Part 54: Tyria's Binary Field, Part 2b
Just like last time the stuff between that date and the day before Tyria became the Tower was extremely dull to watch and mercifully I managed to skip over it.Video Record- Tyria 2b

The last morning, before the ritual
He met up with Tyria at the beginning of the day, just the same as last time.

You usually talk more loudly.

You'll become the Tower tomorrow, so today is our final day at school, right?

Just like last time Sake and Finelle came up to them as they reached the school.

That's why they're hiring new people. We applied for those positions.

Can we go with you?

We're kind of nervous, because it's gonna be our first day working there.

This time he had an actual concern, though he couldnt tell them what it was of course.

(Either way...the enemy's strong enough to give Yozuki, who's way stronger than I am, a run for his money...)
(Even though I know they're gonna attack us, do I really stand a chance?)
(...Geez, why didn't I even think about that until just now!?)


So I arranged it for you.

I knew they've always wanted to be with you...

I mean, is that a final present from you!?

Now, I want to go to the lab today, no matter what.
This'll be the last time I get to walk with you, so I wanted to talk about a lot of things with you on the way.

He made the same suggestion he made last time, but this time with a very different result.

C'mon. This is your last day of school. You won't miss the boring classes, right? Let's play hooky and have fun.

There's something I wanted to talk to you about, too. So, just for the morning, it should be fine.

They went into town together.

You know, I think the Binary Field just has stock locations that it populates into places to save memory, there were some awfully familiar places when I was watching this back.

I think that because we've teamed up all this time, I find myself unable to develop any special feelings for you.

(Did I not notice that she only saw me as a bodyguard, or did things change completely compared to the first time?)

I don't think anyone else needs a bodyguard.

I was only qualified because I could attend school as a student. I don't think that'll be of much use to me soon.

He at least was being smart enough to get out while he was ahead, as it were.

My job's not lucrative, and I'm not that strong. Maybe this is a good chance to leave this dangerous industry.
I'll be a normal student and have a normal life.

It's only fair that I should be curious about what you'll do once I accomplish my goal.
I'm relieved to hear that you'll get out of such a dangerous lifestyle.

(...I'm glad, but tomorrow is the last day before she becomes the Tower.)
(I shouldn't be so happy that she's worried about me.)
(It's safe to think she told me about it because we're just closer than before.)
(...After class, I'll prioritize protecting Tyria for the rest of the day.)

Ria, I'll protect you until you become the Tower.

I expect a lot from you, Otto.
They got rather rudely interrupted here.

Sooweets: This is too sweet. The atmosphere between you two is just too sugary!

Sooweets: How rude! You're both so sweet and cloying and sugary!

Sooweets: Fine. I'll reword it. You two are generally unwholesome!

Sooweets: You're students, right? If you're decent students, you should be in class!
But you're ditching... And on top of that, you're ditching just to go on a date!?
I came here to educate you minors. I'll teach you a lesson or two right now!

Sooweets: That's none of your business! Tell me your names and what school you go to.

(If the researchers find out about this, we'll be in trouble. What should I do?)
Once again the day was saved by Tyria being a million times smarter than Aoto.

Sooweets: On duty...?

Sooweets: Huhhh!? You two are Kurogane Lab personnel?

Sooweets: Then why didn't you say so earlier!? I would never try to educate lab folks. I'd refuse if someone asked me to.

Sooweets: Tomorrow is like launch day for you. You're entitled to prepare for tomorrow by skipping school!
There are those who oppose the AAA, but I support it.

Sooweets: Don't mention it. But I hope the plan is a success. Say hello to Tyria for me.

Sooweets: I'm going now. There are more delinquents lurking around here.
If you get caught by someone else, let me know. I'll hide the evidence by abusing my authority.

The Hyuma, Sooweets, has been unlocked.
Sooweets: See you!

They returned to the school.

For a bit things went like last time.

Be careful.

Im ready.

Since he was the only one who knew about the coming attack, he was going to need to deal with it. Fortunately, he did have a plan.

Mimi: Hello. I'm calling like you asked.

Mimi: What do you mean!?

Mimi: H-hey, Masakado, what's going on?

The Hyuma, Mimi, has been unlocked.

Well, I did say I'd make it up to them, so they weren't mad or anything.
I need to get to the Lab right away.
Aoto rushed towards the lab, hoping to make it in time to help Yozuki.

Fortunately, since he was hurrying he easily got ahead of them. Also clearly this Yozuki person was pretty strong, given who replaced them in the Field.

Oh. There they are.

I should've taught her more ways to have fun.

Thanks to that, I've always enjoyed a clean room. I'm very grateful.

Let's cease with the sentimental chatter. Tomorrow is a very decisive day for you.
And thats about where they got attacked.

???: Hmhmhm. Nice to meet you, Tyria.

