Part 29: The not-so-Grand Bolt.
The not-so-Grand Bolt.I hope youre all eager for more talking, because this is the mission with ALL the talking.

Im just going to snipe some reader here and complain about this being almost exactly Fire Emblems Nergals last speech. Well, except for the creepy heavy breathing.

So, among the myriad of things completely short-sighted, nonsensical, or just plain retarded about this plan of Von Bolts, lets start with the obvious question. Eventually, youll have drained all the energy out of the world. Everyone and everything will be dead, except you and Kindle (which is punishment enough

Also, seriously? The strength of 10 men? Who each fight like 10 more men? Thats like, 10 Devdans. Or maybe 10 Danveds. Shit, now Im ruining the joke.

The camera moves up to show the giant Oozium that was just created.
That thing must have taken whole minutes to sprite up.

I know youre all into the whole Bolt naming scheme as youre Von Bolt with Kindle leading your Bolt Guard, but naming something Bolt generally means it can move fast, or at all. The Grand Bolt cant really do much but sit there. This is worse than naming a tortoise Speedy.

Thank you! Sweet Christ, at least someone says it.

Make it stop, make it stop...

Okay, now that the talking is done, for now, lets get on to the actual LPing. Weve got a super-sized Oozium map feature up north with three weak points that we need to destroy to win. Every sixth day those weak points will spawn a fresh Oozium, and since the Grand Bolt is in essence a giant Oozium those weak points have the same defensive qualities as an Oozium so indirect attacks will do next to nothing. Meanwhile, up top, theres a matching Black Crystal for every weak point on the top map. In addition to its normal Crystal healing duties, the weak points are invulnerable until the matching crystals are destroyed. Which only makes this map mildly frustrating since you have to rely on the AI for the top battle. No option to simply turn it off.
This is simultaneously my favorite and least favorite of the cartoony AW last missions. I like it because it feels more cinematic than 1 & 2, and it doesnt put up a bullshit wall of difficulty, but on the other hand I really dislike not having control of the second front and ooziums as an enemy. Theyre simply not threatening enough, especially once you pull off a dual strike.
In terms of strategy, its fairly simple. Theres a very slow clump of Ooziums that move south at you, along with the occasional other unit. You need to get past them, but you also need to stop the AI from grabbing all those cities at the bottom, which dont have many production facilities near them--just inconvenient airfields. It would be difficult if Ooziums were at all threatening, but in this case they arent going to get to you unless your second front gets seriously screwed up.

The thread loves Hawke and Lash so thats exactly what Im using. Theres really not much defensive terrain thats really usable for Lash on the map so shell be sent up top she can deal with Kindle.
Anyways, with the setup out of the way, its on to the way too dramatic final CO comments for a map that really isnt all that hard.
Jake and Rachel:

Jake, that was about as blatant as it gets. How do you fuck up getting hit on like that?
Sami and Eagle:

Javier and Jess:

Grimm and Sensei:

Sonja and Lash:

Hawke and Lash:

Jesus, is everyone hooking up behind the scenes?

As mentioned in the thread the top front is AI controlled. Meaning in addition to being a rather weak final level the game takes a good amount of control away from the player for the final battle. Lash has the advantage of production facilities, from both fronts really since we can send units to her, but right now Kindle has the advantage of units. So lets set Lashs AI to hold back for now.

Everyone knows exactly how AW matches start if you dont have any pre-placed units. The pile of properties down south are a major point of contention for this battle so I build a T-Copter.
The game is really making this the obvious course of action. The huge mountain range and flanking Ooziums are just there to make sure you know its T Copter time, not APCs.

Heres where game tells you all that stuff about having to destroy the crystals to damage the Grand Bolt, or that the weak points generate Oozium (one for each remaining point every six days). The time limit is sufficiently generous as Advance Wars levels really dont take that long.

Anyways, Lash goes and advances cautiously forward to grab the com towers. If I didnt have her set on Defensive shed run forward and get half of her units killed on the first turn.

Kindle goes ahead and wastes her Black Bomb first turn, damaging a Mech, an AA and a Fighter. It stings, but the AI really doesnt realize the value of saving such a bomb for a nastier blow.

Turn 2 for Hawke goes about the same as turn 1.
The only bit that might mess you up is going for the comm towers first. Remember that they dont generate money, and the ooziums are a week or so away.

Lash one-shots some infantry and captures the com towers before starting work on capturing anything else her infantry can grab and smashing up the Black Hole Piperunner.

Sadly she fails to capture the third com tower due to Kindles Black Bomb.

A Bomber makes a great bait for an enemy Fighter, but a B-Copter, or even a T-Copter would have done the same thing and cost so much less. Watching the AI do stuff like this is painful...and since Im not actually playing the top battle I think Im going to just going to skip most of it. If you remember to reign in the friendly AI at the beginning the top battle is really just a timer until you can run up and crush the Grand Bolt. Just keep an eye on it and toss the AI a Bomber now and then and youll be fine, if frustrated for having to put up with it.

