Part 22: Pinata Crystals
Pinata Crystals
So whos ready to clear out Black Holes scrap yard? I know I am. Im tired of grinding and Ill
probably not be using too many skills anyways since they outright break the game. But first, some exposition from what passes for a plot in this game.

Rachel, making sense is the absolute last thing Id call this plot. Unless Hawke has the equivalent of FF13s Datalog on hand, in which case he should probably share with the rest of the class.

I have no idea why Hawke is against Von Bolt is so against using Black Hole for his own ambitions when Sturm was doing the same thing. Black Hole has never really had an ideology beyond Were here to be evil. Personally I thought Hawke was against Von Bolt because he was turning Black Hole from standard Generic Conquerer and going all the way to Captain Planet Villain, which is the kind of evil most Saturday morning cartoon villains would laugh at.

The biggest clue to how far Black Hole has fallen is the quality of the protagonist. We went from Tutorial stupid but lovable Andy to Try too hard to be cool Hip-Hop Jake.

Then again, besides the fact he sees himself as a white rapper, Jake is the sanest, most straight laced character at times.
Id kinda wonder how they managed to get an army willing to burn the world down and not get anything for it if Advance Wars werent pretty clear that only COs are real people.

Black Hole: bad. Jake repeating something Hawke says word for word: okay. Our protagonists, ladies and gentlemen.

I like this map. Its neat to see how its set up, and it gives you a lot of options on things to try for: you can prioritize units, crystals, towers, or getting the base/silos/airport. Of course, since the AI starts with everything wounded, the towers and southern properties arent as good as starting with a quick kill-rush, but thats life.
Worrying about the asymmetric forces of your two armies and giving Black Hole a dual strike with your kills complicate it a bit, of course, so this isnt a one-sided slaughter unless you have a really good plan of attack.

Actually, merely one of many sources. We'll see the industrial sized version of this in the next mission.

Im still in utter disbelief that Kindle has turned out to be our first honest to god villain.
Kindles enough of a bitch to handle when youre actually playing that it worked well for me. Curse you and your property damage powers!

As you can see Im trying to limit myself on skills a bit. I hadnt gotten to grinding with Jess and Jake, so no worry there, but Hawke and Lash have a nearly full set of CO skills. Only the CO skills one gets from beating the campaign are off limits to them Unless people start telling me to use the skills Im probably going to limit myself to only two skills a battle. Now, lets get started.

Alternate introduction lines of note:
Colin & Sasha:

Jess & Javier:

A pinata analogy? Javier gets the weirdest fucking lines, but Ill be damned if he doesnt have the right idea, though.

Grimm & Sensei:


Lash, of course, remains the best character.

All right, lets begin smashing things. Its easy now but it will get harder fast, so its important to hit as many of the high-priority units that you can before the crystals rebuild them.

Its also important to start grabbing Com Towers.

Gotta love it when you can plink a tank to death with a Recon.

The first crystal is within the reach of the Megatank on the first turn, you just have to clear an Infantry out of the way. In hindsight I probably could have made some joke about how all the crystals will be harmed in this playthrough, as is Ill be doing my best to avoid making bad Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced jokes. Well be seeing these things pop up more and more often. Theyll rarely be as dense as they are here, but well be grinding plenty of crystals to powder beneath our tanks treads. a tad overkill. Cant really complain when theres so many to take down, though.
This is one of those moves that will make things much easier on yourself if you do it. Killing the crystal makes all the 1HP units next to it a non-issue for another turn, letting one unit hamstring large amounts of Black Hole material in a single blow. It doesnt work as well once they get to 3 or 5 HP.

And thats Oranges turn. Youll notice Im ignoring the bases at the bottom right now. Sure, having bases and such is nice, but each side only starts with 3 money-producing tiles, and there are only 7 money producing properties to capture. Ill be giving Blue the bases, consolidating the money on one faction so I can build more and better units. Or at least that was the plan. It's rather obvious I overthink myself here as the last thing we want to do is hang around that long.

Just make a nice hole here.

The crystal on the right is within range of our Rockets, which means its another easy kill for us.

And heres the battle at the end of Blues turn. Were cutting through the Black Hole forces now, but thats not going to last.
You get basically one free turn in this mission, with each subsequent turn making things tougher on you. Up to you to find the best way to capitalize on it before the Black Hole forces heal up all the way and smash back.

The crystals thrum with power and things look just a little bit bleaker.

Oh no, my fighter jet! Its only an over-specialized unit that Ill get limited use out of due to the limited amount of air units on this map!

