Part 27: The Mile High Club

Welcome back. Last time, Isabella was chased off the by civilians, after they discovered she was a clone. We had bombs dropped on us by the Great Owl for a bit before ultimately beating Tabitha down. Will left to go look for Penny.

A fate worse than death: To literally be Caulder.
Inside the hangar...

Still inside the Hangar

But... she didn't say you looked like her. She just said you looked alike.


... Yep.

Oh IDS agent.

This mission. This mission is a fun mission. I love this mission. It's probably my favourite mission, just because of what it is. It's a massive battle of attrition. This is the entirety of the map. The tiles like the one the cursor is on are impassable. Aside from that, go nuts killing dudes.
Lin's in Command here, given Will quit and she brought these forces here.

First off, indirect fire. Rockets open with a salvo on Penny's war tank.

The antitank scores the first kill of the map.

Western rockets shoot at the AA.

Playing it careful over here with her rocket range.


war tanks trade shots.

So far so good.

Recon isn't good for much else at the moment, so it chips away at the mech.

AA, meanwhile, annihilates the bike.

Didn't really need to be careful against the rockets, given I ended up making this move.

REALLY didn't need to worry.

Rule of thumb against tanks: When possible, fight one with a tier higher.

Really saves on the counter damage.

The more you kill in this first turn, the better. Just means fewer counters, and since we have no way to heal or build new units, less damage is the only way to reach an S rank.

Still damaging anything that could remotely be threatening.

The carnage is beautiful.

And I'm finally done with day 1 movements. Artillery could have gotten the kill instead of the antitank, but I want the antitank having the damage boost. It's far more useful.

Penny's Theme. Still as eclectic as the girl its for.

The aftermath of her turn. Our rockets have definitely seen better days. Everything else is fine though for the most part, so I can live with this.

More kills for the antitank.

Now, you might be wondering why I left the rig in range of this artillery. Simply put, I didn't want it running somewhere annoying. The rig lived, so I can at least rearm my forces.

Meanwhile, our AA gets started on the northwest.

Very much started. Poor infantry. All it wanted was a rocket kill to its name.

Rocket moves to the middle. It probably won't live, but hey. Everything needs to be in the middle eventually.

This tank thinks it can run. Our Md tank moves in to prevent it from moving anywhere this turn.

And the mech finishes the antitank.

Our war tank takes care of its counterpart.

Rocket kill in the corner.

More damage to this tank.

Derp. Left that rocket in range of the artillery. Guess neither of them are surviving the turn.

Yep. Both died, antitank takes a hit from the recon. Not cool.

May as well resupply now.

Look at this tank. Trying to escape the inevitable. How amusing. (it died)

AA kills the recon.

Well, you didn't expect mission 24 to be that easy, now did you? There's reinforcement waves. Hope you're ready for them. If you aren't, just hold off killing the last unit one turn.

War tank leaves Penny with a single unit. But a lot of our units can't move this turn.

We're going to fight on OUR terms, Penny.

Perfect. This leaves us ready to counter what Penny brings in at the sides.

Antitank still proving its worth. I love these units.

Tanks to the left of me,

Rockets to the right, here I am,

Breaking out of the middle with you.

The objective on the right side is to clear out the corner rockets, since they have a great shot towards each other.

I mainly do this because of the fact my war tank is exposed to the northern rocket. Gotta keep the heavy hitter alive, right?

I originally planned to move the other war tank in after attacking with the recon.

While the regular tank finished off this northern rocket.

Really contemplating it here...

Ultimately, I decide that it would be better served fighting the west tanks.

Letting the tanks roll in after me proves worthwhile. Many options available already.

First though,

We kill this tank.

With the right side clear, I join the two tanks together. Having a full health level 2 tank is just so nice, knowing reinforcements are coming.

Antitank gets rearmed, ready for the next phase.

The artillery continues firing on the enemy.

Md tank covers the opening beside the artillery, while also weakening the second tank.

Our war tank just devastates this poor tank.

Which allows the Md tank to finish the job.

Sitting pretty for the next phase.

Penny joins her remaining two tanks together. Well this just makes my job so much easier.

Supply ops.

Of course, joining means this tank can't be killed by the artillery alone.

That said, leaving it at 1 HP means I can consolidate our forces a little better without worrying about it actually killing anything.

It does take another chunk out of the rig.

NOW the artillery takes out the tank.

And we go right into the third phase. Rockets are on the left this time.

While the tanks are on the right. I'll admit this screwed me up the first time I ever played this map. I sent a lot of my heavier stuff to deal with the tanks, so when everything died (the last unit suicided on the antitank, if I remember right), suddenly all my heavy stuff was staring at rockets, while my mech, light tanks, etc were all facing the tanks. Whoops.

This time, though, my split is a little better. The war tank opens the round with this attack on a rocket.

The Md tank goes in to assist the war tank, heavily damaging the only unit capable of hitting it.

While the other Md tank gets in a spot to go after the other rocket next turn.

In the east, I amalgamate our forces, ready to lose a unit to the counterattack.

It was the war tank, of course. We're in a pretty good spot though, overall.

Antitank begins the turn with a shot against a full HP tank.

The mech goes in to finish the job.

While our tank attacks Penny's.

On the other side, our artillery attacks the enemy rocket close by.

Our recon attempts to finish it off.

And fails at that job.

So we let the Md tank show it how it's done.

I... I don't think Penny gives a damn at this point.

Killing off another rocket unit.

And supplying that war tank.

This'll be fine. Once again, always let the reinforcements come in on your terms. This will let us do just that.

Pretty sure both attacked the antitank. I will not complain.

I have a plan for the next phase though. Some finesse will be needed. We start with this Md tank wrecking the tank.

Then surrounding it with disposable units. This will allow me to have a decent split of power on each end.

It does mean I lose the AA, but now I'm ready.

Md tank initiates phase 4.

ROCKETS! Everywhere a rocket!

Next step is to clump up in the middle. They will all move towards us.

Just like that. Perfect.

Time to break out of the middle again.

Sometimes, I love the war tank. This is perfect.

Md tank goes out to attack the next one.

And the recon does something.

Regular tank also heads west, out of range of the eastern rocket force, and attacks the remaining rocket from the west end.

And as a result, the only unit that can attack us is the 1 HP rocket in the west, if it so chooses. Strategy!

It opts not to, and joins with the 3 HP rocket in the east. The other two rockets try to find an advantageous position. And fail spectacularly.

We'll start with this weakened rocket.

Then have the war tank take out number two.

Finally, between the Md tank in the east,

And the mech, we kill the final rocket, and the last enemy of the map.

Interestingly, Lin says this if you lose the mission. And despite losing a couple units, our technique isn't too terrible. I'm alright with this. Now, I hope you're all ready for my favourite dialogue in the game.

Inside the Great Owl Lab...


Back at the cockpit...

I think she planned this whole thing. Well, Caulder did, at any rate.

You must live, IDS agent! For the sweet corn casserole!

Nope, just you.

Oh no!


Next time!
The others cope with the loss of Will, Lin, and the unknown IDS agent. Or maybe it's just me that copes with the loss of Lin and the IDS agent. The Mayor does something everyone will be happy about.