Part 34: Some Birds...
Suite Gothique (listen to this)
Smoke billows out of the burning buildings, enveloping the sky in a dark cloud.
: Tsk. This place is in utter chaos.
: It can wait.
: It really can't. Listen, back in the catacombs, Falcon told me something. I thought he was just saying stupid things because he was angry and stressed. But then, with the Chateau Criniere incident, and now this, well, I think he might have been telling the truth, and-
: Cut the preamble and spit it out.
: Falcon... told me that he was the Viridian Killer.
: ...
: Inspector?
: ...
: Are you okay?
: ....
: Run along, Sparrowson. Get off the island safely.
: You aren't coming too?
: No. I think I'm going to go arrest the Viridian Killer. I've hunted him for eighteen years, and now I finally have my opportunity.
: Youre going to arrest Falcon? But you don't know where he is.
: I do know where he is. The arrogant fils de pute is watching us right now.
: He is?
: I don't see him.
: Like I said. This is my arrest to make, Sparrowson. Run along.
: Inspector...
: ...
: Inspector. It's about time. Come on. Step out of the shadows.
: You... I knew it. I knew it,I knew it, I knew it.
: You were the one responsible for the bombings of the July Revolution. You are the one responsible for the bombings of today. You... You are the Viridian Killer.
: l am.
: Ha! Such a brazen confession.
: You knew before Sparrowson told you, didn't you? How long have you known?
: I've always had my suspicions. A falcon acting as a defense lawyer? Laughable. It is in your nature to be a bird of prey. But it wasn't until Cocorico and I carried out our investigation that my suspicions turned to evidence-based reasoning.
: I knew that you had the murderous spirit in you. I knew that, under the right pressure, I could draw that spirit out. So I created a perfect scenario.
: You are a fool, inspector, but I cant fault your intuition. I suppose you wish to arrest me.
: Of course. I will arrest you. I will have you tried. And I will have you executed in the name of justice.
: Justice... You talk as if I am the only one who stands here as a sinner. You, inspector, are just as guilty as I am.
: Ha! I am an upstanding citizen-
: You were the one responsible for Séverin Cocoricos death. You were the one who ordered for him to undertake a mission that he had no chance of completing. You knew, from the moment that you sent him to confront the rebels, that he would be killed like a street dog. And for what? To anger me? To make me lash out?
: Dozens have died so that you can fulfill your lust for punishing criminals.
: ... I have broken no law. I have done no wrong.
: You think the law defines right and wrong? That's a disgusting level of naivety. Regardless of what's written in the law books, we are both sinners of the worst kind, inspector. We both deserve justice. So let us be judged by way of the Ancien Regime. Let us settle this through the oldest form of trial known to man.
: The oldest form of trial... you wish to duel?
: Indeed. I am sure that you brought a pistol.
: I brought one of my own.
: I'm not going to give you a choice. On the count of five, I'm going to turn and shoot. You can participate, or you can be killed.
: You really are the monster I expected you to be, Viridian Killer.
: Count.
: One.
: ...
: I see. I misjudged you. I thought you hated criminals through-and-through. But here you are showing mercy to your worst enemy. You are a lawful man. A virtuous man.
: ...
: But you still await judgment for the death of Séverin Cocorico. If you thought that you could escape punishment just because you are willing to show me mercy, well...
: ...You are very much mistaken.
: I never claimed to be honorable.
: Nor did I!
: ... So this is how it ends for us. Two old birds going up in flame. I can hear the people chanting. Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. The rebellion really has begun.
: ... No. This... this isnt right. I can't leave things like this. Inspector. I have a confession.
: Yes, I bombed Chateau Criniere. I did that to get revenge on an enemy of mine. And yes, I set the city island on fire to spite you. But the real Viridian Killer? The one who maimed you in the July Revolution, eighteen years ago? That wasn't me. I have no idea who that person is.
: ... Did you hear me, inspector?
: ... Maybe it's for the best that you didn't hear. Truth is overrated anyway.
: ... This is it. This is my time to go.
: ...
: ..
: .
: ... Sparrowson?
: Physically, Falcon's injuries are pretty minor. Just some minor burns and a superficial gunshot wound. But mentally... I think he will need a little time.
: I see.
: Don't fret. This hospital has the best mental health care in all of Europe. Well do everything we can to put him right.
: Thank you, doctor. Can I speak to him?
: Sure, that's no problem at all. Actually, you should take him for a walk by the river. Maybe that'll do him some good.
: ...
: Hi Sparrowson.
: Hi Falcon. Feeling okay?
: Yeah. Dont worry, I haven't gone loopy.
: That's a relief. Come on. Let's take a walk.
: France has a new and scary future ahead of it, doesn't it?
: Yeah, I suppose so.
: ... I hear Judge Maxime granted you a full legal license.
: Yeah. I'm a real attorney now.
: Congratulations are in order. You must be proud.
: l am.
: Have you decided what kind of law youre going to specialize in?
: I'm going to be a public prosecutor. Like Cocorico.
: A prosecutor, huh.
: ...
: I think we've made enough small talk, Falcon. There's something serious we need to discuss.
: ...
: The bombings. Only Inspector Volerti and I knew that you were behind the attacks on Chateau Criniére and the courthouse. Only he and I knew that you are the Viridian Killer. So with him gone... it's just me.
: I see. Do you plan on turning me in?
: I kind-of have to, Falcon. You didn't just commit a couple of petty crimes. You killed people. Innocent people. We can try to pretty it up by talking about your intent, but at the of the day, we both know you deserve to stand trial for your crimes.
: ... I understand. Don't worry, Sparrowson. I won't resent you, no matter the outcome.
: Ill try to talk my way into becoming attached to your case. Maybe I can convince the judge grant you a little leniency.
: I appreciate the thought, Sparrowson, but murdering a police officer is a grave offence. For me, it's death by guillotine or death by hanging.
: There's no point denying the truth, huh.
: ...
: ...
: Yeah, I probably could. But I won't.
: You don't want to be free?
End Credits