Part 19: A tale of two Black Forts
A tale of two Black FortsOr Something something, how the fuck did you park a carrier there?!

Now that weve stolen military equipment from Black Hole, had the brick-on-treads donated by Green Earth, its time to see what Orange Star has up its sleeves. These will be our last two new units of the game as both Blue Moon and Yellow Comet were quite happy sitting on their ass and let the other countries cover their R&D.

What the hell do Colins abilities have to do with Rachel having a plan?

Jake would probably sink, Sweet Jake would make his tanks tread water.

Well, deployment looks good so far...nothing too out of the ordinary.

Wait...something seems a bit off about this...

A bit late on the pickup Colin, and yet you were still the first to mention something so I still have to give you a gold star.

Right, what was that Rachel? I stopped caring. Anyways, two-front battle, weve got our first new unit, the Carrier, already shown on the screen. The second new unit we get are the Stealth Fighter. You dont see any on the map right now because theyre all trapped on the flight decks of our Carriers.

As you can see, weve got a sizable force to start off with, a good mixture of air and sea units. Of course, the Fighters and the Bomber will be sent straight away to the second front, which really isnt notable at all. Just a Black Ar surrounded by 8 Minicannons in an X pattern, the only thing of note about it is that the cannons on the ground are invincible until the Black Arc is brought down, so Max is going to get plenty of support from us. We have seven carriers on the map, the ones on the left seem to have been caught in port by Black Hole Cruisers. Theyre blocked in and unable to escape or launch the Stealth Fighters on their decks. Being caught in port happens and is reasonable, but how do you explain the four Carriers in the bottom right? Is there a Chronosphere around here?

Id say Koal/Jugger just went and built a pipeline around the pond to trap them, but even if you accept that theres enough brains between the two of them to come up with a plan like that, it still begs the question of how they got in the pond in the first place. And given the carriers firepower, Id love to know how they got boxed in by the cruisers on the other side of the map. Like, were all of our admirals drunk?

Freakish unit placement aside, this is a really fun mission, I find. Black Hole has no production (unless you let one of their two infantry walk nearly the whole length of the map), but a pretty sizeable force and a defense we need to prize them out of, including minicannons for area denial. Our seven carriers provide some nice area denial of their own against Black Holes air force (as well see when we look at the unit), and the four inexplicably trapped ones are a great place to use a command that otherwise will basically never see use.

Anyways, due to cooler, more sane heads prevailing, we will use the hot-headed team of Grim and Max. Grimms going to take on the main front while Max takes on the Sky Fortress.

Anyways, since I did it last time, I think Ill share some more alternate starting lines with you guys. Here are some of the gems:
Rachel & Jake

Look at that, someone learning what they do before using them! Max and Jake could learn from her example.
Remember that shes the only one who even had heard of these things until now. And all the effort put into a gigantic, powerful 30,000-price unit and its 24,000-price payload is, apparently, a manual apiece. 378,000 total over them all, and...
Jess & Jake

Sensei & Grimm

Javier solo:

Sensei solo:

Solo lines are just if you didnt chose a pair that had lines together. Both the Max and Grimm lines earlier were Solo lines.

As I said earlier, we send all the air units we can to the second front. Since were lacking airfields we should send them all and make sure Max has as good a chance of winning as possible.

Since were playing with the punchiest pair of COs, lets set Maxs AI to the punchiest setting.

Now that we have control over the game lets take a look at our new Carrier. Its a big, expensive (30K monies) floating Missile unit. Its weapon is basically a bigger version of a Missiles anti-air launcher, complete with a longer range. The carrier also has the ability to act as a floating airport, much like real life, allowing it to carry, rearm and refuel up to two airborne units at a time, everything but repairing and buying new units. Of course, unlike real life every single military vehicle in service can land, take off and fit on one.

As I said, a Missile but better. Carriers have a massive area of denial that air units have no choice but to respect, hit hard enough to generally one-shot their targets. Also, as a naval unit, carriers actually have the speed to move into position rather fast compared to Missiles. They have the same number of movement points but naval units dont have to worry about getting bogged down in muddy fields or forests.
These things are pretty awesome. Massive hit and massive range are what youll use them for; the refueling is typically as easily handled by APCs, and the loading and unloading of air units slows their ability to reach the front, though its situationally useful for avoiding certain damaging powers. The only downside is the cost. These are the most expensive unit you can deploy, so its usually not feasible to deploy them yourself.

Also, the Carriers attack animation is impressively lazy. Up to five missiles just fly out from off camera depending on the Carriers health.

Next we start capturing properties and sending our artillery units down to free the trapped Carriers.
Over here, its good to keep the stealths in the carriers; if you did manage to let one out in range of the cruisers, theyd just get one-shot.

Copters are sent up north to take care of the enemy artillery on the top left island. Sadly, we lack airfields and T-Copters so we cant actually capture these cities for their delicious funds.

The Navys sent out as well since theyre not going to do any good hanging back by our port.

As Koal mentioned, the Black Arc (or the aerial fortress) has been refined and changed since the last time we fought it. Before it dropped huge bombs on our forces. Now its projecting an energy shield to cover the minicannons on the ground we need to destroy to win. Of course, the game doesnt actually tell you this until you attack the cannons in question.

