The Let's Play Archive

Betrayal at Krondor

by PurpleXVI

Part 24: Do the Crime, Do the Time, Part 2

Update 24: Do the Crime, Do the Time, Part 2

Finally we reach Nalar's Rib. Yeah, it's that unimposing gravestone-looking rock over on the right, functionally indistinguishable from Prank's Stone, really, but this time the joke isn't on the party if they use it.

And yes, of course there's one last ambush before we get to do so. Assholes.

The answer can only be yes. Why would it ever be anything other than yes?

BaK posted:

Owyn took an emerald and carried it carefully to the stone slab. When he was still several steps away the gemstone began to feel very warm in his hand, and by the time he reached the slab the stone was crackling and shooting small sparks as from a piece of struck flint. It was all he could do not to drop it in the dust.

Fighting the pain, which was growing in intensity with every inch, he jammed the emerald into the notch atop the stone. A blast of energy slammed him to the ground...

Shielding their eyes from the flood of swirling light that was now emanating from the slab, they watched it gleam and pulse, heard it scream and shriek, felt it burn and electrify with blasts of energy greater than a lightning filled storm. It stopped as suddenly as it began, and still shaking they climbed to their feet, trying to regain their scrambled senses; blinking to see again, yawning to unplug their ears, stretching to soothe their aching bones.

So that's obviously fucking cool, but what actually happened?

Check it out, dead guys.
Hm, curious, we haven't passed this way.
Judging by the burns... the way his eyeballs have exploded... yeah, the Rib did this. The Rib totally did this. We should've brought more emeralds.

So, what the Rib does is... remember those 98 enemies around Sar-Sargoth? It fucking kills them all. Stone. Fucking. Dead. Which totally rules and is an excellent war crime since it kills them without damaging anything they're carrying and thus preventing us from profiting off it. This has basically cleared the road all the way to Caern and we can walk north to rejoin it before heading east.

There are just so many corpses, in fact almost all the way until Caern the goons are tripping over dead bodies full of free stuff(mostly poisoned rations and spare change, for some reason).

It feels like a bit of a shame that they didn't use new house models for the Northlands. But then again, the idea that the Moredhel have any sort of homes other than maybe stick huts and temporary war camps is something that isn't brought up until Betrayal in any case. So we don't really have a great canon idea of how they live and what they live in, except occasionally ancient Valheru fortresses and fortifications(which if I recall right Sar-Sargoth is one of).

So what's happening in Caern? Very little, frankly. Most of the homes are abandoned, but the ones that aren't...

BaK posted:

Gorath knocked on the door, though he was sure no one would answer.

The door didn't appear to be locked, and after a hard shove with his shoulder he was able to force it open.

A small table and several chairs adorned the room, along with several small beds. The owners had apparently taken everything easily carried when they left.


Gorath frowned at the door, then turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" cried Owyn. "Where are you going? Do you know who lives here or something?"

Gorath, annoyed, turned around and went to the door. He knocked lightly.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone he--" He was interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. The door was to his back, so only Owyn could see the pained look on Gorath's face. He turned around slowly.

There was instant recognition on the face of the female moredhel. They obviously knew one another. She smiled at Gorath salaciously, and pulled his reluctant form into her house, leaving Owyn standing in front of the door.

After several minutes Gorath returned, backing out of the house and nodding.

"What was THAT all about?" Owyn asked with a grin.

"Nothing. Just a -- an admirer," said Gorath. "She didn't have much news that we don't already know. Let's get out of here."


Gorath knocked on the wooden door, and patiently waited for an answer.

When the door swung open, he found himself staring down at a small child. Seeing Gorath, his eyes widened. Seeing Owyn they got even wider and he disappeared back into the house, just as his mother came forward.

She spoke to Gorath in moredhel, as though she knew him, but scowled every so often at Owyn. She had the child bring some fresh water, and after a few more words with Gorath, closed the door.

"Her husband, along with most of the males in the area, have left to fight with Delekhan. The females and children must fend for themselves."

"Is it that easy for your race to just leave everything behind like that?" asked Owyn.

Gorath turned to the young magician with a somber look on his face, "They did not have a choice."

Perhaps to everyone's great surprise, the book does not have a scene where Gorath has to literally fend off fangirls with a stick. But the idea of Delekhan stripping the Northlands of people and resources for his mad plan is absolutely in the books. That's all we've got out of Caern, however, and it's time to head down the road towards Raglam and Wyke.

As the road starts to turn south after Caern, there are a few tents off the road to the east which are a hint to head past them into the woods.


