Part 8: Herbalife 3
Ah, the smell of a shitty backwoods country town surrounded by all the bastards of the world that want to kill me. I feel right at home. PS, the Veldt music is just the Mt. Koltz/Mt. Zozo theme.
Nothing that blows me away in the shops. Those Beads and White Cape would be nice but I can't afford them.
We're here to support Are Troops.
...after I check this clock.
Funnily, this is what you normally get from doing the soldier's thing. Entirely vanilla.
This is a cool time saver that was implemented into the hack. Instead of going back and forth 5 times, you can just tell this guy to do it all at once. What does our good deed get us?
Same thing the vanilla clock would have! This and the Tintinabar amused me to no end.
Gau is already feeling the PTSD from those "Can't Run, Back Attack, Blizzard" assholes.
(He gave me a Tonic)
Final Fantasy III: The Forbidden Land Eureka - I can't emphasize enough how much effort emberling on the Discord puts into these randomized songs. She recreates them from the source material to fit the format that FF6 uses, which is very limited. Every song that isn't originally from an SNES game has been completely remade for the randomizer.
Into the river we go, sharing one diving helmet between us. Don't worry about the details.
Hosel (Level 8)
| HP: 465 | ATK: 66 | SPD: 44 |
| MP: 164 | DEF: 114 | HIT: 104 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 9 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 365 | MDEF: 144 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: earth, water; WEAK: pearl
IMMUNE: float, imp, poison, reflect, shell, sleep, stop
AUTO: haste, slow
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "Peep Frost": near death
RAGE: Battle, Peep Frost
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, Peep Frost
STEAL: Bolt Edge, Revivify
DROPS: Inviz Edge
MORPH (75%): Bolt Edge, Full Moon, Peace Ring, X-Potion
LOCATION: Event Battle
Inhei (Level 14)
| HP: 384 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 33 |
| MP: 32 | DEF: 96 | HIT: 109 |
| XP: 162 | MPOW: 11 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 221 | MDEF: 163 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bio, water
AUTO: blind
OTHER: undead
SPECIAL "StoredSnow": confuse
SKILLS: Giga Volt
RAGE: Giga Volt, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, Giga Volt, Stop, StoredSnow
STEAL: Antidote
DROPS: Cotton Robe, Echo Screen
MORPH (75%): Amulet, Enhancer, Magical Brsh, Tack Star
LOCATION: Event Battle
Vesaw (Level 13)
| HP: 292 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 26 |
| MP: 0 | DEF: 42 | HIT: 111 |
| XP: 119 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 143 | MDEF: 149 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: earth; WEAK: fire, ice
IMMUNE: reflect, seizure, sleep, slow, stop, vanish
AUTO: blind, near death, shell
OTHER: ambusher
SPECIAL "Ray Sour": attack x3
RAGE: Mega Volt, Ray Sour
CONTROL: Battle, Ray Sour, Ray Sour, Ray Sour
DROPS: Inviz Edge, Cotton Robe
MORPH (50%): Crystal Helm, Dark Hood, Gauntlet, Red Jacket
LOCATION: Event Battle
This is pretty nice so early. Little bit of extra attack and vigor over vanilla, and the ability to attack a fire weakness if needed.
The other cave gives us the polar opposite (
Don't worry Taiga, I've been there too. You'll bounce back.
Not much going on in the regular shops.
However the Relic Shop is half priced! I pick up a White Cape that turns out to be pretty good! Everything but the Auto Shell is vanilla but those immunities and 33% less damage from Magic is wonderful.
We're leaving before they find the pile of vomit Taiga left on the docks.
Let's see what our sorry soaking wet raft riders are up to.
Hi are you interested in buying some knives? They're the highest of quality.
The only good way to deal with door-to-door MLM scammers.
You can't get into the Beginner's Hall in the World of Balance. There's a reason; it'll be a long while before we can get in there and show it off.
I love the Vanish status effect.
Neogen Sed (Level 12)
| HP: 161 | ATK: 12 | SPD: 30 |
| MP: 23 | DEF: 96 | HIT: 114 |
| XP: 113 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 135 | MDEF: 155 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: pearl
IMMUNE: berserk, near death
SPECIAL "Rapid Mega": berserk
RAGE: Battle, Rapid Mega
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Rapid Mega, Rapid Mega
STEAL: Eyedrop
DROPS: Shuriken
MORPH (99%): Sniper Sight, Stout Spear, Tack Star, White Cape
LOCATION: South Figaro Cave (WoB), Narshe (WoB)
Lynce (Level 11)
| HP: 208 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 34 |
| MP: 29 | DEF: 57 | HIT: 102 |
| XP: 149 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 126 | MDEF: 146 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: pearl
IMMUNE: mute, vanish
AUTO: stop
OTHER: humanoid, undead
SPECIAL "Plot Sweet": damage + near death
RAGE: Battle, Plot Sweet
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, Plot Sweet
STEAL: Tonic, Leather Hat
DROPS: Echo Screen
MORPH (3%): Beads, Fixed Dice, Hyper Wrist, Sneak Ring
LOCATION: Narshe (WoB), South Figaro Cave (WoB)
Tiena (Level 12)
| HP: 500 | ATK: 11 | SPD: 37 |
| MP: 11 | DEF: 105 | HIT: 117 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 83 | MDEF: 157 | MBLK: 0 |
IMMUNE: berserk, blind, imp, mute, petrify, poison, sleep, zombie
AUTO: seizure
SPECIAL "Card Rise": blind
RAGE: Battle, Card Rise
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Card Rise, Card Rise
STEAL: LeatherArmor, Tonic
DROPS: Hair Band
MORPH (50%): BehemothSuit, Blizzard, Chain Saw, Marvel Shoes
LOCATION: Monster-in-a-Box
Arvis, we're home!
Alright you know the rules in this house, everyone strip down.
Bit of a short update. The next one will also be kinda short. I want the Kefka at Narshe fight to be the end of an update but it would definitely be too short with just that section. Next time will be Celes/Locke and we'll fight a clown!