Oh, and another reason we need to free our Carriers: unlike in the previous games, Cruisers are no longer limited to attacking only Subs and aircraft. They can straight up punch other boats. Its not much, but its enough to be expensive. Also, Grimms low luck on defense bites us here as the other two Carriers took only one damage from the Cruisers attacking them.
Carriers are, as you might expect, fairly tough. Theyre only just barely weaker than a battleship.

Max does what he does best and punches things, taking out a quarter of the Arcs defenses already.

Grimms low luck hurt us, but his bonus attack is absolutely wonderful. Shame I have nothing else within range to take a pot shot at that Cruiser.

Hmm, that fighter poses a bit of a problem.

Thats a bit better. Just need to lure the Fighter into the Cruisers range.

Max cleans up Koals air units guarding the Black Arc. Including, thankfully, the Black Bombs. Hell take some punishment from the cannons, but with Koal down to only one and a half Fighters, I can live with that.

It helps that the Bomber I sent Max can one-shot the minicannons.

Or it could until Koal one-shot it right back.

We finish off the damaged Cruiser from before and open a hole for our Carriers to escape and unload.

Be free my invisible bastard planes! Be free!

And heres the Stealth Fighter, or just Stealth, itself. Like Piperunners, these little bastards can hit everything and do decent damage. Theyre not all that strong but when stealthed only Fighters and other Stealth Fighters can find and launch an attack or counterattack. The big problem is fuel supply. You know how Subs, the other stealth unit, uses 2 units of fuel/day, and 5 when submerged? Stealths are gas-guzzlers, using 5 units of fuel a day, and a whopping 8 when stealthed. This drastically limits their movement and makes having an airfield, APC, Black Boat or Carrier nearby a necessity.
Since units dont get a turn right when they leave the deck, these guys start uncloaked and thus are vulnerable to cruiser fire. Important to note on this map.
In general, the stealth is... interesting. Its slightly more expensive than a fighter or bomber, but it can attack anything instead of being limited like those two. It also does less damage. The stealth fuel hit is gigantic, to the point I barely would consider using that. Remember those fuel costs are before movement; move all 6 spaces and youre chewing up almost a quarter of your fuel just for moving stealthed that turn. I could see these guys having a role in a fog of war map, or if you need to combine fighter and bomber attacks in one shell, but otherwise these are more a novelty than an effective tool.

Anyways, lets continue. Our plan to lure the Fighter worked perfectly and Grimm swats it out of the sky.

Grimm then gets lucky and his B-Copter knocks Juggers B-Copter out of the sky in one turn.

Grimms Sub then pulls off the same stunt and demolishes a Battleship.

This might sting a bit though...

Well it was on Grimm, which means the damage threshold was lower than usual. Still, quite impressive for the bucket of bolts.

Also, ow! Carriers are expensive!
I told you last mission that he was smart, handsome, and powerful.

Well, two can play the Hit like a truck game. Now for a montage of things exploding.

And this is why Grimm should go on every map.

Oh, and my Rockets can pop a Seam in one shot.

Much better, dont you think? Juggers forces are in tatters and, unlike me, he lacks any sort of production facilities.

Were down to one minicannon left on the Arc, then we can start working on the fortress on the ground.

Off with you! Im tired of you trying to sink my Carriers.

And thats the last of the Arcs defenses.

And how will you do that Koal? You lost the second front, youre not longer in this fight.

And guess what winning the second front gives us? Hey Jugger, come over here for a moment, Ive got something for you!

And thats one cannon down.

And Jugger wastes his Super Power because hes left with almost nothing to fight with.

My Stealths rearm and refuel on the carrier this turn so they dont crash and burn when trying to burst the seams around the other carriers. You can immediately unload Carriers after moving, but units wont get resupplied unless they spend the turn on deck.
Since were talking about stealths popping pipe seams, lets talk about this missions secret trick. You might wonder why those four carriers are down here; by the time you can pop them from the outside, its just as easy to leave them in there and win the map instead. So why are they there? Its a trick if youre really on the ball. If you delete one, you have space to deploy another stealth in there.
And stealths can two-shot pipe seams.
So on turn three, these guys can extricate themselves and you can have three carriers and their stealths marauding around the map to clean up just that much quicker.
Of course, since some people found my stealing the HQ out from under Jess and Javiers Megatank a bit too cheap I decided not to do that.
It totally wasnt that I didnt know the trick. Not that I have problems with this mission anyways.

Two cannons down.

Fun fact I just found out about : If you load a Stealth on a Carrier when its hidden, it will unload still in hiding.

Three down, one to go.

And thats all four.


Wrong unit, Alky. More like:

Youre both wrong.

A perfect score, with a nice 65 point bonus for blowing up the cannons and random pieces of pipe.

Next time, Lash and Kindle unveil Black Holes newest, newest weapon! Whos ready for a Fog of War map with Oozium? Whos ready to find out what Oozium is? We get two armies to fight with, so you get four votes this time!
I have been informed of what Oozium is mechanically. I cant wait to see how they justify this one, story-wise.

And, to influence the voting, Id also like to note that there are comm towers on the map, and only one production facility which is kind of hard to get to.
Said production facility is an airport, but as ZeeToo said its kind of hard to grab in a timely manner.