It's not a very worthwhile chest, in terms of loot, just a tier 1 and tier 3 sword which any player would be well past by this point, but it's the principle of the thing, no puzzle left behind.

I didn't know Moredhel got that big.
Those aren't Moredhel, they're giants!

They beat us on init and this Witch Hag promptly blasts Gorath with a Fetters of Rime. That sucks. I have Owyn blast her with an Evil Seek to prevent any more shenanigans, but what are the giants going to do?

Thankfully they don't go for Owyn and instead stand there hurling rocks at Gorath while I pop Skin of the Dragon on Owyn and have him scarf down a Fadamor's Formula for +10 Strength for the fight.

Hey Gorath, don't say anything if I can keep all the loot from now on.

Then he goes to town on those big chunky fucks. When one of them tries to run, he roasts it with a Flamecast before it gets away. Giants are somewhat rare, but a nice bit of variety and, while they have tons of health, are otherwise not too dangerous.

Shortly after we approach the easternmost bridge towards Raglam and... there sure are a lot of dickheads hanging around there.

BaK posted:

GORATH: Don't be in such a hurry my young friend.

OWYN: What's wrong?

GORATH: Soldiers ahead. Delekhan loyalists no doubt. Though I may swing a sword and you wield great arts, I do not believe we would alone do well against these fighters for others will be camped in very close proximity. We would probably be safest choosing a different route back into the Kingdom. Let us turn back.

Yeah, we're not allowed to exit in this direction towards Raglam and Northwarden for reasons. So we're headed south instead, towards Wyke and Highcastle, we've gotta get out of here before something turns bad.

Yeah, the charm of the Northlands kind of passed once all those Moredhel we roasted with Nalar's Rib started decomposing.
Kids these days, back in my day we liked the smell of our enemies rotting in the sun.

The blue fella in the middle is another type of Ogre, the Highland Ogre, which is an Ogre spellcaster. If he didn't get annihilated by a single Evil Seek, he would be more dangerous than a Witch Hag on grounds of having close to twice the hit points and thus able to cast twice the spells before needing to take a nap. I think the blue is meant to be like... woad paint? Tattoos? I don't know.

This trap a bit further down the road is actually a bit clever. If you don't think about it, you just rush to shove that crystal up because rods gotta be disabled by blasters... except that's wrong. You need to just go left around the first blaster and up the field. See, an ACTIVE zap line knocks Blaster projectiles out of the air! It's a neat little trick which I totally fell for and Gorath had to eat a Blaster shot to free the two.

So, what's happening down in Wyke?

BaK posted:

The moredhel who answered Gorath's knock, had a long scar that ran from just above his eye, to an unseen spot under his chin. He greeted them in moredhel. "I am Gralek. Why do you come here?" Gorath asked if they could enter and the moredhel reluctantly agreed. As he lead them into his house, Owyn noticed that he had almost no use of his right leg.

Shuffling inside, he explained his deformity to Gorath, "I followed Murmandamus into Kingdom territory. We attacked a very strong fortress there and just as we finally gained our entry, flames from hell engulfed us. Now I can no longer fight. My brothers have joined a new leader, and even now they prepare for a fresh attack! My blood burns to join them but I cannot."

Gorath conversed with the moredhel for a few minutes more. Then he motioned for Owyn that it was time to leave.

Aside from that, there's a single store, and the party can slip further south out of town.

Surprise, though, this road is blocked as well. The Inclindel Gap south of Harlech and Armengar is in fact our only way out of the Northlands.

I'm tired. Are we there yet?
My feet hurt, can we take a break?
I'm thirsty, can we stop for a drink?
N- actually, we might be in the right area...

Wonder why those guys were guarding a well, maybe we should have asked them before we killed them.
They weren't guarding the well.

BaK posted:

Gorath looked at the small well and couldn't help but remember the day it was built. The hole was no sooner dug than the skies opened up. Rain fell for several straight hours, making the completion of the job a muddy slippery mess.

He smiled as he remembered his friend, Droelek, slipping backward into a large puddle. How they had laughed!

His smile faded as he remembered the day Droelek left to follow Murmandamus. He had not returned...

"Come on," said Gorath. "Let's fill up our pouches with fresh water and leave this place."

The house is, of course, special.

BaK posted:

Gorath paused in front of the door.

Then, much to Owyn's amazement, he pushed it open without knocking and walked inside.

Inside, the cottage felt more house than home. Empty, save for shards of broken crockery in one corner and a few rudely made stools for sitting, the witch's home was nearly as cold as the winds which howled outside.

