Part 3: Day One- Page 2
I forgot to do this earlier.>look into door
Cupping your hands around your eyes and peering in, you can make out dim shadows in an empty office.
Seyser Koze posted:
The front must be glass for a reason. Smash it with our umbrella!
Well screw this door!
>hit door with umbrella
You're not here to vandalize the place.
Stupid door and it's appeal to authority!
>kick door
You're not here to vandalize the place.
In the distance, you can hear the lonesome keening of a train whistle drifting on the wind.
A sudden gust of wind blows a cold spray of rain into your face.
LashLightning posted:
East - maybe the door isn't locked?
Seems simple enough.
(opening the real estate office door first)
It seems to be locked.
Maybe we can wish out way in.
That's not a verb I recognise.
That's not a verb I recognise.
That's not a verb I recognise.
Maybe there's another way.
>look se
The alley lies southeast, and appears to lead around the side of the real-estate office.
Well, no one suggested it, but Miranda wants a look anyway.

This narrow aperture between two buildings is nearly blocked with piles of rotting cardboard boxes and overstuffed garbage cans. Ugly, half-crumbling brick walls to either side totter oppressively over you. The alley ends here at a tall, wooden fence.
High up on the wall of the northern building there is a narrow, transom-style window.
>look at window
It's about eighteen inches wide and a foot tall, with hinges along the top that allow it to swing out. It's currently closed.
>look at box
The boxes are filthy, slimy and soaked with rain.
>look at trashcan
The metal garbage cans are stuffed to overflowing with slowly decomposing refuse.
>look at fence
One of the boards seems to be loose down at the bottom; you could probably just squeeze through.
The rain slackens off momentarily to a weak drizzle, then returns afresh in a brief, freezing downpour.
>look at brick
It's just an ordinary-looking wall.
>open window
It's too high to open.
Problems everywhere.
So, what next, goons? Leave your suggestions in bold.