Part 12: Botes.

Last time we secured the bunker, killed the Beast in cold blood, had Will say awesome lines, and laid the smackdown on the Mayor. How can we get any better than that?

Ah... It's been about a year since last mission. We're still searching for survivors. Good to see things have changed.

Dammit, should have killed him when we had the chance.



Yes, thanks Olaf. We have botes... er... boats. A couple boats. Lin takes command of the boats today.

So do the Lazurians.

Thanks... thanks again Olaf. Get back to being inept in your own game, please. Unfortunately, Davis here can't withstand even that tiny fleet, what with his tank, mech, and lander he never uses to actually move his units to my base. Of course, boats means new units, but I'm going to let the game take care of two of them. Beginning with a new unit in Days of Ruin:

Poor Lin, she's being relegated to fighting naval battles, not gathering intelligence, and spying on Will and Isabella. Next, the lander:

Useful knowledge to have. There's a third ship out there on the Lazurian side, the Cruiser.

The cruiser is your run of the mill direct fire ship. In previous games, it couldn't attack other ships, but suddenly captains everywhere decided that firing on other vessels is a good idea. So now they can attack ships while also annihilating planes and copters. Kinda useful to have.

Gunboats pack a punch. And like Isabella said, they pack a SINGLE punch. They have no armor though, so don't leave them stranded after they fire.

Two gunboats combine strength to take out the Lazurian forward unit. I also load up the rockets and MD tank into the lander, to be transported south.

The Rig, meanwhile, sets up a temporary port. These can only be placed on a beach, and function like temporary airports. They can repair and resupply, but can't build. The rig being placed there will also resupply the gunboat at the start of next turn.

The lander moves south, dropping off the Md tank and rockets. The rockets will be able to cover the small passage of water should the cruiser decide to advance. The mech and light tank roll into the second lander.

Last bit of movement, the gunboat gets in position to help cover the choke, and the infantry gets in position to jump into a lander.

Letting me take over would be giving command of your guys to me, Davis. Will you even be useful? (no he won't.) Davis begins capturing the upper city with his infantry, and does nothing else.

Tasha moves towards us, and begins building a T.Port of her own. She did leave her cruiser in range of our rockets, though. Not a smart choice.

Rockets and gunboat attack the cruiser, the gunboat getting the kill.

General movement. The rig finishes the T.Port on the northern island, the Md Tank moves up and holds the land chokepoint, and our second lander sails up and drops off some reinforcements.

I pull a lander back to grab the remaining infantry, and leave a gunboat in range of one of Tasha's. It may not have worked last map, but dammit I won't stop trying.

It didn't work.

Lander moves over to pick up the Rig next turn.

Rocket moves to help cover the choke, mech begins capturing, gunboats tentatively move forward, wary of Tasha's own gunboat.

Davis tries to be useful. he attacks the mech with his infantry, but then proceeds to NOT finish it with his tank. Sigh...

Tasha shows him the error of his ways by attacking the tank with her mech, almost killing the mech in the process. Davis should be able to finish the job, right?

Rig and infantry meet up with the army. Other lander floats about like an idiot.

Rocket attacks artillery, more or less nullifying THAT threat.

In hindsight, not a great plan. This'll make the recon retreat, leaving the Md tank open to an attack by Tasha's own Md Tank. Oh well, nothing to do about it.

And the damaged gunboat goes to heal. Not a bad turn, I'd say.

Guys! Davis was USEFUL! Holy shit! He killed the mech. In more important news, our Md Tank got attacked by Tasha, and the artillery moved up to cover and maybe attack something in range for 1 HP.

To start though, I get our gunboats to take on Tasha's, leaving them both crippled and ammoless. A great tradeoff for our own ammo count and slight damage.

Rockets damage the Md Tank, our own MD finishes the job. Our final gunboat moves up to take out one of the enemy gunboats next turn. Unseen, our light tank rolls into where the enemy Md Tank used to be and attacks the enemy rig.

Day 6, and the enemy artillery attacked our Md Tank, dealing 1 HP in damage. Tasha also happily joined the gunboats together. I see a plan here to finish this turn. Can you spot it?

First, rocket takes out the recon.

Then Md Tank takes out the artillery.

Light tank takes out the rig...

And gunboat takes out the gunboat. Mission over.

Wait, who the hell are you?

And who the hell is HE?

Indeed, Lin. No losses here!

You WERE goners, Davis. You can't command for shit.

Ah, wonderful. A war between Red and Blue. By now you may have noticed we have "ruby" basically in our name. Lazuria effectively has Lazuli, or lapis lazuli, in theirs. I'll give IntSys credit, it's more subtle than previous Advance Wars. But it's still red versus blue.

They started it!!!

Do we HAVE to?
Next time!
We get conscripted.