The Let's Play Archive


by PoptartsNinja

Part 716: Aeaea - Turn 17

Aeaea Final

A dozen metal eggshells slammed into the surface of Circe, their armored exteriors disintegrating on impact. Although not individually heavy, the Drop Pods had still been traveling at terminal velocity—each had enough kinetic energy to severely damage a BattleMech and left a crater nearly three meters deep in Circe’s rocky soil. Moments later, the BattleMechs of the Legion landed within seconds of one another, decelerating with their Jump Jets on full bore.

They landed with enough force to snap the legs off lesser BattleMechs, but L3-RWA-X and L3-RWA-X2 Legion’s legs were specially designed and heavily reinforced for precisely this sort of deployment. Each flexed heavily on paired knee actuators, but only one needed to stretch out a three-clawed hand to steady itself against the ground. They rose in unison, as if directed by a single mind, and began sweeping for threats even as their command DropShip began its far slower descent.


Map Link

Player Status:

Ally Status:

OpForce Status:

Special Rules
Aces Some enemy ‘Mech units may become aces if certain conditions are met
BattleArmor Aces All battle armor units are aces

Primary Objectives
- Defeat or Drive Off the Society (Complete)

RWA Secondary Objectives
- Destroy the Septicemia Z to call in the Legion (Complete)

Coyote Secondary Objectives
- Secure hex 1909 or 1904 to warn the Clan (Complete)

Society Primary Objective
- ??? (2/3)

Orders Due: Midnight Saturday!
Orders Due: Midnight Tuesday! (Maybe)

After-Action Report:
You guys have heard most of my thoughts on this mission already. Y’all did good and I had fun. I really hope the players enjoyed it, and I’ve been wanting to use the Society for ages. So, here’s what I want for the MVP vote:

1 Coyote
1 Society

Expect the next mission intro later today, I promise I haven't been loafing about not working on it (I've totally been loafing about not working on it, but giving myself a deadline means I will fulfill it).