So wait, they were guarding her?

Your husband has at last returned.

Husband? How so? Clan leader? By what right? Upon a time you held all those titles with dignity and honor. Around you, the Clan Ardanien was curled like a golden dragon, ready to rise up at your word and crush whatever lay in your path. Where is that dragon now? Why does it sleep? that all you dream of beneath your strange stars? A dead past? What value in all Murmandamus' speeches did we gain but to learn that we are weak? What spirit did we discover in defeat except that we corrupt from within? The time has come to blunt our blades and look to our own, to put down the monsters that we have become.

What destiny would you have of the moredhel, Gorath? Should we bend our heads to the earth once more, enslave ourselves to the will of the Eledhel who live in Elvandar much as we trembled beneath the Valheru in black centuries past? Their Queen Aglaranna will not accept us back into the fold as family, but instead as slaves. You've seen our brethren that have returned to them. What are they but gelded bulls in elven servitude?

I know not whether they rejoice or weep under their midnight stars, but their children grow to great ages, they trade freely under the Kingdom sun. We must fight for so little as a loaf of bread and kill our cousins lest they steal our kits from their dreaming. It is time we became more than savages.

Why have you come here, Gorath? Surely not to debate a love that between us is dead.

No...I need your help but for a short time longer and then I will be away and leave you to your own. So much I ask from my former wife. You then may be free to do as you see fit.

In the name of one I loved once, I listen and I will do as I can. Speak, Gorath.


We need of you a scrying. What road will lead us to safety?

I needn't consult the stars for your answer, for I have looked upon it for days since you left. Delekhan masses on the Kingdom's borders, the banners of the Clans Krieda, Dargelas, and Oeirdu flutter on the fields near Raglam. I would seek no passage south through the Teeth that leads by the Kingdom fortresses of Northwarden or Highcastle; doubtless Narab shall be at their head.

Narab has turned on the old wolf. Sar-Sargoth is encircled with his clan. He shall not trouble us.

Nonetheless, the armies are gathering and you will find none among them friends. Neither may you pass across the Great Northern Mountains through Moraelin. Moraeulf works with The Six to ensure that none of the former clans of the Green Heart may escape through the fringes of Elvandar.

Lims-Kragma feast on his soul! He believes if we cannot run, we will join his accursed march?!

Again, your only means of escape lies along the Inclindel. For whatever reason, the Six have allowed the snows to lift. Perhaps they are otherwise occupied focusing their magics.

Moraelin is a location of note from Silverthorn, being where the Moredhel conceal the only known Silverthorn cure(more Silverthorn...) to lure Arutha and his companions there for an ambush. Of course, the ambush is foiled largely because Jimmy the Hand is a genius who defeats every trap laid by hundreds-of-years-old experienced moredhel tacticians and planners.


These Six who now serve Delekhan, from what clan do they arise? Perhaps their loyalties may be reversed.

They are mighty in their arts, husband, far beyond even my powers. They claim the ancient title of Spellweavers, though they are vastly different from those of our magical cousins in Elvandar. Some suspect they hail of the serpent people, but long it has been since I touched the mind of those folk in the Northlands.

Human magic in Midkemia is generally very "pew pew, fireballs" or hedge magic, meanwhile elf magic, whether moredhel or eledhel, is generally incredibly vague, packed in dozens of layers of elven claims that their magic is too mysterious, innate and complex to explain in human terms. What it actually seems to translate into, though, is that the Eledhel can lay down a few magic traps in the woods and the Moredhel can get high off Valheru fumes. In the book Cullich also mentions attempting to scry on the Six and getting knocked on her ass for several days by the magical backlash when she ran into their defensive spells.


I thank you for saving our lives. Without your assistance my companion and I would have perished under Delekhan's hand.

I would not wish your death, but I am not to thank for your recent escape. Why would you think me a part of it?

Magic was involved. While we were captive, someone released us from our bonds. I had assumed you were responsible.

Someone else acts in your favor, Gorath. It was not I. I should question who it is and what their motives for doing so would be.


If we are to slip undetected through the Inclindel, we may require your skills of illusion. One such as you summoned when I first escaped Delekhan's men.

You know not what you ask... That spell was great in its fashioning and left of my power nothing for a month! I cannot follow where you go for I believe yours is a coward's path!

BaK posted:

Owyn fidgeted.

Unable to pick meanings out of the harsh-sounding moredhel tongue, he nonetheless understood the tone of the conversation between Gorath and the strange moredhel woman. Whatever they were saying, they weren't in agreement.

