Part 6: Hold On To Your Butt Helmet
Hello again and welcome to Final Fantasy Beyond Chaos EX: Where The Rules Are Made Up And The Strategies Don't Matter. Today we're going through Taiga's scenario and meeting new friends along the way.
New friends like Goku here! He's a real spud, he'll be there for you when you're feeling fried, when your heart is sliced up, and he'll help you hash things out.
His dog is cool too.
Befitting his namesake, our bespeckled friend has a high Vigor and decent Speed/Magic Power. Peep that natural Evade of 35%; that's with Goku completely naked as is natural.
?-Geo is a call back to the Geomancer of old.
??? times, use a random geomancer-type Dance move.
Equal chance of any of the following:
Antlion, Cave In, El Nino, Elf Fire, Harvester, Land Slide, Plasma, Rage, Sand Storm, Snare, Snowball, Sonic Boom, Specter, Sun Bath, Surge, Wind Slash
I've already covered a lot of these spells so I won't be writing them all out again. Suffice to say, they do damage, instant kill, heal or do percentage damage in various ways. The "?" means Goku will use one of these skills when you use the commmand. After the first command, there is a 50% chance another one will fire, then 25%, then 12.5%, etc. The theoretical limit is sixteen but good luck getting higher than four or five uses.
The merchant has some good items. I don't really need any of it right now but I do buy a pair of Sprint Shoes. The randomizer gives you auto-run status, rendering the Sprint Shoes useless. This is because using a relic spot to save time is annoying. Instead, the Sprint Shoes are programmed to teach someone a lower level spell. Here I get Fire which is useful! Fire can be used to remove Frozen status without doing a ton of damage.
See ya dawg.
Eclea (Level 9)
| HP: 160 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 32 |
| MP: 114 | DEF: 110 | HIT: 117 |
| XP: 110 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 160 | MDEF: 178 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: ice, wind, earth; WEAK: bolt
IMMUNE: imp, sleep
AUTO: float
SPECIAL "Bide Moldy": attack x1.5
RAGE: Blizzard, Bide Moldy
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Bide Moldy, Bide Moldy
STEAL: Dried Meat, Tonic
DROPS: Plumed Hat
MORPH (12%): FakeMustache, Gold Lance, Mithril Vest, X-Potion
LOCATION: World of Balance A-1 NW, World of Balance A-2 NW
Kiel (Level 15)
| HP: 513 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 36 |
| MP: 71 | DEF: 105 | HIT: 116 |
| XP: 162 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 559 | MDEF: 170 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: ice
IMMUNE: Nothing
SPECIAL "Chill Imp": blind
SKILLS: Lode Stone, Shimsham
RAGE: Battle, Chill Imp
CONTROL: Battle, Chill Imp, Lode Stone, Shimsham
STEAL: Ninja Gear, Eyedrop
MORPH (99%): Amulet, Enhancer, Magical Brsh, Tack Star
LOCATION: World of Balance A-5 NE, World of Balance A-6 NE
Tabba (Level 16)
| HP: 360 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 44 |
| MP: 23 | DEF: 127 | HIT: 117 |
| XP: 178 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 186 | MDEF: 159 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bolt, earth; WEAK: pearl
SPECIAL "Cosmic Rib": blind
RAGE: Battle, Cosmic Rib
CONTROL: Battle, Cosmic Rib, Cosmic Rib, Cosmic Rib
STEAL: Inviz Edge, Potion
DROPS: Cotton Robe
MORPH (75%): Cards, Dragon Claw, Mirage Vest, Ogre Nix
LOCATION: World of Balance A-1 NW, World of Balance A-2 NW
Bulldogs that can throw radioactive boulders at will.
Cushka (Level 11)
| HP: 219 | ATK: 19 | SPD: 35 |
| MP: 103 | DEF: 103 | HIT: 109 |
| XP: 173 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 160 | MDEF: 156 | MBLK: 0 |
OTHER: humanoid
SPECIAL "Jab Rest": damage + slow
RAGE: Battle, Jab Rest
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Jab Rest, Jab Rest
STEAL: Ninja Star, Shuriken
DROPS: Antidote
MORPH (50%): Blizzard, FakeMustache, Falchion, Sniper
LOCATION: World of Balance A-1 NW, World of Balance A-2 NW
These poor dogs have to be hot out in this tiny desert.
Secret of Mana: The Wind Never Ceases - Secret of Mana had such good music.
None of that matters cuz we got ourselves a badass over here. Some terrible godawful speed but those commands! Bolt 3 is Bolt 3, MindQua is Mind Blast + Quasar.
Mind Blast - Inflicts Blind, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Doom, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Sap, Sleep, Slow, or Stop on four random targets. Its Hit Rate is 110 and affected by the Silence status.
Quasar - Deals non-elemental damage on all enemies. Ignores defense. It has a Spell Power of 57.
In fact, Mind Blast killed this guy without Quasar even going off!
Leader (Level 12)
| HP: 446 | ATK: 21 | SPD: 39 |
| MP: 20 | DEF: 5 | HIT: 111 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 11 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 65 | MDEF: 114 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bio, pearl; WEAK: fire
IMMUNE: Nothing
AUTO: protect
OTHER: can't escape, humanoid
SPECIAL "MysticHoly": attack x1.5
STEAL: Power Sash, Ashura
DROPS: Black Belt
MORPH (75%): Beads, Fixed Dice, Hyper Wrist, Sneak Ring
I hit the chest then completely forgot to actually grab the treasure because I'm a dummy. Luckily, it was only another Magus Hat so I didn't miss anything spectacular.
