Part 17: Icy Escapades

Last time, Waylon shot an unarmed prisoner under Greyfield's orders. Brenner didn't take too kindly to that. Wonder how that's gonna work out for him.

Gage, you cold there? Looks like snow behind you. Want a shirt? No? Alright. I guess since once you pass mild hypothermia you stop shivering anyway, so that won't hurt your aim with that rifle.

THANK YOU, Lieutenant obvious. We totally weren't there to watch Waylon pull the trigger.

Elapsed turnaround time to Tasha's anger: 0.001 seconds.

God Dammit Tasha.

About ten minutes later...

Awesome, we get to run the hell away. There's a couple small things we need to look at first.
Actually, first thing we need to do is get in the mood with some awesome music.

Brenner, meanwhile, decides to throw his Md tank into park, and just wait on the lonely lattice of bridges. Waylon, our enemy du jour will be more than happy to make it a little more crowded. You may notice the medal by the tank, as well as that darker area around it. What does it mean, you ask?

Well, looking at the Md tank, we can see it's already a veteran, it's attack and defence are up, and that Brenner, our CO, is on board. This is our introduction to CO's in this game, in part. Instead of previous titles having your CO gain power from dealing damage, you now place your CO into a vehicle, where it immediately gets promoted to veteran and gains the bonuses the CO gives, which vary based on the CO.

The darker area is the CO range. Like the boosts a CO gives, the range from the CO boarded unit varies based on who you're using. Units in this radius also gain the boosts from the CO, as well as an additional moderate boost to their attack and defence. The attack boost is the same as what you'd see from getting a unit to level 2, and it stacks on top of experience boosts.

We can see here that Brenner's CO range is 3 tiles. Any time a unit of yours attacks an enemy for 5 HP, your CO gains one point towards their power. Killing an enemy while your unit is in this radius gives two points. Getting six points will increase the radius by one additional tile, and getting twelve points will increase the radius by another one tile, and give access to the CO power. Unlike AW2 and AW:DS, there is no Super CO power.

Looking at the CO option on the menu, we can see Brenner's CO abilities. As previously stated, his zone is 3 tiles. He gives a respectable boost to defence, and it affects all units. His CO power is similar to Andy from previous Advance Wars games, repairing all units on the map by 3 HP. Not too shabby. Using the power causes the unit to be used for the turn, as a note of precaution since I'm already talking about powers.

Our destination is to the west. Our objective is simple: get one of the two Lazurian units to that city. The practice, however, is difficult. Gage appears to be mystified as to where good positioning is for his units, and will ALWAYS move the maximum spaces he can, whether or not it sits in range of an attack. The mission is as much about killing the few units west of us as it is babysitting his units and getting them to move favourably. Let's get started.

I start by moving our Rig over to the west. The snow that is falling hinders us, reducing all movement by one tile. Annoying, but since Waylon is affected by it too, it isn't too frustrating. The next step is getting the tank to damage the enemy rocket, which it happily obliges.

With that done, the Rig is now blocking Gage's recon from going out as far as it can to the south, which is good for us, because we want that at full health for as long as possible.

The next step is removing the threat of the B Copter flying right by us.

With that done, everything else moves up. The infantry is blocking Gage's recon from getting into rocket range to the north, which is the best thing we can really do with it for this mission.

At the beginning of Day 2, the rockets targeted our artillery, and Brenner continues to sit there.

I move the artillery into position to begin taking out the meteor, which will allow the recon to continue towards the city. The northern AA leaves space for the infantry to pass by, while also giving some coverage against the B copter should it choose to target Gage instead of Brenner.

The rocket threat, meanwhile, is removed permanently.

About all I can do. The recon is going to take a beating though, knowing Gage. It can easily pass by the south AA and into the range of Waylon's artillery.
At the start of Waylon's turn on Day 2, this exchange happens:

Son, you best get yourself treated for frostbite, cause that is one sick

What he's about to do, of course, is blast our mech with a tank, and Brenner's Md Tank with his remaining B Copter. Gage is derping it up by running his recon straight into artillery fire.

Let's begin on that meteor, or Gage will very quickly lose that recon. Meanwhile, the mech up top gets heavily damaged by the north AA, removing it as a threat for the infantry. Our own infantry moves up as bait for the artillery, just in case Waylon feels it's a larger threat than Gage's damaged recon. Finally, in the East, our mech continues attacking the enemy tank. At least that'll stall them when they inevitably catch up to us.

The beginning of Day 4 has our Mech dead from the tank, Brenner hopelessly surrounded, and Gage's infantry killing the enemy mech. Gage also retreated his recon to safety, which means our infantry gets nailed by the artillery.

First things first, the meteor goes down from artillery fire.

Next, rather than immediately destroy the enemy artillery, I send the tank south to damage the infantry. Since it's currently in range of Gage's recon, it's still a threat.

A bit of unit shuffle happens, and one of our AA's shoots out half the artillery. That poor infantry will likely die, however.

Better than Gage's recon, though. Almost every move I'm having to pull up this damn recon's move range, just to make sure he isn't blindly moving it into a combat situation.

On Waylon's turn, an anti-tank he built takes down Brenner, finally.

I don't like the sound of that. At all.

Nothing we can do about it now, though. Instead, we press on towards freedom. Our tank rolls up and finishes off the artillery, which did take out our infantry. Thankfully, we did place it such that Gage would only move away from the city, which Waylon thought was a better target than plinking at the recon.

With that done, I take a quick assessment of the situation. Our next, and last, threat to the west are the two recons. To the east, however, is a rapidly growing force. The tank and B Copter are the foremost threat, with good movement range and power against Gage's two units.

This should keep the Recon safe from both sides. Neither the tank nor the B Copter will reach where I expect the recon to end up after Gage moves it, and the other two recons are blocked.

Gage moves forward as best he can, Waylon continues his pursuit, and I plan an attack.

Enemy recons crippled. Now to cover Gage's recon, and place it in an advantageous position...

Again, knowing how he'll move, he'll go either as far north or west as he can. I want him to go west, though, since Waylon's south recon is more damaged. This means plugging up that north path.

There we go. Let the enemy butt their head against the Rig, the artillery will fire back.

Apparently Waylon decided that Gage didn't need to be attacked this turn, and left his south recon idle. I first move the tank up to give a shield to the infantry when it finishes crossing the river.

Then I take out the two recons with my AA guns. The north AA is blocking Gage's recon, but that's alright.

About as good as this is gonna get.

B Copter attacked my artillery, tank attacked the rig. Gage presses west in a desperate bid to live another day. Stop me if that last bit sounds familiar.

I roll the tank out of the way, and the AA removes the airborne threat.

Artillery strikes the enemy tank, and I save the rig by replacing it with the AA. Every unit counts for score, and I still like seeing bigger numbers at the end.

Uhh...Gage? You DO know we're abandoning this area, right? That city won't remain Lazurian territory for long. Recon is basically safe.

But just in case...

Yay Gage! You aren't completely retarded!

That's about as good as I've ever gotten on this mission. Power is a tricky one here, because if you stay behind to attack one unit, odds are you take counter damage on Waylon's turn, and possibly lose that unit later, hurting technique.
For the rest of the update, I'll be silent. The following scene deserves that.

???: ... ... ... ...

???: ... ... ... ... ...Will, come... Capt...

???: ...126...272... Derelict building in... ...south of field...

An explosion is heard

Next time...