Oh, and a Bomber is expensive enough that it also helps Kindle get her CO power up sooner for her super-annoying ability. Good thing the AI is fighting it and not me.

Turn three and the first of the T-Copters unloads down south. Capturing these properties is very important since otherwise Von Bolt only has his two factories up by the Grand Bolt. Without them Von Bolt just has no money to build anything, which makes this level very, very easy as long as the top AI doesnt screw up for you.

Theres more capturing up top and a B-Copter is built to clear out the infantry at the bottom of the map.

Hawkes troops see their first combat on day four when they start fighting over the bottom territories.

And since most of the early property has been captured, its time to start ferrying more infantry down to the bottom.

Thats three infantry and a B-Copter to Von Bolts four infantry and Oozium. Not the best balance of power but were getting there.

Make that Von Bolts three infantry.

Von Bolts starting troops have finally started to reach the home base. Not a huge problem since all he could afford to build for the first few turns were infantry.
By the time you start seeing his first units getting close, you can have a neotank on the field. I think that says it all about how desperate your position feels, which is not very.

On turn five Lash reaches and removes the first of the crystals, making the right-side weak spot vulnerable. The friendly AI has a lot of trouble with the left side of the battle due to how heavily stacked the start is against it on the naval battle.

Now, I could move forward and try to destroy the the weak spot on the right, but instead I have Hawke continue hanging back so I can focus on the southern battle. I have the advantage in terms of resources and production right now and Id like to make sure it stays that way.
This is the way to do it. Of course, you can also just... walk around the Ooziums. Because theyre Ooziums. A few more Ooziums either way doesnt amount to much, even if you stop to kill them.

The southern forces start capturing the available properties for the glory of

Day 6 finally arrives and the Grand Bolt spawns a fresh Oozium from each of its weak points. Since the weak points are, like Oozium, resistant to indirect attacks, that means attacking the weak points is a really risky proposition on every sixth day. Doubly so since the Oozium spawn before the Oozium movement phase, so they effectively move twice on their first turn.

Im glad that Im not paying for those ships because I think thats the second Cruiser Kindle has destroyed. Even worse is that the expensive naval units being destroyed are super-charging Kindles power meter. At the end of this turn she pulls out her third Urban Blight, and its only the sixth turn!

I build a Piperunner to run along the conveniently placed pipe on the left in a hope that I can shut down the left side factory, or at least harass it.
You know, Id forgotten about Piperunners by now. I guess they make this mission even more silly, because once they get onto the pipes, Oozium cant get at them.

The Piperunner wont be nearly as great of an investment as I hope, but the Neotank I build a couple of turns ago pays handsomely as it crushes Von Bolts early troops left and right.

I wasnt quite fast enough and Von Bolts forces have captured one of the southern airfields. This cannot be allowed to stand.

Luckily two B-Copters are generally enough to make an infantry explode impressively energetically. I wonder what the Wars World COs feed their soldiers to make them do that.
Well, Von Bolt was going on about absorbing all that energy. Maybe hes on to something, and it massively destabilizes the body?
Id think food that makes you explode when eaten would be kind of incompatible with living forever.

Von Bolts been able to actually buy a few things more expensive than Infantry. Mainly AA, which he planned to use against my own capturing soldiers. Sadly for him, my Neotank has other plans.

I also have my own AA and its been busy chasing down a stray APC that the Neotank has been too busy to chase.

Meanwhile Lash is making progress up top. For one she can actually build things at her port and have them not be immediately destroyed.

At least my boneheaded AI is fighting another boneheaded AI. Apparently Kindle thought it was a good idea to hide her Sub right next to Lashs port, which has a fresh Cruiser in it.

Hawke takes care of the second to last of Von Bolts infantry in the bottom of the map. Just one more to go.

And theres the last infantry. I probably should have taken out the B-Copter that Von-Bolt built first and then taken out the infantry, but it will work out just fine either way. Besides, that B-Copter isnt going to go anywhere.

Lash gets a fresh Bomber sent to her to help speed up her battle. The sooner the Crystals are destroyed, the sooner the Grand Bolt will fall.

With the bottom more or less secure, Von-Bolts resources will only start drying up from this point on. Meaning the most dangerous thing hell be able to send against me is more Oozium. Its really down to building up enough big forces to just storm the Oozium and Grand Bolt once Lash destroys the crystals.

The Piperunner is in position. I put it a bit too close to the factory, but Piperunners have enough armor to shrug off small arms fire.

The troop build up begins, and will only get more excessive as time goes on.

