Part 9: Old "Friends"
You know, its been too long without an update. I'll fix that, right now:When we left off, Isabella informed Brenner's Wolves about a secret bunker filled with food and other supplies. It's a bit of a hike, but the Wolves move out.

The Raiders the Beast talk to have the exact same image as the Rubinelle soldiers. So while it looks like the Rubinelle army is talking to the Beast here, I assure you he hasn't joined our cause.

I like to think The Beast just decked this poor raider before saying this line. Wouldn't be out of character for him.

Hello... Caulder. Why are you named? We never learned your name before, and they specifically made it unknown. Oh well. At least now I can actually call him Caulder.

This... This isn't good. Caulder had War Tanks before. That he was just willing to let a six year old use. Though his face looks more like a grimace of "crap, I have to let THIS guy use my resources?" than a grin.

What? No we won't. Freehaven is to the west of us, back at mission 3. We're not going that direction at all.

Well, just the Mayor would be good enough for me, but Freehaven is siding with him. Guilty by association?

Oh Lin. Never change.

A politician? Lie? Never!

Battle time with Lin, but I see a couple new things. Let's take a look.

First, the T-copter. Transport copters have no attack, minimal defence, and a movement range of 6. The upside is they're transports for infantry and mechs, allowing them to reach out of the way places faster, or help in advancing them towards the enemy HQ. Very useful in larger maps, due to being flying units.

And fire. Fire is a terrain item, granting vision in a 5 tile radius around it. It's still subject to the rules of fog of war, so it won't identify enemies inside forests of cities. Because it's a terrain item, both sides get it's vision range. Keep that in mind if you're playing, because the enemy can and will use opportunities to snipe your units they can see in the fire's vision.

Here's the northwest. We can see one infantry, and two bases. We can't let the Beast get that location, so we'll load up an infantry and mech into our transports and fly them over here. Our B Copter will also come across in a defensive move.

Like so. I also moved the recon to give a bit more of an idea of what's east of that area, which thankfully is nothing. Our bikes do the turn 1 capture thing, and the tank takes the bridge.

You can see the tank I just moved at the western edge of the screen. The east is illuminated by fire, but there's a lot of forests and cities there to give cover. We'll have to tread lightly.

Oh boy, the Beast is now in full roid rage. Wonderful. He moves a couple units around, that's about all. Can't see a whole lot thanks to the fog.

I've got the cursor where it is because in the Beast's phase a recon went through the fire, and finished somewhere down there. Something to keep in mind as we move around.

General movement in the south, as the bikes finish capturing and our other units start traveling the bridge. But what about the north?

Nothing fancy. Copter and infantry take out the Beast's full health infantry by the fire, and the mech begins capturing the factory.

In the south, I build a flare. Hopefully it'll see some use in this map.

Day 3 in the south, and a recon has come up and blocked the bridge. Thankfully the artillery hasn't moved, as placing it behind the recon would have crushed movement in the south end. I can only assume if the Beast doesn't have the factory in the east, he does now.

We'll start with the north first, as there is nothing of note happening up there. I use the T copter to scan the factory before moving my infantry towards it. The Mech also finishes capturing the other factory up there.

In the south, the tank attacks the recon, everything else moves up, and an artillery is produced. That's all for this turn.

Day 4, and nothing major happened. The recon fled, leaving the artillery open to attack. Again, we'll deal with the north first, as less is happening up there right now.

Infantry begins capture on the second factory, and the mech moves back to get the neutral cities. Our copters begin blazing a path to see if anything is worth hunting.

In the south, the tank attacks the artillery, and discovers a missile platform. Suddenly I'm glad my flyers are in the north

The remainder of the army begins making the slow move forward along the bridge.

Day 5, and a random tank strikes ours. I have other priorities for it though.

Weakening that artillery will prove more useful than anything else, since it blocks the bridge rather effectively.

With it near dead, I feel safe throwing units into it's range. Nothing bad should come of this.

In the north, T copters are again used as crappy scouts, and the weakened infantry from Day 1 is located. We should rectify this mistake.

