapin = Spain. Class dismissed

This is gonna be more of a Watch This Space-style gloss, but a big part of this mission is in fact the Kestrel herself.
The OFS Kestrel (CNV-30) is a newly christened and deployed state-of-the-art Osean Hubert-class aircraft carrier and flagship of the Osean Navys Third Fleet on the southern front of the counterstrike operations, stationed in Oured Bay. Offensive Campaign No. 4101s Operations Gelnikos, Round Hammer, and Costner were considered her official sea trials to test her operational capabilities. Upon completion of combat operations in Oured Bay, she is scheduled to be delivered to Port St. Hewlett Naval Base to join the Osean Navys Pacific Fleet. Her current commanding officer is Captain Weeker.
The Kestrels appearance in this mission of Zero is one of a number of continuity cameos from Ace Combat 5. For those of you who are coming into this LP without any knowledge of the other games in the series, youre at disadvantage here while others will be able to smile snicker with their foreknowledge. Im not going into anything about the ship beyond what we see here in Zero, but just keep her in mind as we head further into the series. Her true time to shine is still far ahead of her.
From a real world perspective, her fleet catalog number, CNV-30 appears to imply that the Kestrel is a nuclear powered carrier, as the N in CNV stands for nuclear. That said, theres an interesting real world contradiction at play here, as the Kestrel was modeled after the Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier, and Kitty Hawks were not nuclear powered. The USS Kitty Hawk herself bore the fleet number CV-63. No N in sight. As for the name, a Kestrel is the blanket name given to several species of falcons. Theyre also commonly referred to as windhovers, a name that will also show up a few games down the line.

MISSION 4B Operation Round Hammer

Monika Starke
27, Female, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Round Hammer - Killed In Action
F/A-18C Hornet
Difficulty: Any
Ace Style: N/A
After graduating from the Belkan Air Force Academy, she enrolled in the Belkan Air Force, where during the war, her duty was to protect installations along the Futuro Canal. Her military records, along with that of her brother Fredi Starke, was heavy appraised.

Heiko Reck
"Gabel 1"
29, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Round Hammer - Killed In Action
F-5E Tiger II
Difficulty: Any
Ace Style: N/A
Flying in Gabel Squadron's number one, his duty was to control air superiority over the Futuro Canal. Together with Schakal and Postler Squadrons, they were known as The Winds of Futuro, and formed the backbone of Belkan air superiority throughout the front. He was killed in battle during Operation Round Hammer.

Fredi Starke
"Gabel 2"
30, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Round Hammer - Killed In Action
F-5E Tiger II
Difficulty: Any
Ace Style: N/A
He is the grandson of the top 1940's Belkan ace Jonas Starke. Graduating from the Air Force Academy with honors, he protected the fleet on the Futuro Canal as Gabel's number two. He was shot down and killed during Operation Round Hammer.

Hugo Parcham
29, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Round Hammer - Killed In Action
F-35C Lightning II
Difficulty: Ace
Ace Style: N/A
Assigned to the Belkan Navy, he became their top ace from 1990 to 1995. During the assault on the Futuro Canal, he was given the duty of intercepting Galm Flight. During the conflict, he managed to take off from the aircraft carrier Njord, but was later shot down.
MISSION 4A Operation Gelnikos

Markus Schuster
40, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Gelnikos - Shot Down
F-15C Eagle
Difficulty: Easy
Ace Style: N/A
He was arrested for committing wartime human rights abuses against civilians. An international military tribunal handed him a 136-year sentence along with the approbation of all assets. No matter what pardon he seeks, it certainly will not come in his lifetime.

Marco Metzelder
"Schakal 1"
29, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Gelnikos - Shot Down
Mirage 2000D
Difficulty: Hard
Ace Style: N/A
After the war, he retired from the Belkan Air Force and returned home where services for returning veterans provided him with the means to attend the University of Dinsmark as an economic major. He now works at a private firm in the city of Sudentor.

Jorg Lenhmann
"Schakal 2"
31, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Gelnikos - Killed In Action
Mirage 2000D
Difficulty: Hard
Ace Style: N/A
Retiring from the Belkan Air Force in 1988, he became a mercenary pilot. He fought in various fronts around the world but returned to the Belkan Air Force at the war's outbreak. He was hit by enemy fire in a battle over the Futuro Canal and was killed.

Rudolph Haber
27, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Gelnikos - Shot Down
Difficulty: Ace
Ace Style: N/A
Experiencing combat in the Belkan War, he proved himself on the Ustio war front. Although young, he boasted the highest war record among the Belkan Force's 9th Air Division. He now works at his brother Otto Haber's telecommunications company, Townsend Corporation.
MISSION 4C Operation Costner

Daniel Bierofka
29, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Costner - Shot Down
Difficulty: Any
Ace Style: N/A
He was to bomb the Osean fleet during the assault on the Futuro Canal, but was shot down by Galm Flight while searching for an opening in the fleet's defenses. After the war he found work as an automobile salesman, and is currently passing his days as an ordinary citizen.

Dietmar Wolf
33, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Costner - Shot Down
Tornado GR.4
Difficulty: Any
Ace Style: N/A
He was shot down and captured by Allied Forces in an aerial battle over the Futuro Canal, and was made a prisoner of war. After the war he was tried as a class BC war criminal. However, the charges were later dismissed due to rather dubious testimony from the prosecution. He now resides in the Kingdom of Sapin.

Karl Eckmann
"Postler 1"
34, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Costner - Shot Down
Su-27 Flanker
Difficulty: Ace
Ace Style: N/A
The number one fighter of Postler Squadron, a squadron feared by Allied Forces as The Whirlwind. Postler Squadron's synchronous attacks became a major threat to Allied Forces on various fronts throughtout the war. He now runs a shipping company in the Principality of Belka.

Karl Eckmann
"Postler 2"
34, Male, Belka
04.24.95 Operation Costner - Shot Down
Su-27 Flanker
Difficulty: Ace
Ace Style: N/A
The number two fighter of Postler Squadron, a squadron feared by Allied Forces as The Whirlwind. After the war, he started a shipping company with a relative. It has since grown into the largest in North Belka.

Tracks Featured In Mission 4
- 9. Juggernaut