Von Bolts turn and he demonstrates that the B-Copter on the airfield should really have been the priority.

Sadly, AA doesnt have the armor to shrug off tank shells.

Heres a purple-tinted update of the top on Day 9 as Kindle uses yet another Urban Blight.
Kindle, the city expert, gets no properties of her own during all this, though.

Now, lets take care of that B-Copter. The full health B-Copter attacks the Von Bolt Copter and finishes charging Hawkes meter.

Then I get distracted and take care of some territory capturing.

After that I get around to using Hawkes power.

Before my damaged B-Copter was at 1 HP while Von Bolts was at 2. Now mines at 3 while Bolts is at 1. Gotta love Hawkes power.

And now its dead so an Infantry can move in and capture it, meaning that the southern battle is completely won. All thats left to do is clean up territory.

Von Bolts budget army is given a beating as Hawkes income just continues to grow.

Von Bolts army will continue to get more pathetic again as hes reduced only to the pair of factories up top.

Since Lash has the upper hand I decide Im tired of waiting and change the AIs orders from Defend. Im tired of waiting around for her to destroy those crystals.

I realize that its part of Von Bolts life-sucking nature but he just comes off as creepy. Pathetically creepy at that considering how mediocre of a CO he is.

Bolt uses the powers of his magic life-support chair to zap my capturing forces in the bottom right. Sure, it will slow down the capturing of the airport, but its not like hell be able to pry my infantry off and build something.
This is the only sort-of scary thing hes got in this battle: a dont-move button. You just need to be aware that you might need two spaces from Ooziums for your expensive units instead of just one, though.

Lash destroys the second Crystal and shes got a fresh Battleship ready to smash the last one as soon as it gets in position. Shame were not running by Days of Ruin rules were Battleships can move and shoot in the same turn.

Since theres nothing really to do while waiting for Lash, building up forces and capturing the rest of Von Bolts properties, Hawke starts smashing Oozium.

Lash wastes her turn on sinking the relatively worthless Carrier instead of taking out the Crystal.

I keep myself occupied by hunting more Oozium and buying expensive toys for Hawke.

It wont be long before I decide to throw subtlety to the winds and start buying Megatanks every turn. Right now though Im prioritizing the range Neotanks provide.
Who needs subtlety when you can drop a tank made of guns on someone? I only question why you werent doing it sooner.

The front line is finally being pushed back after I let it slowly ooze forward for so long.

On day 12 a fresh batch of Oozium appears, ready to begin its slow crawl to towards my rapidly growing wall of armor and cannons.

And on Day 12 Lash finally destroys the last Crystal. Which means Kindle is kicked out of the battle and Lash returns to the front lines with a fully charged Rebel Yell.
Notice that, for some reason, the AI decided to build a Black Bomb here. I guess Lash just likes to use her own toys.

For obvious reasons this turn is a bit rough on Von Bolt.
Two moves, two attacks, and a damage boost? Yeah, against Oozium movement and attack, thats crushing. Not much von Bolt can do against that sort of thing.

With a Dual Strike it becomes trivially easy to start cleaning up Ooziums.

Even giant Ooziums.

Not even the small fries escape the rampage.

On Lashs turn the first of the Grand Bolts weak points is destroyed. Not only am I closer to victory but that spot will no longer drop fresh Ooziums every 6 days.
Yeah, look at how much damage we did by blowing up the center ooze...hole...thing. Cant you tell that weve destroyed an entire third of this monstrosity?

Of course, it really wont matter that much which how fast Im cleaning up Ooze now.

Thats three Ooze this day falling to the Rebel Yell, and Von Bolt has effectively lost his eastern factory with my Bomber parked on top.

Remember, the Grand Bolt is just as resistant to indirect fire as normal Oozium. This is during a CO power turn with one of the hardest hitting indirect units in the game and four CO towers.

More Ooze clearing, still the same day. As I said, this day tends to be a bit rough on Oldman Man.

Not only is he creepy but he immobilizes my units that are the farthest away from the front. If hed zapped the ones next to the Oozium, then I might actually be worried.

Of course, since he didnt the Oozium are splattered quite easily.

The time for subtlety is over now. The Megatank production line has started because I simply have that much money. When life gives you lemons, buy a steamroller.
This is just in winmore by this point. Neotank movement is much more useful, and the damage difference isnt important by here.

The right weakspot is next up on the smashing list.

More Megatanks.

And thats the last of the Oozium up north.

The left factory is cleared and an Infantry put on top of it to block and hopefully begin capturing. Von Bolt has so little money that he doesnt even try to clear the factory.

And now the final weak point is under proper attack.

Boom and Boom.
No really guys, we swear, this is going to destroy this entire space blob monster. Those three, tiny, specific weak points will make this entire thing explode.
See the ending in part 2! It's only a centimeter or so down!