???: My codename is Spring Breeze. I am the one who will thwart Tyria's ambition of becoming the tower. Is that enough?

Spring Breeze: Are you sure? Your back is exposed to Summer Gale, my partner.

Summer Gale: Hmph. You're screwed, guardswoman.

Spring Breeze: Hand Tyria over to us...
And we may spare your life.

Summer Gale: How will you handle this?

Aoto began to realize why it had been such a problem.

Spring Breeze: Seems like you're gonna make this kidnapping difficult.
Summer Gale: Yeah. This woman seems pretty strong.

Summer Gale: If we can't abduct her, then we need to hurt her enough so she won't be able to sing tomorrow.

Spring Breeze: Just know that not everyone likes this idea. Sorry, but I'm going to bruise your beautiful skin.

Summer Gale: We'll do it anyway. Take this...

Aoto burst from his hiding place to outflank the attacking Hyumas.

Summer Gale: What!?
Spring Breeze: Otto Masakado? You!?

Spring Breeze: Grk!

Spring Breeze: Urgh... Why...?

Summer Gale: Let me go! Let go of me, Otto Masakado!

Summer Gale: Grrr... Why, you...
You should've been with those girls right now...

It seemed there was more to what was going on than Aoto realized.

Yozuki, I knew you'd be fine by yourself, but I was still worried.

I wouldn't have been able to protect her properly all by myself.

(She selflessly threw her own body in the way to defend Tyria, leaving her without a scratch. It's amazing.)
Anyway, let's take these Hyumas to the Lab.

At the lab Tyria split off from the rest of them to head to the Sonic Room.

Summer Gale: Yeah, let us out right now!

Spring Breeze: Gah! I can't believe this. Why were you there!?

Is that fine?

Spring Breeze: Wh-what're you doing, you perv!?
Summer Gale: You beast! Just die!

Summer Gale: Then what do you plan to do to us, you filthy mongrel!?

He got right to the point.

Spring Breeze:
Summer Gale:

Spring Breeze:
Right. I thought they'd keep you away until it was over.
What'd you do to Sake? You promised to go home together, didn't you?

Spring Breeze: Tsk

Summer Gale: We won't forgive you if you hurt them!

It's your own fault. Give up.
Summer Gale: Please don't! Stay away from those girls!
Aoto, for his part, wanted to let them go as well.

I believe that they didn't intend to harm Tyria. So, please forget about their involvement.
Spring Breeze: Otto Masakado... Why...?

They are her friends, too. If she learns that they betrayed her, how hurt do you think she'll be then?
Tomorrow's the ritual. What'll happen if she finds out? She might fail.

Then, what do you wish me to do? Leave them be?
If you let those Anti-AAA assailants live free, won't you regret it?

Besides, after tomorrow, there won't even be an Anti-AAA.
It all ends when Tyria becomes the Tower.

It probably was best for everyone.

I see. As you suggested, let us keep this between us.

Spring Breeze: ...Did you just protect Sake and Finelle?

Summer Gale: Hmm. If Tyria gets sad, she might not become the Tower. Is that the only reason behind your actions?

Even if you told her that Sake and Finelle are Anti-AAA agents, it wouldn't prevent her from becoming the Tower.
Summer Gale: How can you be so sure?

Whatever happens to anyone else, though she may be sad or shocked, won't prevent her from becoming the Tower.
Summer Gale:

Tell her about Sake and Finelle. I know what'll happen, though I don't care to see it.
Summer Gale: Then you convinced your friend to leave them alone...for their own sakes?

Spring Breeze:
The Vice Chairman was quite impressed by his work.

Chairman Kurogane is delighted by the news. Otto, you've outdone yourself!

(Then why would he kill himself...?)

They returned to Tyrias home.

Aoto was more jumpy than Tyria was.

(I can't tell her that I could protect her because I knew that was going to happen.)

This meant that this time, she didnt just kick him out.

Oh, by the way, there's something I want to ask you to do.
Can you let me come into the Sonic Room with you tomorrow?

So, I want to remain by your side, up until the very last moment. I promise I won't disturb you. Please!

I don't mind. Just promise that you'll keep your mouth shut during the ritual.
If you can do that, then I'll allow you to accompany me.

She continued to be better at getting Aotos plan together than he was.

And so the final day came once more.

(Is it because Kurogane's suicide'll be prevented, and I'm more certain that Tyria is gonna become the Tower?)
(Or is it because Tyria didn't receive the phone call from Kurogane that she got the first time around?)
Everything was going the same way so far.

(But something's different...)

Aoto had at least gotten into the Sonic Room ahead of Kurogane.

(Kurogane isn't here yet...)
I'll close the door.

(Alright, now it won't open. We should be fine.)

(I remember she said something like that last time.)
Once again Tyria was thwarted from having fried bread.

(I feel bad for her...)

Vice Chairman, can you hear me? Is Kurogane there?

