Part 14: It Is Terrafying
Previously, we took a boat to this...island? continent? Whatever it's called. There are only two locations here and we'll be going to both of them!
God dammit.
Eddito (Level 18)
| HP: 270 | ATK: 11 | SPD: 29 |
| MP: 107 | DEF: 21 | HIT: 117 |
| XP: 174 | MPOW: 1 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 278 | MDEF: 153 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bolt, earth; WEAK: water
IMMUNE: blind, imp, mute, sleep
AUTO: float
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "LashCharge": mute
SKILLS: Acid Rain, Missile, Tek Laser, TekBarrier
RAGE: Acid Rain, Battle
CONTROL: Acid Rain, Battle, Missile, Tek Laser
STEAL: Shuriken
DROPS: Fire Skean
MORPH (25%): Head Band, Kodachi, Power Sash, Regal Crown
LOCATION: World of Ruin H-3 SW, World of Balance B-8 NE
Saber wows them with their sick dance moves.
Opaci (Level 22)
| HP: 623 | ATK: 11 | SPD: 30 |
| MP: 101 | DEF: 21 | HIT: 128 |
| XP: 422 | MPOW: 13 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 305 | MDEF: 142 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: ice, water
IMMUNE: poison
AUTO: seizure
OTHER: undead
SPECIAL "BlazeCrush": confuse
SKILLS: Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
RAGE: Fire 3, Battle
CONTROL: BlazeCrush, Cyclonic, Fire 2, Fire 3
STEAL: Tintinabar
MORPH (3%): Cherub Down, Gaia Gear, Thief Glove, Trident
LOCATION: World of Ruin C-5 NE, World of Ruin D-5 NE
Final Fantasy IX: Black Mage Village - This is Thamasa's theme as well as Strago's. It's super fitting! (Strago's regular theme for comparison)
This is a town made up of Baby Boomers. They prospered for years with the magic handed to them and now they keep it all to themselves and get mad at anyone else that calls them out.
They don't even have decent items to buy so instead I dig through the trash and find: Tonic, Kung Fu Suit, Echo Screen, Antidote. Just throwing out good medicine because one of their MageBook friends shared a picture of someone else's child that died while drinking an Echo Screen.
Wait a minute, you don't look very old at all! YOU have a granddaughter?
Chrono Trigger: Corridors of Time - Chrono Trigger is the perfect game.
Silver hair is all the rage nowadays.
Stupid potato doesn't even know to lay on the pillow.
Rem is very very slow but when they do act it's gonna hurt. They're not a natural mage so hopefully they have a decent selection of espers to equip.
![](16-image705.jpg) least Ifrit gives Magic Power.
Man, fuck this house.
This is the weirdest fetish I've seen in game.
FlameEater (Level 26)
| HP: 10397 | ATK: 16 | SPD: 46 |
| MP: 704 | DEF: 120 | HIT: 159 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 8 | EVD: 21 |
| GP: 0 | MDEF: 166 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, bolt, bio, pearl, earth; WEAK: ice
AUTO: float
OTHER: can't escape, dies at MP zero
SPECIAL "BelchFluid": damage + petrify (unblockable)
SKILLS: Bomblet, Fire 2, Fire Ball, Ice 2, Ice 3, Mute, Quartr, Regen, Rflect
STEAL: Circlet
LOCATION: World of Ruin E-4 SW, World of Ruin F-4 SW
It always starts with this, to summon some friends.
Some double Quasar takes care of the littler ones.
This boss isn't too terrible to face. Just a decent amount of HP. It never even used Ice 3 or its unblockable Petrify.
That's one way to bake a potato.
Uncoct (Level 22)
| HP: 955 | ATK: 23 | SPD: 36 |
| MP: 134 | DEF: 119 | HIT: 118 |
| XP: 394 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 465 | MDEF: 132 | MBLK: 0 |
IMMUNE: berserk, confuse, death, imp, mute, seizure
AUTO: reflect, shell
OTHER: humanoid
SPECIAL "DesireHare": imp
RAGE: Raid, DesireHare
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, DesireHare, Raid
STEAL: ThunderBlade
DROPS: Soft, Cotton Robe
LOCATION: Esper Mountain
Elme (Level 25)
| HP: 1720 | ATK: 24 | SPD: 42 |
| MP: 212 | DEF: 169 | HIT: 118 |
| XP: 424 | MPOW: 5 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 358 | MDEF: 145 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: ice, bolt, water
IMMUNE: condemned, confuse, death, near death, petrify
AUTO: protect
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "Crunch": zombie
SKILLS: Virite
RAGE: Virite, Crunch
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Crunch, Virite
STEAL: Eyedrop
DROPS: Echo Screen, Tonic
LOCATION: Sealed Gate, Esper Mountain
I never go through this dungeon without breezing past Relm/Touko like they aren't even there. It's the small things in life.
This motherfucker.
Ultros (Level 25)
| HP: 26500 | ATK: 23 | SPD: 41 |
| MP: 972 | DEF: 108 | HIT: 109 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 7 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 1 | MDEF: 173 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: water; WEAK: fire, bolt
VULNERABLE: haste, reflect, regen, slow
AUTO: casting, haste
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "Venom Role": damage + blind
SKILLS: Aqua Rake, Atomic Ray, Bolt 3, Entwine, Haste, Ice 3, Magnitude8, Safe, Tentacle
LORE: Aqua Rake
STEAL: Hawk Eye
Saber gets to boogying, using my best available healing.
Wooooo, Rem bringing the (non-elemental) thunder with that 44 Magic Power.
Ultros was pretty complacent this whole fight; makes chewing through that 25k HP much easier.
A supposed small child drops out of nowhere, WuFei breaks the 4th wall and Saber resorts to punching Ultros. I..don't think combat works that way, Saber.
Since I don't have Sketch, I still have to kill Ultros like normal. Unfortunately Touko is near worthless here. They have a few spells available as they are a natural mage but nothing super helpful. Tapir does stuff:
Recovers from Blind, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Doom, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, and Stop. Targets afflicted with Sleep will have their HP and MP fully restored, even if the target is undead.
Whirlwind is still near useless.
As I was saying, Touko is pretty worthless this fi- oh.
God damned miser!
"I did it!" Touko says, hoping the party ignores her middling stats.
The only good things here are +1 Speed and +1 Magic Power.
Touko's knees have to hurt casting like that all the time.
Sometimes, Whirlwind is OK I guess.
Onega (Level 14)
| HP: 1520 | ATK: 53 | SPD: 47 |
| MP: 191 | DEF: 134 | HIT: 113 |
| XP: 374 | MPOW: 11 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 1105 | MDEF: 160 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, wind, pearl; WEAK: bolt
IMMUNE: confuse, imp, zombie
SPECIAL "Grav Kitty": attack x3
SKILLS: Imp Song
RAGE: Imp Song, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, Grav Kitty, Grav Kitty, Imp Song
STEAL: Relic Ring, Tincture
MORPH (25%): FakeMustache, Gold Lance, Mithril Vest, X-Potion
LOCATION: Monster-in-a-Box
You're the worst. The other chest here had a Soul Sabre.
I love skipping cutscenes.
Leo don't give a fuck about your attacks, Kefka.
Just imagine this FIVE MORE TIMES in a row.
Then 3-4 more regular Chainsaws.
Terrifying. Terrafying?
This is your fault, Rem.