Part 13: Good Chowder, Man!

Well, we've been conscripted, I guess. Time to head north into the middle of the ocean and meet up with this Greyfield person. I'm sure he's nice. He has Davis working for him, after all.

...I already hate you. We showed skills beating up a former soldier and some crazy scientist and his kids. With minimal losses, even!

My thoughts exactly.

How adorable, he's cowering in fear. About par for the course for Davis so far, really.

Admirable traits in a human, those.

Alright, so here we are. A lot of people expressed in the thread they had trouble with this mission. It throws you straight into the middle of a naval battle with little introduction to the units. Here we see our main fleet, with a second submarine underneath the terrain panel in the bottom right. Also, we have yellow allied units. Who leads them? More on that later.

And the moderately impressive Lazurian fleet. Couple new units, and both sides have access to them this time around.

First, the big boy of the waters, the Battleship. Like previous Advance Wars titles, it's a ranged naval vessel. It's different here though, as it can FIRE AFTER MOVING. It's downgraded in range to that of a rocket (3-5), and deals less damage than it did in previous games, but still. This thing has an effective range of 10 thanks to the 5 movement range plus the 5 firing range. Used properly, this ship can wreck both land and sea.

Unless it gets attacked by this. The Submarine is unchanged from previous Advance Wars games, able to almost completely destroy any ship on open water save for the cruiser, to which it is incredibly weak against. It also has the ability to dive, rendering itself invisible unless adjacent to an enemy, and cannot be targetted by any unit save for another sub or a cruiser in this state. These things are great, but expensive.

To begin, I start building temp. seaports, for no real reason. We have no income, so we can't heal. They'd be nice to help refuel multiple targets between it and the rigs.

After that, it's time for combat. The gunboat fires a salvo at the Lazurian battleship, and the sub runs in, unhidden, to finish it off. 74%, and the battleship is in mist for a minor defence boost? I like it!

With that dealt with, I need to consider the fact my main attacking unit, the sub, is now open to gunboat assault from the north.

This'll work nicely. While not killing, it's still rather damaging, leaving the gunboat at 1 HP.

Our other sub dives while heading east towards another battleship and a gunboat. Rough water gives a decent defensive boost, similar to standing in a forest, while making it harder for boats to sail through. A decent tradeoff if you're looking for an edge.

Our cruisers split up, to cover both attacking forces in case that sub strikes, and also to give some AA support. Meanwhile, the battleship and gunboat team up and take out the enemy's gunboat. Good placement here also means this gunboat will be resupplied next turn, ready to strike again. Our duster flies down to stick with the main mass of ships in case the enemy fighter tries anything suspicious.

And that's all for Day 1. Rather damaging opening move. Allied turn next, then we see the response from Lazuria.

Oh God, you again?

...You killstealing asshole! That was experience Iwanted!
Guess who we face!

Oh, General Forsythe is one dapper looking man, compared to the blob of an Admiral we have.

I love that line. I don't know why, but I love it.

Caulder is playing all the fields trying to kill us. This... isn't good. At least Forsythe seems reasonable. In that he wants to kill us, just with HONOR.

Not much happened on the enemy phase. Tasha moved a bunch of her units forward, our subs are still safe, and we have new targets to play with. The cursor location marks where the enemy sub dived at. Nothing we can do about it this turn, but something to keep in mind with our movement.

To start, I move our B-Copter back, then realize it's still in range of the enemy fighter. The result is this mishmash of units trying to keep both our copter and duster alive. Provided Waylon doesn't do anything on his turn.

That aside, it's time to attack again. The battleship moves up and strikes immediately (easily my favourite change this game made from it's predecessors.)

And the sub slides over one and finishes the job. Our other sub moves into the middle of the mist field and waits.

Our last unit to move, the gunboat with experience, takes a spot to the northwest of where it was, joining the main body of units. That's all for us.But not all for Will.

Tasha: possibly the most one tracked mind in any game I've played. It's not a day for her unless she's killing Rubes. As for actions, Waylon flew his duster in like an idiot and weakened the enemy fighter. In response, Tasha blew up the duster with a cruiser, and advanced her fighter towards us. She also attacked our battleship in the south. Her dived sub, meanwhile, sailed right on by our own, ending up somewhere westish of it. Wonderful. It's now a threat.

Graphical view of the above, save for the dived sub, for obvious reasons. I guess first thing is to try and find said sub? Gunboats'll work nicely for this.

There it is. Now I can focus attention on other matters.

For a start, our remaining gunboat takes a shot at the cruiser that damaged our battleship, and our duster severely weakens the fighter.

Northern cruiser eliminates the enemy bomber, and sits in range of the battleship, cruiser AND B Copter. This could have been planned a little better.

As for the enemy sub, cruiser takes the first shot, as even at full health a sub only does 20% damage to cruisers. Our north sub comes in and finishes the job.

South sub goes on a direct mission to take out the cowardly gunboat.

With that, our day ends.

Tasha suicides the fighter on our duster. Not sure how the Wing Commander thought THAT was a good plan, but hey. Free kill for me. Elsewhere, her cruiser and battleship cripple our eastern cruiser. It's done it's part, time to get it our of there.

Gunboat never saw it coming...

Battleship finishes off the weakened cruiser, and in the north, our air force begins flying towards the B Copter.

Cruiser, gunboat, and sub take out the other enemy cruiser, with the sub getting the experience, and the guilty pleasure of killing the unit it's weak to.

Almost done here, but I'm worried the battleship will strike the gunboat, ruining my technique.

It opts to attack our own battleship. I'll take it, I won't need it to win.

It won't stop me from doing 1 HP in damage to her battleship with it, though. Up north, Waylon had damaged Tasha's B Copter with his own. I then attacked it with my duster, and our B Copter finishes the job.

Dammit, was hoping the sub could kill it. Cruiser swings around and sinks her battleship.

Until Tasha has her REVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENGE!!!!!!! Or we wipe the floor with them some more. Either or. Anyway, S Rank, no casualties for us, Waylon is still a killstealing bastard. All is as it should be.

This reminds you of Greyfield, how?

Well then, let's not keep his worship waiting...

I...what? What just happened?

...(It's in italics)

This scene. I like this scene. It's like Lin telling off the Mayor. You can already start to hate Greyfield, and Will just speaks for the player. It helps that Greyfield is also BATSHIT INSANE

Okay, so it's only outside the campaign she can be used, but still. Unlocking happens this way, by completing campaign missions.