Masakado, listen to my Song so that you can tell him about it later.

Tyria began singing just as she had the first time.

Kurogane: What is this...!? Why won't it open!?

Kurogane: That's Otto. Excuse me, but could you please open the door from the inside?

Kurogane: What's your problem, Otto!? Open it, now!

Kurogane: What!? That's an order! Open this door right now!

Kurogane: !? How did you know...?

Even if it is the Chairman of this laboratory...
Kurogane: You son of a bitch!

(This is my second time around. I know what's going to happen.)
(I don't know why Kurogane wants to commit suicide. I don't even want to know.)
(I'll just stop anyone who gets in Tyria's way.)
...Tyria is becoming the Tower. Her dream is finally coming true.
Kurogane: Kgh...this can't be happening...

Not the sort of thing you should say to a guy like that. Also even though she idolizes him clearly part of Tyria understands how terrible Kurogane was to portray him this way.

Kurogane: No...there's been a change of plan.

Kurogane: I'll entrust all of my hopes on your importance to Tyria.

Ahh... No...!
(The bullet went through the door to the Sonic Room? What kind of hellish gun does he have!? Shit!)
Kurogane: I hope she loved you as much as she loved me.

(...Tyria is looking at me.)
(What's with that look? She looks like she's panicking? That's so out of character...)
(At this rate, I'm gonna go down the same path as my first time around...)
(Well, I'm still at peace, though...)
(...Because...this proves she cares that much about me.)
(I don't know if I should be happy or sad about that...)
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, in the end his injury didnt stop Tyria becoming the Tower.

(What was that flash? What happened to Tyria...?)

(I'm glad her dream came true.)
(I got shot and almost died, but that incident wasn't enough to thwart her transformation.)
(This is fine. My primary goal wasn't to become an important person to her.)
(I wanted to help her fulfill her ambitions.)
(And I accomplished that. I should celebrate. This was a great success, right?)
Oh, no...what's wrong? My sight is getting darker and darker...
Urgh...what now...?
It turned out his kindness earlier paid dividends.

Summer Gale: You are terribly injured! Pull yourself together!

Spring Breeze: We can't do that! We owe you a lot.

Summer Gale: Shut up! I wish I didn't have to do this!
But...I can't let you die after you let Saki and Finnel survive.
Spring Breeze: Plus, you're an important person to them.

Summer Gale: Anyway, I'll carry you to the medical room! Hang in there!

Spring Breeze: Huh?
Aoto didnt even know why he knew he needed to get to the Bulkhead that led to the Binary Field, he just knew he did.

Summer Gale: What are you gonna do over there!? You do know that you've got a huge hole in your stomach, right!?

(...Why the bulkhead?)
(But, I know I need to go there... Someone told me to go there...)
Please...take me to the bulkhead...
Spring Breeze: ...Alright...Okay.
Summer Gale: But if we take a detour right now, Otto Masakado will...
Spring Breeze: ...It's only a matter of time, anyway. His injury is do know that, right?
Summer Gale:
Spring Breeze: Alright, let's go.
The Hyuma, Spring Breeze, has been unlocked. The Hyuma, Summer Gale, has been unlocked.
His former enemies carried him to his destination.

Summer Gale: Otto Masakado, are you alright? Are you still alive?

I can handle the rest... You guys better run away.
Spring Breeze: ...Have we repaid you?

Summer Gale: ...Alright. Goodbye.
Spring Breeze: ...I wish you good luck.

Once I enter this...
(I have to return to the Binary Field!)
*huff* *huff* Grr...
Aoto was surrounded by light.

Aoto once again found himself in the raw Binary Field.

...Aoto, to show you my appreciation for avoiding the critical bug, I'll tell you what the bug was.

That static because of the event file that I threatened the programmers into tossing out.

(Yeah, the memories of that event must've been really hard to remember...)

Something much more important had also been accomplished.

Whoa! A Hyuma!?
Excellent: Congratulations!
Although, I never thought you could change history in the Binary Field! That was amazing!

Excellent: Oh, I'm, uh...a so called bonus character.
I was unlocked because you managed to get to the alternate denouement. Pleased to meet you.
The Hyuma, Excellent, has been unlocked!
Excellent: That's it! See you later!

Let's go back to the real world and resume the Planet Regeneration Project.

They returned to the real world and gave everyone the good news.

Its tiring, but lets go to Ku and fix her.
Tyria did want to talk to Aoto about the Dive theyd just done, though.

Im glad I let you Dive into me, Aoto.

First of all, I died in your world

I can never thank you enough. Thank you, Aoto.

I really do believe that youll get to anther denouement.
Im not saying you have to do it right now, but do it whenever you feel like it.
I dont know if it was her confidence in him or his stubbornness that drove him to try again before they left for Ku. He did, though, and that was when everything really changed. Its way past your bedtimes now, though, so thatll have to wait for next time.