"She will speak with you," Gorath snapped, his face flushed with rage as he stalked to the window. "Listen to what she says."

"But how will I understand what she's saying?" Owyn said. "I don't know moredhel."

"Weyoda aldeweynn," Cullich whispered. Gliding to his side, she gently took his hand and began to stroke it. "Weyoda aldeweynn, Owynna... You will understand."

It seemed days had passed.

"What happened?" Owyn shook his head and was shocked to find himself lying on the ground. Above him, Gorath and Cullich were watching with intense interest as he regained consciousness. "What kind of spell did you cast on me?"

"What you have been taught is special," Cullich replied, helping Owyn to his feet. "You will now understand all I speak to you and you will also find your skills as a spellcrafter are much greater than they were before. Walk around a bit. My husband and I have more to discuss."

Cullich literally gets so tired of Owyn standing around that she blasts his brain with another 15 points of Accuracy: Casting, knocking him up to a full hundred, the first completely maxed skill we come across.


If we should encounter Moraeulf and The Six, I should like to be better prepared to meet him.

There is a spell I crafted once that I may teach the boy. It is an illusion which bends the perceptions of those nearby in such a way that they cannot see you for who you truly are. Instead, you are seen as a resident of the area which you wish to enter. It has been specifically tailored for the town of Harlech, perhaps of use to you when you deal with Moraeulf. If you have 800 silver I may teach it to Owyn, or an equal sum in gold that I might buy the silver I require.

You would charge us for this?

While I would be within my rights to do so, I require silver because it is needed for the fashioning of the spell. Do you have the coin?


The money is yours. Do what must be done.

Very well.

Owyn, please come here for a moment.

I'm not going to end up unconscious on the floor again, am I?

You shall remain on your feet throughout the whole lesson. We shall begin.

BaK posted:

Time passed. His head swimming with the details of the spell, Owyn repeated the cantrip line by line back to Cullich. When she seemed satisfied he had learned all its details, she nodded her head. "You have learned well," she said. "Go and rest for a few moments."

This teaches Owyn the spell "AND THE LIGHT SHALL LIE" which briefly makes him and Gorath appear as generic moredhel. This only functions in one place in the Northlands, where it temporarily allows them to escape several "endless" battles that would otherwise re-occur with every step and boot them back where they started. She can also teach Owyn "Unfortunate Flux" for 300 gold if he doesn't already know it, but he does.

BaK posted:


OWYN: Are there any other spells you could teach me? I might feel a little more comfortable making this trip if we were better prepared. Do you have any spells that we can defend ourselves with?

CULLICH: There is one that I might teach you. Again, I will require silver of you.

OWYN: I expected as much. How much will you need?

CULLICH: Three thousand silver pieces should serve my purposes. Is it a price you are willing to pay?


OWYN: Agreed. Will it be the same as the other lessons?

CULLICH: Very much so, but I shall require you close your eyes this time. Now concentrate.

Time passed. His head swimming with the details of the spell, Owyn repeated the cantrip line by line back to Cullich. When she seemed satisfied he had learned all its details, she nodded her head. "You have learned well," she said. "Go and rest for a few moments."

There's no goodbye quote, but in the book they have a final exchange that I rather liked, where Gorath and Cullich declare their marriage formally ended, as they've grown too far apart, after a debate about whether or not its possible for them to live peacefully alongside humans except in situations where those humans are slaves or mercenaries.

We couldn't have stayed the night or something? I think I'm going to lose some toes if we keep going.
Hacking off your frostbitten toes would be less awkward than crashing with my ex.

Thankfully, just around the corner from Cullich's, a group of goblins are guarding several cozy tents. Owyn and Gorath evict them and now have a warm and comfy place to stay for the night aaaaaand...

One of the tents has a surprise! It's one of the only three places in the game to acquire Wrath of Killian which is a spell of... dubious use. What it does is establish a "trap square" that deals its damage over and over every round until the battle ends, and anyone standing on the square also can't use crossbows or cast spells. The main problem is that the square is unmarked, so your characters can accidentally walk on to it, too, but if you were lacking better caster-disrupting spells it could be good, or if a particularly beefy enemy is in a fight with another character, a Wrath under their feet might accelerate wearing them down.

Still, 19 times out of 20 we will have much better things to cast.

I'm not going to move for another 24 hours. I think your ex gave me a concussion.
It should throw any surviving pursuers off our scent, when your head stops ringing, we'll make for Harlech and then the Kingdom.

Next update: Snow, fumes and LORE.