And Im not even going to feign concern over this. Kindle is free to bounce off my Megatank however many times she wants for all I care.
Oh, suicidal IntSys AI, never change. That infantryman had more heart the rest of the army combined.

Hooray! Free CO power for me! Go ahead and wail on that Missile all you want.

Yea, my stuffs a little worse for wear right now, but if Kindle and Jugger want to bounce off my armor I wont stop them.

Every crystal we smash forces Black Hole to fall back and take advantage of the remaining crystals. Sure, the big, heavy stuff is back there, but it also means Black Hole is more susceptible to the silos Ive got.

End of Oranges second turn. I would have loved to toss my Megatank out there to take some more hits on the chin but last turn used up all of its ammo. That three-shot limit really hurts the Megatanks ability to last without an APC parked next to it.

And Crystal three goes boom.

I dont know why but for some reason the CO reactions between Hawke and Jugger amuse me. Its like Hawke is glaring Jugger into submission from across the battlefield.
Im impressed Hawke can keep a straight face around Jugger, really.

End of Day 2 for Blue. Kindle is right about having a very strong position. Our forces are subject to wear and tear while Black Holes forces get stronger every turn.

Case in point.

But Blacks units are getting strong enough, and clustered enough, for me to burn my first silo.

The end of Orange Day 3. Were getting there, seeing less and less Black Hole forces.

And that takes care of the last of the Jet enemies. We just have ground forces and Copters to worry about. Oh, and the fact Jugger and Kindle are about to Dual Strike.

Okay, ow, this isnt looking so good. Oranges effectives have been reduced to a Neotank, a beat up Md Tank and a Recon, the Megatank is beat up enough to only really be worthwhile as a paperweight. Blues down to an AA and half of a Stealth. Luckily, Black Hole has been cut down to size themselves, having only two Piperunners, a Rocket, a B-Copter and a Neotank as effectives. The rest are transport units or too damaged to do any good.
The comm towers are a great complication on this mission: you barely care about having them, since the enemy usually has such low HP that you can smash them with or without it, but damn you dont want a 5 unit with a massive attack boost to hit you, either.

Note: Megatanks make really mean paperweights. Perhaps I discounted it too soon. Hopefully it will also act as a damage magnet.

And thats crystal number four down.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that Lash and Hawke have their CO meters all filled.

I know some of you have been waiting for this forever, so here you go. Yeeehaw!
Only a 110% boost? I would have thought itd be a bigger tag bonus than that.

Well...its a Dual Strike, but weve only got three units to really use...

That being said, seeing Hawke completely undo a turn of the crystals work is magnificent.

As is seeing his AA kill a Neotank through bullet erosion.

And the Bolt Guard has been reduced to a single Piperunner as an effective as well. Sure, its the most annoying unit ever, but theres only one.

Actually, make that NO effectives. Blue captured the airfield last turn, which means the capturing Mech can now activate a Silo.

And I can buy a fresh B-Copter.

A really mean paperweight. Then again, Kindle was bright enough to attack a Megatank at any health with a 1 HP Tank.

And thats the last of Black Holes offensive units. All the rest are APCs, T-Copters and a single Infantry with 3 HP.

Five crystals down, one to go.

And thats the last of them.

Like a proper Saturday morning cartoon villain, Kindle can get a major scheme completely crushed and scuttle off, arrogance equally completely untouched.

Yes she is Rachel. Not until the gritty Days of Ruin is it possible to capture enemy COs. Hawke and Lash dont count, they were defecting.

A good showing all around. I took a bit more of a beating than I needed to but I still made S-Rank.
Next time on Advance Wars: Dual Strike:

Black Hole reveals their killsat: the Black Onyx.
Someone remind me as to why Lash (or anyone else for that matter) wasnt busting this thing out about 15 chapters ago?

And we take on Black Holes biggest crystal yet! The next missions the halfway point of the campaign, and honestly a tough mission (especially in the Hard campaign). We have three armies and 50 minutes before the Black Onyx fires (Note: this will never happen since I pause the game constantly when taking screenshots. Even without the pausing it would never happen, 50 minutes is way too much time).
Since the last few votes for multiple armies have been such clusterfucks, I advise everyone to vote by army, like so:
Orange Star: Hawke/Lash
Blue Moon: Hawke/Lash
Green Earth: Hawke/Lash.
Just remember that as much as everyone loves the Rebel Yell, we can only have a character on the map once. Also, everyone should vote on if I should abuse CO powers or not.
Whether that makes you more or less likely to let him, I should note that this is one of the toughest missions in the game for a lot of people.