I talked to a guard to see who I'm up against. We've seen the Giveng before but Got Plet is new.
Got Plet (Level 11)
| HP: 114 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 31 |
| MP: 15 | DEF: 85 | HIT: 107 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 11 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 42 | MDEF: 157 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: bio
IMMUNE: blind, sleep
OTHER: humanoid
SPECIAL "Volt Spit": stop
RAGE: Battle, Volt Spit
CONTROL: Battle, Volt Spit, Volt Spit, Volt Spit
STEAL: Soft, Shuriken
DROPS: Eyedrop
MORPH (25%): Amulet, Enhancer, Magical Brsh, Tack Star
LOCATION: Monster-in-a-Box
Kefka looks like he has a butt helmet.
Entirely vanilla MithrilGlove. The other chest had a Fenix Down.
The last chest here had these little fellas in it. Fuelyne is the big beefy one, Oleo Awa is the round red rotund one.
Fuelyne (Level 18)
| HP: 663 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 32 |
| MP: 176 | DEF: 155 | HIT: 118 |
| XP: 96 | MPOW: 3 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 282 | MDEF: 156 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: wind, pearl; WEAK: fire
IMMUNE: condemned, confuse, death, imp, mute, near death, petrify, sleep
AUTO: protect
SPECIAL "Flap": seizure
SKILLS: Fire Ball
RAGE: Fire Ball, Flap
CONTROL: Battle, Fire Ball, Flap, Flap
STEAL: Sleeping Bag, Antidote
LOCATION: Monster-in-a-Box
Oleo Awa (Level 15)
| HP: 391 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 36 |
| MP: 42 | DEF: 89 | HIT: 118 |
| XP: 88 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 139 | MDEF: 165 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, ice, wind
IMMUNE: berserk, condemned, death, imp, near death, petrify, sleep
AUTO: haste
SPECIAL "Surf Spray": damage + hp drain
SKILLS: Flash Rain, Stone
RAGE: Stone, Surf Spray
LORE: Stone
CONTROL: Battle, Flash Rain, Stone, Surf Spray
STEAL: Chocobo Brsh, Green Cherry
DROPS: MithrilGlove
MORPH (99%): BehemothSuit, Gold Hairpin, Hyper Wrist, Moogle Suit
LOCATION: Monster-in-a-Box
Sedup Bad (Level 10)
| HP: 303 | ATK: 30 | SPD: 35 |
| MP: 104 | DEF: 102 | HIT: 119 |
| XP: 168 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 132 | MDEF: 146 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, earth; WEAK: bolt
IMMUNE: image
AUTO: float, haste, morph, shell
OTHER: can't escape, humanoid
SPECIAL "Belch Run": damage + seizure
RAGE: Battle, Belch Run
CONTROL: Battle, Belch Run, Belch Run, Belch Run
STEAL: Soft, Antidote
DROPS: Plumed Hat
MORPH (75%): AutoCrossbow, Beret, Head Band, Pearl Rod
LOCATION: Event Battle
Hey. I know these guards aren't very good but I can't advance the story if I don't help you.
Grunt (Level 12)
| HP: 113 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 36 |
| MP: 12 | DEF: 51 | HIT: 107 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 11 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 60 | MDEF: 153 | MBLK: 0 |
IMMUNE: Nothing
OTHER: can't escape, humanoid
SPECIAL "Dead Noise": damage + mp drain
STEAL: Leather Hat, Shuriken
DROPS: Antidote
MORPH (12%): BehemothSuit, Gold Hairpin, Hyper Wrist, Moogle Suit
Cadet (Level 13)
| HP: 445 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 34 |
| MP: 55 | DEF: 87 | HIT: 120 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 193 | MDEF: 152 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: bio
IMMUNE: imp, magitek
AUTO: casting, haste, poison
OTHER: can't escape, humanoid
SPECIAL "GP Hidden": attack x1.5
STEAL: Antidote
DROPS: Antidote, Tonic
MORPH (6%): AutoCrossbow, Beret, Head Band, Pearl Rod
Goku does not give a single fuck about any of them. The rest of the fights in the base go about like this.
God dammit not these assholes again!
Rehe (Level 11)
| HP: 123 | ATK: 11 | SPD: 27 |
| MP: 40 | DEF: 57 | HIT: 113 |
| XP: 93 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 87 | MDEF: 132 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bio, pearl
IMMUNE: Nothing
AUTO: interceptor
SPECIAL "Smoke": slow
RAGE: Battle, Smoke
CONTROL: Battle, Smoke, Smoke, Smoke
STEAL: Tonic, Tonic
DROPS: Echo Screen
MORPH (12%): Assassin, Blizzard Orb, Chocobo Suit, Flail
LOCATION: World of Balance A-5 NE, World of Balance A-6 NE
The different palette really works for the Phantom Forest.
This is Love Token in action, the one I explained in a previous update. That poor bird is now forever cursed to take physical attacks that are aimed at Taiga until one or the other die.
This is Mind Blast + Quasar. Get used to that animation if you watch the boss fight videos. The skill is a staple for a while.
This place is seriously pretty. I'm amazed they only reuse it for some of Shadow's dreams and in the ending.
Next time, we enter a spooky train.