Much better. The northeast is tentatively ours, at least for that mountain path. The B copter should be able to handle anything that comes through there.

Back at base, An anti tank (behind the info panel) and a bike are produced, and capturing occurs. That's all for this turn.

Well that's embarrassing. The RECON took out our tank. The artillery also attacked ours, to no effect. Vengeance must be had.

Not quite a favourable exchange, but a kill is a kill. That artillery will deal HP damage to our arty next turn, so we need to deal with that...

The flare gets into the action. While not having much armor, it'll survive a single hit from a half health tank. That's about all for the south.

Nothing going on in the northwest. A tank is made to help secure that path easily, and more capturing happens.

In the northeast, the B copter covers the entry and attacks the recon that attacked our T copter. The T copters, meanwhile, go scouting the forests, and find nothing hiding.

Day 7, and we start with the base area. Captures and another tank are all to speak of here.

At the choke point, a T copter goes scouting the factory, and runs into heavy resistance. Godspeed brave copter, you shall be missed.

That mech is the biggest threat there, so the B copter weakens it down a little, taking another point of damage in the process. Everything in the south is bottle necking at the bridge, as I moved the flare away from the tank after taking a shot from it.

Day 8, and the T copter somehow lived. It'll die this turn, as it's not worth risking the B copter's health for. We begin in the north, as it's a little more clear cut what needs to happen.

Our bike takes out the weakened mech, and reveals the weakened infantry from last turn.

I decide to weaken the other infantry, for whatever reason. The bike would have been safe with the weakened infantry's death, but this'll work out fine too.

Using the flare as it's meant to be used, I launch a probe forward to see if anything lurks in the shadow.

I strike true, and the B copter attacks. The recon rolls forward to observe the city and maybe get a hit on anything that comes through. The tank has to die though, and I feel like vengeance is required.

Yes, the Bike got the kill. My tank's death is no longer as bad.

With the bottleneck in the south cleared out )with the exception of the missiles), everything rolls forward.

Day 9, and one infantry to the north have decided death is a good alternative. The second one decided the woods would be a good hiding place. I have other priorities first though.

Using the flare to get sight on the missiles.

Then combining the strength of the anti tank with the B-copter to take it out.

The southern force moves forward at an alarming pace when unimpeded by The Beast. That Bike is in range of the HQ, so this is almost over.

With the south under control, focus shifts to the north. A tank rolls by the woods en route to attacking a full health infantry, exposing the weakened infantry. The Bike then strikes that one down too.

Day 10, and the recon took offense to me parking an artillery beside the HQ. Bad move.

The north tank rolls down and takes it out, also forming a barrier in front of the HQ. The artillery rolls to the east to try and absorb any hits from that end, though it would have been better situated in the woods to the north.

The recon clears the way for the bike by heading north and taking shots at the Beasts few infantry remaining. The northern bike and remaining tank finish them off. The other southern bike feels like taking over a city for no real reason.

Surprises abound. A mech was hiding in that northern woods and attacked our tank, and a tank rolled off the factory and attacked the HQ capturing bike. Guess we're going an extra turn. There is one flaw in that tank attacking us though.

Namely, it sat in range of both our indirects. They team up and take it down.

Up in the north, our recon deals enough damage to take out the mech.

The Beast's lonely remaining unit is safe this turn, however no matter what, we've won the mission next turn, since it can't reach the bike capturing the HQ.

The tank opts to instead attack and destroy the artillery before Day 12 dawns. Once more, vengeance for fallen men.

Much better. I can't deal enough damage to the flare, so I just capture the HQ for the win.

Gross. Do you know what's in piles of corpses? Nothing I'd be willing to share a moment with, what's for sure.

Yes Lin, you clearly planned a tank dying to a recon. S rank. Willing to bet I'd have 100 points in speed if the bike wasn't attacked.

Well, you DID just spout off a random 10 digit number. Maybe it's her social security number? Let's not forget the repeating of the letters "IDS". Something's not quite right here...



Poor Isabella.

Will sure seems easy to cheer up, at least. Just throw a mantra at him and he's chipper again.
The Mayor does what the Mayor does best. Also a battle occurs, I guess.