Last time, the Creeper reemerged, and is now infecting everyone. Sinister! Today we take a slight detour from the seriousness of this revelation. I hope you're feeling particularly...


???: Praise him, my children!
Who the Hell is that!?

Oh. Well then.

I see cities. Cities have power. We never questioned this before, Lin.


Yeah Gage, jealous she blew up a gatling turret? I would be. That's awesome.

Gage takes command here, as he mentioned. Good enough, since I still like his theme.

Anyway, here's what we're looking at. We have a minor force in the south, our strongest unit being a tank in the west. The Fanatic, meanwhile, has a war tank, out of ammo and almost out of fuel (10 units left), along with a slew of varying health infantry and mechs. I like this, given he's gotten a bevy of infected people, of course they're going to be weakened.

There is, for the observant, a new building. Well, "new". Missile silos are an old staple, coming from Advance Wars 2, and continue to be unchanged. You don't capture them, you simply send an infantry, mech or bike over to the building, select "launch", and fire a missile that has the same radius as a flare shot (13 tiles, or a two tile radius). This missile deals 3 damage to ALL units in the radius, yours or the enemy's.

First though, we have a couple silos out of range in the west. We need to secure those. The Fanatic has two up north, and those will already be devastating enough to our forces.

Staying out of tank range is pretty critical. We're at a disadvantage numbers wise, last thing we need to do is give an opening shot away.

The bike in the south, meanwhile, takes advantage of a close spawn silo of our own, and targets a mass that includes the war tank.

One small touch I like happens to be that the ground darkens at the spot the missile hits. 3HP off a war tank is nothing to scoff at, and I'm fairly happy in this hit.

I demand more blood (in the name of the Worm!), however, and target a bunch of infantry and a tank with a second strike.

Smells like napalm. I love it.

The Fanatic thoroughly shelled, I end the first day. Some friends are with the Fanatic, however.

He's gone from snivelling kissass to batshit insane. It's a marked improvement. I guess the Creeper isn't all bad.
The Fanatic has no theme of his own, and gets the generic "no CO" music.
So, remember how I said the Fanatic has two silos up north?



Silos hurt when stacked on each other. The enemy tank in the east chipped at the recon, only to lose 1 HP in retaliation. Not the best plan.

I'm going to deal with the east first. To begin, the recon takes out this mech. No sense leaving that strength in the enemy's hands.

Once again, 3 HP off a war tank is always a good thing. Given I have no easy way of killing it, anyway.

In the west, the tank attacks the enemy mech.

Still not a waste.

Especially since this can now happen. Good bye biggest threat to me.

Time to clean up a little chaff. This mech dies first.

Boxing in this tank, with luck he'll attack close enough that the mech can retaliate. Bike that fired the first missile also moves up to assist in killing.

I like that he is completely and utterly rational. He's not insane, he's just THAT devoted to making people's deaths easier on them.

But but but... where there's life, there's hope!

With that discussion done, let's take a look at the situation. First, our tank is dead. The Fanatic's isn't. That's a problem we need to fix quickly if we want a shot at winning the west fight. The east is looking pretty solid right now.

This should help out a little.

We'll get the bike out of the way of our mech attacking the tank, and take out another Fanatic unit in the process.

Now, the tank dies, evening out the west a little.

Finally, the lonely infantry gets taken out.

Over to the east, I make a quick prayer to the Worm, and attack the other tank with my bike.

Well then. Guess I'm solidly in the camp of Wormion.

Recon begins a rampage that will likely be unending.

And the infantry gets veteran status while killing off a weak Fanatical infantry.

Sacrifice is made, and one of our infantry plays bait to lure the Fanatic down a little.

First though, the bikes begin chasing down that mech up north.

Then the mech that killed the war tank comes up and attacks the infantry in the center.

Damaged infantry finishes the job.

Sometimes plans don't always pan out. Behind the join button, the recon couldn't kill off the infantry. I'm now clearing space to let the bike come in and kill the infantry.

Like so. I want my high health units to be getting the experience, as that makes killing easier, and also will help boost the power score at the end.

Things are looking quite well for us now.

The Fanatic advances on us. I'm not afraid of this.

Veteran infantry gets his shots in.

Bike weakens the mech

And recon finishes off the infantry, gaining veteran in the process.

Mechs join together.

Enemy mech suicides on our recon, and the infantry healing on the HQ makes a break for our HQ? I think? He's running SOMEWHERE.

First, I'm dealing with the mech up north. Bike takes first shot.

Recon should be able to finish this.

But doesn't. Damn. There's an extra turn.

I join up the bikes, to ensure no silliness happens up there.

The mech intercepts the infantry, and almost kills him.

My remaining bike snipes the kill.

Let's see what the priority is here. Life, or feebly attempting to save the HQ?

Turns out, HQ capturing infantry, no matter how many units you have left, and the capturing unit's HP compared to yours wins out. Sweet, sweet suicide.

We sure don't, Gage. We got Dr. Morris, and Will, and a whole load of bullets!

I'm genuinely curious as to what renders Lin speechless.


Spoken out loud, there is a "u" in surrender. This only works when written, Morris.

Hippocratic oath isn't dead yet, folks!

Oh no! Lin!

Next time!
Nothing too fancy, probably just anoth---

No. NO. I am NOT doing this! I'm going to go build a flame ram and take a keep in Guild Wars 2. Charge into a fray with dual shotguns and a strogn chance of not using bullets in Borderlands 2! Fuck THIS.